Re: Override default SDDM for Stretch release
Le samedi 19 novembre 2016, 12:47:59 CET Alf Gaida a écrit :
> Am 18.11.2016 um 14:01 schrieb Maximiliano Curia:
> > ¡Hola Aurélien!
> >
> > I'm Ccing Alf Gaida and Matthias Klumpp as both are interested in sddm
> > and I would like to know their points of view about this.
> >
> > El 2016-11-18 a las 00:08 +0100, Aurélien COUDERC escribió:
> >> I’m working on implementing the Soft Waves theme selected for
> >> Stretch. The wallpaper setting for new user is done and I also have
> >> an SDDM theme ready, shipped in desktop-base 9.0.0~exp1. This SDDM
> >> theme is simply a copy of Breeze’s Main.qml overriding the wallpaper,
> >> and it uses the Breeze SDDM themes components as is (see attached
> >> screenshot).
> >
> > Nice.
Hi Alf and all.
> IMHO a default theme for debian should be based on maui - or better
> elarun - we have done this for siduction - nothing against the breeze
> theme, but it has to much dependencies on KF5/KDE - and this is exactly
> the opposite of what SDDM means "Simple Desktop Display Manager".
OK, but I would find it too bad if we don’t default to a breeze-like theme for people using Plasma 5. They’ll have the KF5/KDE dependencies installed already and the breeze theme is more full-featured and consistent with the rest of the Plasma’s design.
Besides by the look of it it seems to be getting much more attention than the other themes.
It’s trivial to change the background of maui/elarun since they both read the background file name from their theme.conf config file. Just replace the provided background with /usr/share/desktop-base/active-theme/login/background.svg.
What I can’t really make out is how to organize packages and dependencies to make it work if we want a Debian-themed breeze for Plasma 5 and Debian-themed something else for the other setups.
Could sddm source package build packages like sddm-theme-debian-{maui,elarun} with the updated theme.conf and these would depend on desktop-base for the actual background image/svg ?
Then could the sddm package come with the sddm.conf pointing to a theme handled with alternatives, and the sddm-theme-* packages create the alternatives ?
And then the DE could depend on their preferred sddm-theme-(debian)-* ?
Also I realize my current debian-breeze work has to go out of desktop-base since it runtime depends on kf5/plasma components and desktop-base cannot depend on these for obvious reasons. :-)
Could it be patched into plasma-workspace and be shipped as a sddm-theme-debian-breeze with a depends: sddm-theme-breeze, desktop-base ?
> Another thing about breeze or maui - i really don't like the idea of
> displaying all users with name and (if set) picture per default. One
> could call me old fashioned, but i prefer the old way of login: type
> your name and password to login - if a user change it later it's ok, but
> displaying all users on the system should not be default.
For that I’ll strongly disagree (and maybe call you old fashioned ;-).
As much as I can understand/share your preference and even think it’s going to be the choice for enterprise/organization deployments, I would say it’s not a good default.
Many recent systems and DM show the users list by default (Gnome/GDM and Ubuntu/lightdm come to my mind), and I feel it’s a safe bet of what users can expect for a default setup.
Users not wanting to see the list of users at login will certainly know where to look to change the login theme.
> Regarding the theme setting: Let the theme provide a valid minimal
> sddm.conf and recommend sddm should do the trick.
Not so easy, see above.
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