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Preliminary Yast2 packages available

Sorry I haven't been around much lately but over the past few
days, following Ramons excellent instructions, I've begun the process of
packaging yast2.  If you are running sarge on i386 add
the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://yast4debian.alioth.debian.org/ pool/
deb-src http://yast4debian.alioth.debian.org/ pool/

 ...and then do an apt-get update. Please note these are alpha-quality
packages and are not fully compliant with Debian policy, have insufficient
or wrong dependencies etc. They should only be used by people who are
familiar with Debian development and intend to work on the project not by
the general public.  The current list of lintian errors can be found at
http://yast4debian.alioth.debian.org/lintian-errors.txt.  There are also
more subtle packaging issues such as splitting up library packages into
seperate development and user packages etc, plus the usual spelling errors etc.
So I would appreciate help from people who understand the packaging system
and can work on some of these issues.

I have also updated Q3 of the FAQ to reflect some of this new information.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/

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