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Re: Tax software (was Re: my answers to questions)

On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 10:30:20AM +0000, Jules Bean wrote:
> In the UK, I /think/ that the ordance survey maps are indeed crown
> copyright, and hence freely distributable, but that might be wrong.
>From the Ordnance Survey web site http://www.ordsvy.gov.uk/
	"All such data is protected by Crown Copyright under
	 the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Ordnance
	 Survey products contain fingerprinting and coding
	 protection techniques. Unauthorised reproduction
	 infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
	 prosecution and/or civil proceedings."
You have been warned!

They are offering ``free'' maps but be warned - your use of
them is limited.  Some years ago (in a previous company) we
were doing some work for the UK government which included
OS maps.  At a show someone from the OS spotted one of their
maps on our system and we got the bill!  Having the maps at
a show fell outside the license we had for getting hold of
the digital data from the OS.

     _       _     _
  __| | ___ | |__ | |__   ___
 / _  |/ _ \|  _ \|  _ \ / _ \   steve@dobson.org
| (_| | (_) | |_) | (_) | (_) |  dobbo@debian.org
 \____|\___/|____/ \___/ \___/   steve.dobson@krasnegar.demon.co.uk

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