Re: Bits from me
Hi Martin,
i'm also very interessed in Debian Desktop, so this are some of my
Il mer, 2004-02-18 alle 23:06, Martin Loschwitz ha scritto:
> Let me explain what in my opinion the problems are of which Debian suffers.
> To make it easier to understand, I will divide it into two different parts.
> For one, of course one problem is that the software we distribute in the
> Debian release which is called 'stable' is quite too old to be useful for
> anyone who needs current desktop software. It would be absolutely, and if
> I say absolutely I mean absolutely, necessary, to fix this situation. If
> there is one instance inside of Debian which has this duty, then it is up
> to us to create something which gives the user more actual software while
> not being completely unstable.
> Problem: Software in "stable" is too old.
On 01/2003 starting from this post on debian-devel mailinglist
there was a big flame about "debian relases" method and about changing
the repositories structure with many porposed idea (also desktop
inclusive). We must try to read this posts before meeting.
> The other point, and this is probably going to be the one which will be
> really hard to fix, is the problem of missing graphical tools for all the
> important configuration tasks users have to do nowadays. It's just plain
> unacceptable that in Debian, the only way to change the IP of a network
> interface is to edit /etc/network/interfaces with an editor you like.
> Another example is the lack of a general tool for updates, or at least
> something that reminds you to update your system. A KDE or GNOME panel
> applet could probably be very helpful.
Daniel Burrows are developing (there is a functional bete on svn) an
RHN-like applet
and called it apt-watch:
Source code is on svn: svn://
> What we need are graphical tools which can be handled intuitively and which
> are easy to use in general. Of course, this also includes the installer. It
> will be up to us to work together with the UserLinux people in order to get
> a graphical front end for the debian-installer.
I agree 100% to make all possible efforts to work together with
UserLinux people for the graphical front end to the debian-installer and
IMHO there is no need of extre repos for the user linux project:
We must absolutly improve Tasksel (improving userlinux use cases and a Gtk frontend
to Tasksel (is need a gtk2 porting for gtasksel??) and select the needed
and best package for desktop use cases, open and monitoring ITP and RFP
on debian BTS about "Desktop" useful package that still lack in debian
unstable repos.
Collaborate with mantainers and Debian Qa about outdate critical
"Desktop" software (for example GDM still freezed in UNSTABLE on a Gnome
2.2 version
Kov is working on the GTK frontend to cdebconf (the new debconf in the
next installer)
> Problem: Lack of proper and easy to handle configuration tools
All this tools are developed in gtk2 by 100% knoppix/debian derived
Tar source and deb package are available at:
More info/Cvs/Screenshots at:
A partitioner like Partition Magic - it supports also NTFS partiton!! -
(it is announced in a precedent message in debian-gtk-gnome
debian-gtk-boot and debian-desktop ml)
A program for setting: XFree video resolution, video card selection,
dual monitor setting, mouse icon setting.
A usb storage utility (for digital cam, usb hdd etc. etc.)
A tool for setting keyboard language.
A tool for set your system language.
A tool for config network .
A tool for config date and time.
A common panel for all this admin tools.
Gnome System tools have code in CVS about:
XFREE managment tool
NEW disk-manager with (format, partition manage and other stuff)
some screenshoots here:
Gnoppix,100% knoppix/debian derived, are also developping his gtk
installation and configuring tools :
> We will have to find effective ways for handling the two problems described
> above. This will also depend on how many people are willing to participate
> in this thing. So, for anybody involved in Debian Desktop, the mottoe has to
> be "Ask people to participate" by now.
Matthews have posted on repos all needed bootslplash
debian packages (with various package themes). He are still waiting for
a sponsor interessed to upload this package in stable or experimental.
Herbert Xu, the debian packages kernel mantainer, don't agree to put
bootsplash kernel patch in the official kernel-patch-debian-2.x.x
package (This package includes the patches used to produce the
kernel-source-2.6.2 package. They should be applied to a pristine
Linux 2.6.2 kernel.) look at this address: .
Kernel pachacke also need to gain more usability in installation/upgrade
for "normal users". See this proposal:
> Some tasks exist which I would like to see in the hands of somebody for a
> long time period. For example, there should be somebody who would like to
> take care of the web page. Additionally, we need translators for that page
> because even i18n will be a consistant part of our work.
> Some of you might have noticed "The Swirl", which was consistant part of
> the topic of the #debian-desktop channel on and may have
> wondered what "The Swirl" is. Well, at this moment, I can tell you that
> the Swirl is a project which aims at getting rid of the first problem
> described above. Nearer details will follow as the preparations go on.
> I saw somebody decided to do a meeting on IRC on Thurs Feb 26 0:00 GMT.
> Do you see any chances for switching to another point in time? I live in
> GMT+1 and 1:00 would be way late, esp. since I have to go to school the
> next day. As I would like to participate in this meeting, I think that
> something like 22:00 GMT+1 would be great.
I'am still very interessed on Debian Desktop but if the meeting still
fixed on 26 Feb i could not partecipate to it. After the thuers meeting
somebody should post a report about ideas/proposal and solutions
discussed on #debian-desktop in the debian-desktop mailing list.
Sorry for my poor english.
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