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On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:41, Clement Lefebvre wrote:

Hi everyone,

Hello Clement!

Before we talk about anything else, I would like to thank you and the Debian project for providing such a wonderful base. It's been the case since 2006, when we started using Debian via Ubuntu, and it's now clearer than ever with our newly released LMDE based directly on Debian Testing.

Congratulations on your recent release of LMDE. It looks very good (I've tested it in a VM and look forward to installing it on my hard disk as well.)

I'm really excited about this and I look forward to a close cooperation between our two projects.

This is great to hear. Cross-distro collaboration can only strengthen both distros and the ecosystem as a whole.

My name is Clement Lefebvre, I'm the leader and founder of Linux Mint. I'll answer any question you may have and I'll act as the main contact.

I might also ask Ikey Doherty, one of our developers, who coded big parts of the live-installer and identified the steps involved in transforming Debian Testing into a live media, to join in and to be present on this ML.

This list is really designed to be a place where we can work on things like live installers and share common code across distros, or at least that is my vision of what we can do. It hasn't reached its full potential yet but there are definitely lots of people here and lots of different distributions represented.

Don't hesitate to ask questions, make remarks or send us feedback. We'll do the same here to send things your way. I hope we'll be able to work together in an easy and constructive way. There's quite a few things we'd be interested to see adopted upstream, so we'll see about this.

Thanks for joining the list and again congratulations on LMDE.

Warm regards,


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