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Re: HPT366 install disks: do we have them?

I was going to stop after the last email, but I found something

If you use the (potato) udma66 floppy images, do a system install, and then
choose "make a boot floppy"...

that floppy WILL NOT WORK, to boot off an hpt/udma66 drive.

You have to change the syslinux.cfg to add the appropriate
APPEND ide2=0x####,0x####

( then it presumably wont be using the proper HPT updated driver, but at
  least you can get to the hpt drive again)

and since I'm replying publically after all now;

[ Petr Cech writes ]
> IIRC there is such script in every flavour dir
> there is a toplever install.bat, but ther are also
> {compact,idepci,udma66}/install.bat batch files to boot the correct
> kernel/root images

but that is not user-friendly at all. There should be a *single* unified
 .bat file at the top level, that prompts the user, with a brief
explaination as to why there is a choice.

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