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Debian derivatives census: GreenboneOS: welcome!

Hi Benoît,

I would like to welcome yourself and GreenboneOS to the Debian
derivatives census! Would you like to take this opportunity to
introduce yourself and GreenboneOS to us all in more detail?


It would be great if you could join our mailing list and IRC channel:


I would encourage you to look at Debian's guidelines for derivatives:


You may want to look at our census QA page, some of the mails from
there may apply to Greenbone OS.


I've made a change to the Greenbone OS census page:

https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/Greenbone OS?action=info

The page says that Greenbone OS modifies Debian binary packages. It is
quite rare that distributions modify Debian binary packages instead of
modifying source packages and rebuilding them. Does Greenbone OS
actually do this? If so could you describe what kind of modifications
you are making? If not I guess the page needs to be fixed.

You've mentioned that the apt repository for Greenbone OS is private.
One of the advantages of a public apt repository is that Debian will
automatically generate patches of your changes to Debian and soon will
expose those to Debian maintainers. If you would like to generate those
patches yourself, you could probably adapt our code to use the snapshot
API instead of the snapshot database and filesystem. The LiMux folks
mentioned at DebConf15 that they are interested in working on this, so
perhaps you could collaborate on it and submit a patch that works for
both GreenboneOS and LiMux.


The page is missing a dpkg vendor field. It is important that Debian
derivatives set this properly on installed systems and mention the
value of the field in the derivatives census.


There doesn't appear to be a Greenbone OS blog or a blog aggregator for
Greenbone OS developers. If these existed they would be syndicated on
Planet Debian derivatives and would help the Debian community find out
the things that are happening in Greenbone OS.


There isn't a Debian user group in Osnabrück as far as I know, so you
might want to found one or get involved in the other German groups:


Great to meet you and your colleage at DebConf15 this year :)
Next year the annual Debian conference is in South Africa. It would be
great if developers from Greenbone OS could attend DebConf again. 

I would encourage Greenbone to contribute financially to ensure the
continued survival of Debian and the success of the annual Debian
conference. Sponsorship for DebConf16 isn't yet open though.


A great way to help ensure that the next Debian release working well is
to install and run the how-can-i-help tool and try to work on any
issues that come up.


Debian's OVAL definitions are currently broken, in case you would like
to help get them working again, bug #738199 has more information.


You might want to consider adding DNSSEC to your domains, TLSA records
and SSL to some of your domains. You may also want to add HSTS headers.


Please feel free to circulate this mail within the Greenbone OS team.



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