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Re: DoudouLinux: unable to extract vkeybd_0.1.17b-2-doudou2.dsc

On Thu, 2011-12-01 at 22:58 +0100, Jean-Michel Philippe wrote:

> Strange, I can't figure out what the origin of the issue is. I saw that
> dpkg-source did not make the diff.gz file initially, so I rerun it
> forcing the name of the orig.tar.gz file. Now I have a correct set of
> orig.tar.gz + diff.gz + dsc files but it still doesn't get unpacked
> correctly. The original dsc file works but not mine, it's still the same
> error message :(. Any idea?

Looks like the issue might be your version number. You are adding
-doudou2 to the end of the Debian version. The upstream version is
therefore 0.1.17b-2 instead of 0.1.17b. So the build tools are expecting
vkeybd_0.1.17b-2.orig.tar.gz instead of vkeybd_0.1.17b.orig.tar.gz.

The solution would be to use a Debian revision that does not contain a
dash character (0.1.17b-2doudou2 instead of 0.1.17b-2-doudou2).

Please read the Debian policy to get more info about the semantics of
Debian package version numbers:




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