Re: Desktop and debian for dummies and the vert elderly
Le 22/08/2020 à 18:49, guillaume philippe a écrit :
Hello debian developpers
I wanted to present to you 3 interesting French-speaking projects that
are looking for dummies in computer science.
The first: ordissimo. <>
It is a commercial enterprise that sells computers with a debian bone
suitable for people in great difficulty with a computer. They created a
bone derived from debian with a super simplified interface. (E17 desktop
environnement) It might be interesting to fork this bone and offer it in
open source and for free.
As you mention a business project, let me introduce the Hypra project:
half users are more than 75 years, more than 1000 persons learnt using a
computer and the INternet on this system. This system is simply a usable
Debian out of the box on a pre-tested computer. The Hypra repos enable:
- to apply patches before Debian when useful
- choosing different software releases when updates introduce regression
of accessibility
- apply settings making more friendly the interface but not acceptable
upstream or in Debian by the traditional community
The desktop is MATE, making Debian accessible for anyone, even disable
eldery persons, eg. visual disable ones.
Second project: emmabüntus.
This os allows Emmaus communities and other integration companies to
recondition old computers. He also works with associations that offer
recovery computers in Togo.
Third project: easy debian
<> It is a website
and it develops a simplified iso based on debian. In other simplified
and handymenu documentation of the old handylinux distribution. If you
find these projects interesting, I invite you to contribute if you have
free time. Cordially. Guillaume
Unfortunately, such projects need just manpower, free or paid. The
non-Web GUI skills are so rare, finding volunteers about it is nearly
impossible for this specific target. All the more if not paid. Beyond
the mainstream development, such persons need a universal-design
approach, a global approach in the design, that is far from the master
culture in the free software communities. If we do, yes, Debian can be
used out of servers, on desktop, including disable and/or old persons.
Needs mainly affect upstream, the Debian accessibility team makes a high
work from the existing things.
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