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Re: congratulations to all Debian contributors

Seg, 2007-04-16 às 15:25 +1000, Andrew Donnellan escreveu:
> On 4/16/07, Luis Matos <a26652@alunos.mec.ua.pt> wrote:
> > just a point ...
> >
> > from the reviews i read i found that all of them had the same
> > supposition: debian is only the main repository.
> That's because Debian *is* only the main repository. contrib and
> non-free are part of the Debian *project* (so they use project
> infrastructure and mirrors and so on), but not part of the official
> Debian distribution.

My point is: people intent to use non-free software. So why don't they
use the one that debian (project) makes available?.

So ok, debian is main.
> -- 
> Andrew Donnellan
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