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Re: symlinks still in frozen archives

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> Are we truely and honestly in a frozen state yet?

I think so, the symlink frozen -> potato speaks for itself, and packages
uploaded for unstable are installed in woody.

> The reason I ask, is that there are still many symlinks in the potato
> archives pointing back to slink. It was my understanding that part of the
> freeze involves collapsing these symlinks.

This is what we have usually done in the past, but it seems it is not
absolutely needed that we collapse the symlinks *at* freeze time (I
remember this issue being raised when slink was frozen).

> With them still in place, you
> need two complete archives for Intel, and three for the other archs,
> before you can actually do an install from the archives.

And also, you save a little bit of space if you still want to mirror
everything :-)

> So, are these symlinks going to remain, or is there a plan to remove them.

I suppose they will be removed some days before the release, but of
course I can't speak for the ftp.debian.org maintainers.


 "d24643a1d3a65e54b455ede5c173c2a1" (a truly random sig)

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