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Re: thinking together artwork to 'Wheezy'

I actually like the palette, it's fresh and cool, easy on eyes, it kinda feels like "something new". I would suggest wallpaper to be more minimal, less obtrusive and heavy though.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 5:19 PM, ValessioBrito <valessio@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I wonder what you think of it as the next visual conception of Debian.

I'm thinking of using cool colors, a palette of "ice colors".

I found something close to it as the background[1]. (This was not what I did)

I want to create something in this line, keeping the path of the blue,
but now with Gray and clearer.

Any feedback or contributions are welcome;

If you know how to use graphics applications, do not hesitate to cooperate.

[1] http://www.scenicreflections.com/files/Ice_Debian_Wallpaper_e50j7.jpg

> Profissional de inovação
@valessiobrito / +55 (71) VALESSIO

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