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---- Start SpamAssassin results
24.00 points, 4 required;
*  1.0 -- Sounds like a MsgId autogenerated by our MTAs
*  0.5 -- Reply-To: contains an underline and numbers/letters
*  2.9 -- X-Mailer contains malformed Outlook Express version
*  1.5 -- BODY: Nigerian scam key phrase (million dollars)
*  7.5 -- BODY: Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 91 and 100
          [cf: 100]
*  0.2 -- RAW: Quoted-printable line longer than 76 characters
*  2.0 -- Listed in Razor2, see http://razor.sf.net/
*  1.1 -- Subject is all capitals
*  0.1 -- RBL: Received via a relay in dnsbl.njabl.org
          [RBL check: found,]
*  1.0 -- RBL: Received via SBLed relay, see http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/
          [RBL check: found]
*  3.5 -- Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook
*  2.7 -- Message body has multiple indications of Nigerian spam

---- End of SpamAssassin results

--- Begin Message ---
From; Mr. Michael Dohn,
Banque Internationale De L'Afrique,

My dear,

I wish this my proposal will not come to you as a surprise. I am Mr. Michael Dohn , with Banque Internationale De L'Afrique with regional office in Lome-Togo. We had a foreign client (Mohamed Mohd Salaheldin)who deposited the sum of US$7.5million (Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with our bank. Unfortunately,this client was among the victims of EGYPTAIR FLIGHT NO.990 that crashed on the 31-10-1999 in U.S.A. Confirmable from the website; www.cnn.com/us/9911/02/egyptair990.list/index.html). But, since that year after the death of our client, we have not had anybody that comes for the claims of this money as the next of kin to our client. A situation I have monitored closely with my position in our bank.

Now, having monitored this deposit and managed it over the years before and after his death, and hence nobody has showed up as the next of kin for the past years now, I have removed the file to my "private vault". I now humbly solicit for your assistance in this issue. I wish to present you as the next of kin to this our client so as to claim out this money, before it is remmited into the fedral account where other people may aswell claim it directly without going to this lenght. I have taken every necessary precautionary measures concerning this issue and arrangement has been concluded by me in achieving this goal, provided you will follow my instructions in the process. I am only waiting for your response to enable me move the funds to your agreed safe account. This does not have any risk attached to it as all the internal documentations would be handled by me and every loop holes sealed also provided you give me your assistance and support.

I therefore request you to confirm your interest by a return message and I will furnish you with the full details and what to do concerning this deal. What you stand to gain would be discussed and it is negotiable before the deal commences.

Thank you in anticipation of your urgent response to my request stating your wish in this deal.

Kind regards,
Mr Michael Dohn.

--- End Message ---

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