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Re: kernel with supermount

On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 03:58:33PM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> I expect this to appear in upstream kernels fairly soon.  The less work Debian
> has to do to test kernels the better.  By using a fairly stock kernel, we are
> not as prone to weird Debian only bugs.  Also, users tend to grab kernels from
> the upstream just as often as they use the one shipped by Debian.  If
> functionality suddenly disappears when the user thought they were upgrading, it
> would be bad.

Yes, this is true, and I usually believe this myself as well :)  The
only reason rawio came to mind is that it has been available for quite
some time now.  I usually get very frustrated when dealing with redhat
kernels for two reasons:

1. too many patches...

2. they remove the arch specific code (except for what platform it's
on) and the *headers* from the kernel source tree.  Installing the
kernel-source package puts a bunch of source files in
/usr/src/linux-ver, but is missing the 'include' subdirectory.  I
suppose it works in with their silly symlinks from
/usr/include/{asm,linux,...} to /usr/src/linux/include/{...}

oh well :)

it's good to hear rawio may make it in soon, however.

Josh Huber                                   | huber@debian.org |
                                             | Debian Developer |
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