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[dak/master] Add module to handle uploads not yet installed to the archive.

 daklib/upload.py |  414 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 daklib/upload.py

diff --git a/daklib/upload.py b/daklib/upload.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c19478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daklib/upload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+"""module to handle uploads not yet installed to the archive
+This module provides classes to handle uploads not yet installed to the
+archive.  Central is the `Changes` class which represents a changes file.
+It provides methods to access the included binary and source packages.
+import apt_inst
+import apt_pkg
+import os
+import re
+from .gpg import SignedFile
+from .regexes import *
+class InvalidChangesException(Exception):
+    pass
+class InvalidBinaryException(Exception):
+    pass
+class InvalidSourceException(Exception):
+    pass
+class InvalidHashException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, filename, hash_name, expected, actual):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.hash_name = hash_name
+        self.expected = expected
+        self.actual = actual
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Invalid {0} hash for {1}: expected {2}, but got {3}.".format(self.hash_name, self.filename, self.expected, self.actual)
+class InvalidFilenameException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        self.filename = filename
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Invalid filename '{0}'.".format(self.filename)
+class HashedFile(object):
+    """file with checksums
+    Attributes:
+       filename (str): name of the file
+       size (long): size in bytes
+       md5sum (str): MD5 hash in hexdigits
+       sha1sum (str): SHA1 hash in hexdigits
+       sha256sum (str): SHA256 hash in hexdigits
+       section (str): section or None
+       priority (str): priority or None
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, size, md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, section=None, priority=None):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.size = size
+        self.md5sum = md5sum
+        self.sha1sum = sha1sum
+        self.sha256sum = sha256sum
+        self.section = section
+        self.priority = priority
+    def check(self, directory):
+        """Validate hashes
+        Check if size and hashes match the expected value.
+        Args:
+           directory (str): directory the file is located in
+        Raises:
+           InvalidHashException: hash mismatch
+        """
+        path = os.path.join(directory, self.filename)
+        fh = open(path, 'r')
+        size = os.stat(path).st_size
+        if size != self.size:
+            raise InvalidHashException(self.filename, 'size', self.size, size)
+        md5sum = apt_pkg.md5sum(fh)
+        if md5sum != self.md5sum:
+            raise InvalidHashException(self.filename, 'md5sum', self.md5sum, md5sum)
+        fh.seek(0)
+        sha1sum = apt_pkg.sha1sum(fh)
+        if sha1sum != self.sha1sum:
+            raise InvalidHashException(self.filename, 'sha1sum', self.sha1sum, sha1sum)
+        fh.seek(0)
+        sha256sum = apt_pkg.sha256sum(fh)
+        if sha256sum != self.sha256sum:
+            raise InvalidHashException(self.filename, 'sha256sum', self.sha256sum, sha256sum)
+def parse_file_list(control, has_priority_and_section):
+    """Parse Files and Checksums-* fields
+    Args:
+       control (dict-like): control file to take fields from
+       has_priority_and_section (bool): Files include section and priority (as in .changes)
+    Raises:
+       InvalidChangesException: missing fields or other grave errors
+    Returns:
+       dictonary mapping filenames to `daklib.upload.HashedFile` objects
+    """
+    entries = {}
+    for line in control["Files"].split('\n'):
+        if len(line) == 0:
+            continue
+        if has_priority_and_section:
+            (md5sum, size, section, priority, filename) = line.split()
+            entry = dict(md5sum=md5sum, size=long(size), section=section, priority=priority, filename=filename)
+        else:
+            (md5sum, size, filename) = line.split()
+            entry = dict(md5sum=md5sum, size=long(size), filename=filename)
+        entries[filename] = entry
+    for line in control["Checksums-Sha1"].split('\n'):
+        if len(line) == 0:
+            continue
+        (sha1sum, size, filename) = line.split()
+        entry = entries.get(filename, None)
+        if entry.get('size', None) != long(size):
+            raise InvalidChangesException('Size for {0} in Files and Checksum-Sha1 fields differ.'.format(filename))
+        entry['sha1sum'] = sha1sum
+    for line in control["Checksums-Sha256"].split('\n'):
+        if len(line) == 0:
+            continue
+        (sha256sum, size, filename) = line.split()
+        entry = entries.get(filename, None)
