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Re: portability as a goal for debian?

On 6 Mar 2001, Sam Hartman wrote:

> >>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk <bunk@fs.tum.de> writes:
>     Adrian> On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
>     >> While working on the OpenBSD port of debian I notice several
>     >> spots in the debian package infrastructure which are not
>     >> portable accross unices. These are mostly gnuisms of make, but
>     >> also in the gnu file utilitys. Other problems arise when in the
>     >> packages ...
>     Adrian> Please don't try to let the OpenBSD port of Debian work
>     Adrian> without the GNU tools. The GNU tools are portable and I
>     Adrian> don't expect many problems getting them running on
>     Adrian> OpenBSD. And is there a good reason not to use e.g.  GNU
>     Adrian> make?
> I don't think the build-depends are such an interesting issue.  GNU
> Make is fairly reasonable to substitute.
> It's annoying though to see people save a few keystrokes on calls to
> find and tar so they can avoid specifying -print or use -j or -z.  I
> certainly think that people should be encouraged to submit patches
> that decrease dependence on GNU tools where there is not a good reason for that dependence.
> I also think that if we run into maintainers who do not accept these
> patches or disagreements about where such dependence is appropriate,
> discussing changes to policy would be a reasonable solution.

GNU make is build essential. That means I can use it when building a
package without declaring a build dependency.

GNU tar is essential. That means you can assume that it is installed on
every Debian system.

Do you really want to change this?



Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

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