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Re: Blind accessibility of bug tracker?

In article <4419ACC4.3080507@allinplay.com> you write:
>My organization is considering switching to the Debian bug tracking 
>software to handle our customer support and bug tracking needs (in that 
>order).  We used to use Jitterbug, and while kluky, it did the job and 
>was very easy for our blind employees to use.  We have heard good things 
>about the Debian bug tracking system, and wanted to inquire if you 
>currently have blind users of it and/or any data on the accessibility of 
>the system?
>Thank you kindly for taking the time to answer our questions!

owner@bugs is for problems with Debian's own bug tracking system.

The debian-debbugs@lists.debian.org mailing list is the proper place
to discuss other uses of the same software.  That mailing list CCed
and set as reply-to.

Generally, anyone who can send/receive text-only email and read
mostly-text web pages should be able to use debbugs.  (Some boxes are
used to group sections of the web pages.)  The packaged version is
rather dated, you'll probably want a more recent version from our
version-tracking system.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
With Microsoft, failure is not an option.  It is a standard feature.

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