xterm font and fontconfig issue
Dear Debian Desktop Folks,
I've been trying to set up the fonts used by the X server in the past few days.
Basically I wanted to use a really good xterm font.
I figured out that basically only the bitmapped fonts look really good in xterms
so I reconfigured fontconfig with `dpkg-reconfigure -plow fontconfig'. I opted
in the use of bitmapped fonts. After that font antialiasing disappeared in
every GTK and Qt applications. It turned out that fontconfig created the file
~/fonts.conf which contained directives that disabled antialiasing.
The problem is that when I reconfigured fontconfig I only set the font rendering
method and enabled the use of bitmapped fonts, but I said nothing about font
antialiasing, yet fontconfig disabled it so it's not the expected behaviour.
After I set the regarding values in ~/fonts.conf antialising was fine again by
the way.
I've got one problem left. When I enable the use of bitmapped fonts, They are
used by various desktop applications where only nonbitmapped fonts would be used
otherwise which weakens the overall desktop experience.
How can I remove every bitmapped fonts except the bitmapped fonts of Konsole?
Every suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Laci <http://mondalaci.objectis.net>
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