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Volunteer to do automatic testing upgrades from Squeeze to Wheezy?

A while back, I did automatic upgrade testing from Lenny to Squeeze,
to detect if the upgrades would fail completely, and to see if a
sensible set of packages were left installed after the upgrade.  The
script I use for this is available from
<URL: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/debian-upgrade-testing/upgrade-test >,
and only require root access, lots of diskspace, lots of time and
an Internet connection.

Due to real life constraints, I am unlikely to find time to do this
testing for the Squeeze->Wheezy cycle, and wonder if anyone would be
willing to take up the task.  I believe it is important to start doing
this early and a long time before the freeze, to ensure the problems
discovered are fixed early.  It would ensure our users would get a
smooth upgrade when the time comes. :)

At the moment there are code there to test KDE and Gnome with both
apt-get and aptitude, and compare the result using apt-get and
aptitude.  It would also be useful to compare with a clean Wheezy
installation to check that the upgraded desktop give the same result
as a clean install.  I never found time to implement the latter, but
it should be just a small matter of programming and a few hours of
testing. :)

If anyone is willing to take on this testing, I am happy to assist via
email and IRC.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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