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Re: cleaning up our task packages

[Jaldhar H. Vyas - Thu,  7 Dec 2000 06:18:05 PM CST]
> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, An Thi-Nguyen Le wrote:
> > That's the greatly feared *wu*-imapd, distant relation to wu-ftpd.
> Um, no.  This is the University of Washington (State) imapd as opposed to
> the Washington University (St. Louis) ftpd.  They have absolutely nothing
> in common.[1]

Sorry about that.  I heard about 'wu-imapd' (it was probably uw-impad,
or some kind of lame joke, or maybe even something else entirely) on
the Linux security audit list, some time ago.

> [1]  the first person to say "...apart from being notoriously bug-ridden"
> will be severely chastized.


An Thi-Nguyen Le
|	A domineering man married a mere wisp of a girl.  He came back from
|his honeymoon a chastened man.  He'd become aware of the will of the wisp.

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