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Re: much nicer, more complete matrix

On Fri, 2013-02-01 at 00:01:50 -0500, nick black wrote:
> 	http://sprezzos.com/debversions.html

I've just noticed that your versioning scheme might be problematic, as
it's always going to sort higher than any other base revision:

  Base		Rel	Derived
  ~~~~		~~~	~~~~~~~

  1.0-1		<	1.0-SprezzOS1

  1.0-2		<	1.0-2sprezzos1
  1.0-3		>	1.0-2sprezzos1

If you are repackaging from scratch then the first versioning scheme
might make sense as it sorts higher than any of the base versions, but
if you are not and at some point you'd like to resync back, because for
example all your changes got merged upstream, you'll not be able to.
Also this way it's not clear from what version it was derived from.


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