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Generating DEP-11 Metadata

Hello everyone,

   I am trying to setup a mirror repository which fetches packages from Debian Testing and serves it from our derivative repository of Hamara Linux.

The repository structure can be seen here devel.hamaralinux.org

The repository is working fine except for the part of generating the DEP-11 Metadata.

DEP-11 Metadata is required for software managers like gnome-software to display the applications in there interface.

I tried generating the Metadata using Appstream Generator using an asgen-config.json file referring this


It did generate the files but in a separate folder and didn't generate the folder named DEP-11 as well.

I tried manually moving the contents of export/data/<suite>/main/ to a manually created folder which can be seen here


but that didn't affect the Release files content and hence the distribution using the repo is still not recognizing the content of the dep-11 folder.

What is the correct way of generating the metadata and getting included in the repository?

Or how should I configure the repository, so that it fetches this Metadata directly from debian repositories?

Any pointers will be helpful,


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