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I'm a new (read: prospective maintainer) and I've been looking around and I noticed that, thanks to the non-US
section of Debian, we could easily put things based on CSS in Debian, provided they're out of the country.

"The California Supreme Court delivered a severe blow to the movie
industry's attempt to ban DeCSS software and control speech on the Net. 
On December 13, 2000 it granted Matthew Pavlovich's petition for review
based on lack of personal jurisdiction over him.  The high court sent
the matter back to the trial judge to show why the non-California
resident should remain in the case.  The Supreme Court's unanimous
decision signals its disapproval of the lower court's attempt to
exercise personal jurisdiction over the Indiana college student who
published DeCSS on a Web site hosting various Linux-based open-source projects."
(From eff.org)

This means that laws against DeCSS don't even apply in Indiana, not to mention
out of the country. There are a number of things I would gladly package,
provided the debian legal people wouldn't mind:

OMS - Complete DVD solution, not 100% ready for production, but soon
xine-css-dvd - Working NOW DVD for Linux, plugin is hosted out of the country, but it actually works.

I'm sure there are more options, and I'd like to propose we at least look into them.


"PUNK IS: a belief that this world is what we make of it, truth comes from ouri
understanding of the way things are, not from the blind adherence to 
prescriptions about the way things should be.  " - Greg Graffin

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