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RE: How to customize vendor-logo and vendor-emblem in derivative distro's

CC to maintainers,
Yves-Alexis Perez corsac@debian.org,

Aurélien COUDERC coucouf@debian.org,

Jonathan Carter jcc@debian.org


Thank you.



From: K R, Anantha (DI CTO FDS CES LX PBU)
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 6:23 PM
To: debian-desktop@lists.debian.org
Subject: How to customize vendor-logo and vendor-emblem in derivative distro's


Dear Maintainer,


Source: desktop-base


I’m customizing wallpapers and logos on derivative distro based on Debian. How to make use of vendor-logo and emblem-vendor as

Reffred here in read.me https://salsa.debian.org/debian-desktop-team/desktop-base/-/blob/master/debian/README.Debian#L58


I’m trying to understand where to place the vendor logos and emblems in the desktop-base source so that after building the package and installing it on

the target system it get reflected instead of default Debian themes. Please elaborate the steps to do in source before building it.





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