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Re: Ghostscript Bug!? Please help!

On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 08:03:07AM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> That is probably the reason why I cannot print from netscape anymore. I
> haven't looked into it but I definitely have that netscape problem even if I
> print from netscape to a file and then try to print the file using gs.

Okay, so you are another one who has the problem.

> > Since I am unable to reproduce this problem I ask for your help. Could you 
> > please check if the attached eps file is interpreted correctly on your 
> Unfortunately there was no eps file on this mail.

Right, see my other mail. I tend to forget the attachments when sending
the mail :(

> > system? It writes a simple string in each of the installed fonts. If it
> > fails this might be because you don't have installed the gsfonts-other 
> I don't have it. Do I need it? If so why isn't there a dependency asking for
> it? Or is it just because the /etc/gs.Fontmap file still lists the fonts? Or
> because netscape uses only fonts from this package?

gs.Fontmap lists all the fonts. Also those from gsfonts-other. If they are 
not there Ghostscript falls back to Courier. I would like to generate the
fontmap automatically but that is too big a change for frozen. Just took
over the packages a few months ago.

> > Maybe we can track the bug that way. Perhaps it is just a weird local
> > problem occuring on some systems. Anyway - it should not fail so
> > miserably.
> Could it also be related to the version of gs? I use gs-aladdin 5.50-6.

Could be, but I don't expect that. Perhaps a problem with the Kanji support.
My biggest problem is that it works fine here. 



Torsten Landschoff           Bluehorn@IRC               <torsten@debian.org>
           Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Committee Member

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