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Re: new majordomo packages, please test

On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 02:34:17PM +0100, Remco van de Meent wrote:
> Branden Robinson wrote:
> > > You may or may not know about the licensing problems with majordomo. In
> > > short, they prevent us from shipping fixes (even security stuff).
> > 
> > If they're going to be pricks like that, then I must suggest that we drop
> > the package entirely.
> It would've been dropped if they hadn't released a kinda fixed version. But
> I think that there are quite a number of people out there that are using the
> majordomo package, that's why I'm still maintaining it. And that's the only
> reason.

Yeah, but if they don't let us fix security bugs...

> > We can argue pros and cons of various licenses all day, but if somebody
> > isn't going to let us fix security problems that can affect our users, I
> > think we should tell them to fuck off.
> It's not them asking us if we want to distribute it, it's us who want that.

(I was speaking colloquially, hence the foul language. :) ) Well, maybe we
made a mistake when we packaged it.

It sounds like continued support of majordomo is a violation of our Social

Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software

1) our users are not well served by a mandate from software others that
   security fixes cannot be applied
2) this obviously isn't free software

It sounds to me like our users would be far better served by mailing list
software that *at least* permits us to fix bugs in it.

> Or at least wanted to distribute it in the past. I don't think they really
> care anyway, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen this kind of licensing.

Well, fine.  If they don't give a damn about us, then why should we about

> Maybe a move to one of the more free list managers should be made indeed
> (like writing a majordomo interface for listar or mailman or something like
> that).

In the meantime I think we should drop majordomo before the release, and
maybe put out a press release explaining why.

G. Branden Robinson            |     It doesn't matter what you are doing,
Debian GNU/Linux               |     emacs is always overkill.
branden@ecn.purdue.edu         |     -- Stephen J. Carpenter
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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