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Re: Debian Artwork Proposals on wiki

On Thursday 05 October 2006 14:09, Fathi Boudra wrote:
> as previously said, we are short in time. The freeze is october 18.
> Migration to Etch needs 10 days. As we need to upload KDE 3.5.5, we can
> already update the current defaut background. Last time i proposed a call
> for atwork: 

there's absolutely no reason why the default theming needs to be baked into 
the KDE (or other DE) packages themselves, in fact I would consider it much 
prefarable if it was in a seperate package (such as desktop-base) as that:
- would make it something that can be done by different people (the people
  that are good at the technical DE-packaging are most likely not the same
  people that are good at theming work)
- would make it possible for CDD's (or competing default Debian themes) to
  do their stuff without having to mess with the core DE-packages.

This is something that can be done today, all the needed infrastructure is 
there, desktop-base already does this for gnome, and could though this for 
kde and xfce patch for that is given in wishlist bug #348702

(as an aside: that patch was submitted more then half a year ago I have yet 
to see any reaction/acknowledgment at all from the maintainer, idem for the 
other 2 wishlist bugs against that package, is desktop-base actively 
maintained ATM?). 
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)

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