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Re: list ettiquette (was Re: [RFC] Measuring skills of a Debian Developer)

Itai Zukerman wrote:

The perfect setup would be this:

  * if the person is on the mailing list:
     * send only to mailing list
  * else send to mailing list, and cc to him (or vica versa)

That might be your perfect setup, but maybe not everyone agrees.

IMO, the best solution is to let each poster decide for themselves.
And you can do that.  Add a

  Mail-Copies-To: never

header to your list mail if you don't want to be CC'ed.  Are there
problems with this solution?  Is (should) it be documented somewhere?

I think this should be documented in a maintainer's guide as a suggestion.
So when people don't want to be cc'ed they just perform this. I didn't know
this so I'll probably be using this from now now.

(I'm using mozilla now, I said reply-all.. Can you please check the headers?)



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