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Re: Kerberos on .debian.org?

On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 06:05:55PM +1100, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@debian.org> writes:
>     Jason> Kerberos requires a secure central KDC machine w/ the
>     Jason> possibility for secure replicas. If connectivity between a
>     Jason> host and the KDC is broken then the host is effectively
> Just to clarify: ...if connectivity between a users host and the KDC
> is broken...
>     Jason> dead in the water which is totally unacceptable for
> You seem to be implying that when the KDC goes down, future
> connections to servers are impossible. WRONG. It means that users will
> not be able to obtain new tickets, but users who already have tickets
> for the required service will continue to be able to make new
> connections to the remote machines like before.
> The remote server never has any need to directly contact the KDC.

Which makes fairly little difference.  I doubt most developers would
keep kerberos tickets at all times.

>     Jason> us. Further, the fact that a KDC must be very secure to
>     Jason> protect the keys does not make it a good solution when we
>     Jason> don't have physical control over our boxes.
> This sounds like a good argument to me. However, the LDAP database is
> just as vulnerable... Isn't it?

No.  We use LDAP as a backend, export to berkeley DB, and replicate out
using rsync.

Daniel Jacobowitz                           Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Monta Vista Software                              Debian Security Team
                         "I am croutons!"

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