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Re: long term goals of debian membership

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 10:06:34PM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > Debian is NOT making the most out the open source/free software
> > > developers fan base by a long way.
> I'll reply to this by simply saying - the NM queue is fucking annoying. I'm
> in it right now. Sure, making it easier would suck arse, but making it
> _SHORTER_ would be a Good Thing(tm). Long != Hard. Long == Annoying (and you
> end up losing some of the good ones).
> (Speaking as a disgruntled member of the queue who _still_ hasn't been
> assigned an AM after >average days).

Hey, I applied over 18 months ago and still haven't officially heard
anything since receiving an auto-reply from new-maintainer saying I
would soon be contacted.

Actually, I don't really care anymore (or I would have re-applied when
the new system got going), but things don't look a lot better these
days.  I have stayed with Debian because it is the best distribution,
although I'm starting to think that it has become a lousy
organizational model. I long ago found someone who was willing to take
over the software I was planning to package and I certainly don't need
a debian.org alias (I have more aliases than I can use as it is).

I'm getting to be too old for all this ego stuff (I punched my first
IBM cards in 1957) and figure I can still contribute by helping answer
questions on debian-user (along with many others), which hopefully
frees up more time for developers to insult each other on debian-devel.


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