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Re: Where are we going?

Luis M wrote:

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 19:56, Matthew A. Nicholson wrote:

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 12:32:36 -0500, Luis M <lemsx1@latinomixed.com> wrote:

A date should be set. That way we can be there.
Choose one Matt.

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 10:27, Matthew A. Nicholson wrote:

The debian desktop project seems to be just lurking around not doing
anything directly desktop related. I purpose we have a meeting (like next
month) on our IRC channel (#debian-desktop) to discuss what future (if
any) the debian-desktop project has.

|\  /|  _  -|- -|-    Matthew A. Nicholson
| \/ | (_|  |   |     Matt-Land.com

Luis M
System Administrator/Web Developer

He who attacks the fundamentals of the American broadcasting industry
attacks democracy itself. -- William S. Paley, chairman of CBS


How does Wed feb 25 at 7:00PM EST sound?

Two weeks from now. Good. Perfect with me.
Anybody else?

I would like to participate, but I need the time translated into UTC to see if I am awake then :) I'm in Western Australia.

All the best
Jacqueline McNally

Community Contact, Australia/New Zealand
OpenOffice.org Marketing Project

Are you a computer angel? (www.computerangels.org.au)

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