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boot splash made easy

Hello all,

This is just to announce that Splashy has reached a major milestone. Splashy is a user-space boot splash system develop under debian for all POSIX systems (Unix/Linux). As of now Splashy has achieved the following goals:

1. works without patching the kernel
2. works like a simple application that can be ran from the command line
3. small and easily customizable
4. (smooth) progressbar support
5. XML configuration (for themes and for the main app)
6. un-ugglifies the UNIX boot sequence (hint: add "quiet" to your kernel params)
7. written in C and compiled statically against libdirectfb
8. support for PNG as well as JPEG files (millions of colors)
9. switches to GDM/XDM or whatever other DM you use, once the boot is finished
10. LSB compliant init scripts and file locations
11. splashy_config which allows Splashy to be configured easily from the command line (a GUI will follow shortly).

And many more improvements.

You can download debian packages for it from "Experimental" as well as the main project page:


Splashy will be moved to Sid as soon as the initial burning of the 0.1.6 release packages are through.

I want to thank all the people involved in the development of this project. Special thanks goes to Otavio Salvador, for taking time to help us package this for Debian and upload to the official repository. As well as to many others who have reported bugs and follow through extensive testing periods to make Splashy kick ass!

For Splashy 0.1.7 we are working on:

1. animation support (Gif support is already part of libdirectfb)
2. GL support (yes, i want to see a 3D fire breathing Penguin when i boot my laptop) (again, directfb already does GL)
3. Verbose mode when F2 is pressed (so that you can quickly peek to see what error message might be holding the boot progress)

And many other feature request from our BTS at Alioth.

If you want Splashy to incorporate some cool idea, submit it to the BTS as a feature request, or join us at #splashy on irc.freenode.net.

Happy new year to all and enjoy the power of OSS!

Luis M
System Administrator

"We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" -- Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb

No .doc: http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html
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