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desktop task: package list

hello there

talking about the gnome desktop task ( don't know about other
environments) and the packages that should go along.

i want to propose a minimal (or "normal") desktop task and a full
functional desktop task.

by this i mean that a full desktop task should cover every area of
desktop usage such as:

 - desktop accessories:
   . desktop search (beagle)
    .. beagle-backend-evolution
   . chm visualiser ( xchm or gnochm)
 - development ( i think development tools are not needed)
 - system tools
  . gconf-editor
  . gnome-keyring-manager
 - graphics
  . gtkam ( today everyone has a digital foto machine)
  . gthumb
  . camorama (we cam enable)
  . gimp 
   .. gtkam-gimp
   .. gimp-svg
   .. gimp-print
   .. gimp-help-en
  . xsane
   .. libsane-extras
   .. sane-utils
 - internet
  . tsclient
   .. rdesktop
   .. vnc-viewer
  . vino
  . liferea
  . epiphany-browser
   .. epiphany-extensions
  . gaim
   .. gaim-backend-evolution
  . evolution
   .. evolution-exchange
   .. evolution-plugins
   .. evolution-webcal
   .. contact-lookup-applet
  . xchat
  . ekiga
 - productivity
  . openoffice.org with gnome integration ( the few integration)
   .. openoffice.org-evolution
  . glabels ( for cd covers, labels, and others)
  . contacts ( address book that integrates with evolution)
 - sound and video
  . Istanbul session recorder ( it's for fun)
  . totem with all available codecs
 - games
  . frozen buble
  . gnome-sudoku

==== other stuff ===

= nautilus and gnomevfs related
 to support every fs:

 . ssh
 . ftp
 . gnomevfs-extfs
 . libntfs-gnomevfs
 . smbfs ( and smbclient?)
 . nfs (?)
 . davfs2

= version control clients =
 . subversion
 . cvs
 . bzr

= drivers =

 (people will be satisfied if their hardware just work) 

 - printer drivers 
  .  hplip
  . hpoj
  . hpijs
  . ( etc)

= file roller =

 . arj
 . tar
 . bzip2
 . zip (unzip)
 . rar (unrar)
 . lha
 ( some more)?

 = development tools = 
 . some? or none?

 = administration =
 . synaptic
 . gdebi ( to install simple .deb packages)

 = applets =
 . deskbar-applet
 . gnome-blog

 = extra =
 . gnome-media
 . gnome-audio

what do you think of this?

Best Regards,
Luis Matos

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