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Re: much nicer, more complete matrix

Guillem Jover left as an exercise for the reader:
> If you are repackaging from scratch then the first versioning scheme
> might make sense as it sorts higher than any of the base versions, but
> if you are not and at some point you'd like to resync back, because for
> example all your changes got merged upstream, you'll not be able to.
> Also this way it's not clear from what version it was derived from.

That is a great point. Thankfully, the information isn't lost, because it
can be retrieved from the changelogs (simply retrieve the last debian edit
and prefix that to the sprezzos version), which have of course not been
truncated or removed.

However, the Ubuntu solution does not appear to be complete. You assert that

 1.0-1 < 1.0-SprezzOS1

and that

 1.0-2 > 1.0-1SprezzOS1

in that case, I assume

 1.0-10 < 1.0-1SprezzOS1

which breaks the scheme. It appears necessary to do something like

 1.0-10 < 1.0-1{delim}SprezzOS1

using some delim that sorts below anything used in a debian revision.
According to deb-version(5), the only characters allowed in a Debian
revision are [a-zA-Z0-9+.~]. So I don't think this is actually possible,
given that any length delimiting string you choose could be part of a valid
Debian revision.

More formally, Debian revisions are closed under concatenation, making it
fundamentally impossible to implement a delimiting scheme which preserves
the properties we want. That said, your scheme works for far more situations
than mine, which works for none save native Debian packages.

I will thus switch to your suggestion for new packaging, but not bother to
go back through and modify our existing packages. Thanks very much!

--rigorously, nick

nick black     http://www.sprezzatech.com -- unix and hpc consulting
to make an apple pie from scratch, you need first invent a universe.

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