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Bug#479477: bugreports without maintainer

Package: debbugs
Severity: wishlist

some days ago I was looking for bugreports filed against nonexistent
packages (or packages without maintainer) via

I found a couple of bugs reported by a guy who made a mass filing. I wrote
him asking if he could help me and he decided to close them because they
were very old (#2xxxxx), so offending packages were perhaps removed a lot
of time ago.
I tought that perhaps some other bug from that mass filing could be in the
same state, so I tried to query the bts. Since those bugs are "pre-usertags"
I had to write a query the web interface with both submitter and maintainer
fields (the latter empty), but I have some problems:

* http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?submitter=unriccio%40email.it&maint=unriccio%40email.it
  gives reasonable results
* bts select maintainer:unriccio@email.it submitter:unriccio@email.it
  gives the same results
* http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?submitter=unriccio%40email.it&maint=
  lists only bugs without a maintainer (so ignoring the submitter field)
* bts select submitter:unriccio@email.it maintainer:
  lists only bugs reported by me (so ignoring the maintainer option) [*]

I also tried with some soap query (editing the perl script found on debian
wiki) but even "print Dumper($soap->get_bugs(maint=>'')->result());"
doesn't return anything.

There is some way to obtain the bug numbers I need?


[*] hint: "bts select maintainer:" lists all non-archived bug reports, so
perhaps an empty field is interpreted as "anything" (this perhaps is a
bug/feature of the bts command)

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