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Bug#228049: are you stlil mad at waht i did?

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 Ramon Maddox
Have you practiced jumping yet?.
This program is not intended as a miracle program. It is meant to be a bridge--the bridge from real objects to 2-dimensional photos. It is meant to allow the students to hear the words repeatedly and then in context. It is meant to help start the students talking. This program is not the finished end product, it is a tool. You, the teacher, parent or therapist, are the best communicators. When your student or child looks at you as if to say please Teach Me To Talk use this program as part of the process..
That carpenter is practicing running at this time..
Is the manager missing walking?.
tomorrow i will wash my hair and go to the salon.
i need to get my nails manicured.
The science teachers practiced fighting..
Were those farmers practicing shouting next to the police station?.
I missed shouting carefully..
I don't practice reading once a week..
We've tried to include features in the program for students with many disabilities. I needed Spanish in my classroom, so Spanish was added. I wanted something to engage students who are not interested in language, thus musical interludes and movement were incorporated. I wanted to be able to change the prompts (music,movements, etc.) on-the-fly. We wanted to provide for those requiring augmentative communication device and so the Mayer-Johnson symbols are included and can morph from the photographs. I wanted a cause-and-effect program for my students who didn't understand the automatic scan. The Switch-On-Picts activity was developed. We realized more types of scans would be advantageous. Three types of scanning routines have been added. I wanted 2 and 3 piece puzzles. Here they are. One of my parents wanted Dr. Seuss types of stories with real pictures. We wrote some 'ditties' and here's StoryTime..
Don't those singers dislike playing carelessly?.
today i need to goto the store. .
We've tried to include features in the program for students with many disabilities. I needed Spanish in my classroom, so Spanish was added. I wanted something to engage students who are not interested in language, thus musical interludes and movement were incorporated. I wanted to be able to change the prompts (music,movements, etc.) on-the-fly. We wanted to provide for those requiring augmentative communication device and so the Mayer-Johnson symbols are included and can morph from the photographs. I wanted a cause-and-effect program for my students who didn't understand the automatic scan. The Switch-On-Picts activity was developed. We realized more types of scans would be advantageous. Three types of scanning routines have been added. I wanted 2 and 3 piece puzzles. Here they are. One of my parents wanted Dr. Seuss types of stories with real pictures. We wrote some 'ditties' and here's StoryTime..

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