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Bug#464602: debbugs: bug-closed emails could be better worded


On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 22:50 +0000, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> Bug-closed emails sent to developers are a little poorly worded. They
> conclude: 
> Debian bug tracking system administrator
> (administrator, Debian Bugs database)
> This is presumably a hangover from when they said:
> Joe Bloggs
> (administrator, Debian Bugs database)
> I suggest that they should simply end thus:
> Debian bug tracking system administrator

The current closure messages finish with a signature block containing:

        NNNNNN: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=NNNNNN
        Debian Bug Tracking System
        Contact owner@bugs.debian.org with problems
which is both less intrusive and less repetitive. :)

(This should already be fixed in debbugs's bzr but not yet uploaded,
hence not closing)



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