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Bug#343322: debbugs: Version tracking: reopened bug doesn't display properly

Package: debbugs
Severity: grave
Justification: breaks tracking of open vs. closed bugs!

Examine http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=glibc
and look for bug #333766.  It is listed under "resolved bugs" and
looks like this:

#333766: libc6: SIGBUS in libm on hppa breaks qt-x11-free 
Package: libc6 (libc6 2.3.5-6.0.1, libc6 2.3.5-8, libc6 2.3.5-8.1; fixed: libc6 2.3.5-7); Severity: grave; Reported by: Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
Done: Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>; Will be archived in 27 days. 

Despite the clear meaning of the "found" semantics, which are recorded 
correctly, it looks like debbugs hasn't figured out that this bug is 
*OPEN*.  I'm not sure whether this is a problem just with the webpages, 
or with debbugs itself.

Either way, it's very bad because it means the bug doesn't show up in the
package's list of open bugs.  No maintainer or QA person is going to spot
such a bug if they look through the bug list, which is the normal thing
one would do.

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