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Re: RFC: fix for daemon start (2)

On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 10:01:11AM -0300, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
> Sample code:
> ------------
>   Attached to this rfc, you'll find a reference (functional and somewhat
>   tested, as well as written for easy-of-reading) shell script
>   implementation of /usr/sbin/initscriptquery for sysvinit.  If someone else
>   would like to rewrite it better, or in perl, or whatever... go ahead :-)
>   Also attached to this rfc, you'll find a sample fragment of a postinst
>   script which uses initscriptquery to run a daemon. It's a bit big because
>   of the comments, but it's quite simple and very easy to read and
>   understand.  Again, if anyone cares to write a better example, you're
>   welcome.

I would like to have an addition to the "initscriptquery" which
is something i have been waiting for long. I am interested in this
because i am doing automated installations into a chroot environment.
In this case i am possibly running in the right runlevel but i still
dont want to have Daemons to be startet. So i would like to have a possibility
to override the initscriptquery decision or more or less set an env var
saying DPKG_NOSTARTDAEMONS=1 or something like this.

Florian Lohoff		flo@rfc822.org		      	+49-5201-669912
      "Write only memory - Oops. Time for my medication again ..."

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