debian-debbugs Aug 2008 by thread
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- Bug#353260: This is fixed, isn’t it Joachim Breitner
- Bug#467401: Good ideas Joachim Breitner
- Bug#366921: I’d like that as well... Joachim Breitner
- Processed: Re: Bug#493583: Display bugs that affect this package even when assigned to another Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#493583: Display bugs that affect this package even when assigned to another Simon Huggins
- Bug#475622: setting package to libdebbugs-perl debbugs debbugs-web, tagging 36814, tagging 484789, tagging 475622 Don Armstrong
- Processed: tagging 36814, tagging 484789, tagging 475622 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#196947: Come get your fix whitney
- Bug#134166: Income Technologies invites you to cooperation. Pasquale Riddle
- Bug#484789: setting package to libdebbugs-perl debbugs debbugs-web, tagging 36814, tagging 484789, tagging 475622 Don Armstrong
- Processed: forcibly merging 208130 218184 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#431459: setting package to libdebbugs-perl debbugs debbugs-web, tagging 431459, tagging 229067 ... Don Armstrong
- Bug#495654: debbugs: doesn’t show forwarded-to address anymore Josselin Mouette
- Bug#495868: debbugs: Missing bug number on cloned web control references Guillem Jover
- reassign 496290 to debbugs, merging 495868 496290 Felix Zielcke
- Bug#218184: Finest offer bay clem
The last update was on 18:49 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 25 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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