+        if entry is None:
+            raise InvalidChangesException('No sha256sum for {0}.'.format(filename))
+        if entry.get('size', None) != long(size):
+            raise InvalidChangesException('Size for {0} in Files and Checksum-Sha256 fields differ.'.format(filename))
+        entry['sha256sum'] = sha256sum
+    files = {}
+    for entry in entries.itervalues():
+        filename = entry['filename']
+        if 'size' not in entry:
+            raise InvalidChangesException('No size for {0}.'.format(filename))
+        if 'md5sum' not in entry:
+            raise InvalidChangesException('No md5sum for {0}.'.format(filename))
+        if 'sha1sum' not in entry:
+            raise InvalidChangesException('No sha1sum for {0}.'.format(filename))
+        if 'sha256sum' not in entry:
+            raise InvalidChangesException('No sha256sum for {0}.'.format(filename))
+        if not re_file_safe.match(filename):
+            raise InvalidChangesException("{0}: References file with unsafe filename {1}.".format(self.filename, filename))
+        f = files[filename] = HashedFile(**entry)
+    return files
+class Changes(object):
+    """Representation of a .changes file
+    Attributes:
+       architectures (list of str): list of architectures included in the upload
+       binaries (list of daklib.upload.Binary): included binary packages
+       binary_names (list of str): names of included binary packages
+       byhand_files (list of daklib.upload.HashedFile): included byhand files
+       bytes (int): total size of files included in this upload in bytes
+       changes (dict-like): dict to access fields of the .changes file
+       closed_bugs (list of str): list of bugs closed by this upload
+       directory (str): directory the .changes is located in
+       distributions (list of str): list of target distributions for the upload
+       filename (str): name of the .changes file
+       files (dict): dict mapping filenames to daklib.upload.HashedFile objects
+       path (str): path to the .changes files
+       primary_fingerprint (str): fingerprint of the PGP key used for the signature
+       source (daklib.upload.Source or None): included source
+       valid_signature (bool): True if the changes has a valid signature
+    """
+    def __init__(self, directory, filename, keyrings, require_signature=True):
+        if not re_file_safe.match(filename):
+            raise InvalidChangesException('{0}: unsafe filename'.format(filename))
+        self.directory = directory
+        self.filename = filename
+        data = open(self.path).read()
+        self._signed_file = SignedFile(data, keyrings, require_signature)
+        self.changes = apt_pkg.TagSection(self._signed_file.contents)
+        self._binaries = None
+        self._source = None
+        self._files = None
+        self._keyrings = keyrings
+        self._require_signature = require_signature
+    @property
+    def path(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.directory, self.filename)
+    @property
+    def primary_fingerprint(self):
+        return self._signed_file.primary_fingerprint
+    @property
+    def valid_signature(self):
+        return self._signed_file.valid
+    @property
+    def architectures(self):
+        return self.changes['Architecture'].split()
+    @property
+    def distributions(self):
+        return self.changes['Distribution'].split()
+    @property
+    def source(self):
+        if self._source is None:
+            source_files = []
+            for f in self.files.itervalues():
+                if re_file_dsc.match(f.filename) or re_file_source.match(f.filename):
+                    source_files.append(f)
+            if len(source_files) > 0:
+                self._source = Source(self.directory, source_files, self._keyrings, self._require_signature)
+        return self._source
+    @property
+    def binaries(self):
+        if self._binaries is None:
+            binaries = []
+            for f in self.files.itervalues():
+                if re_file_binary.match(f.filename):
+                    binaries.append(Binary(self.directory, f))
+            self._binaries = binaries
+        return self._binaries
+    @property
+    def byhand_files(self):
+        byhand = []
+        for f in self.files.itervalues():
+            if re_file_dsc.match(f.filename) or re_file_source.match(f.filename) or re_file_binary.match(f.filename):
+                continue
+            if f.section != 'byhand' and f.section[:4] != 'raw-':
+                raise InvalidChangesException("{0}: {1} looks like a byhand package, but is in section {2}".format(self.filename, f.filename, f.section))
+            byhand.append(f)
+        return byhand
+    @property
+    def binary_names(self):
+        return self.changes['Binary'].split()
+    @property
+    def closed_bugs(self):
+        return self.changes.get('Closes', '').split()
+    @property
+    def files(self):
+        if self._files is None:
+            self._files = parse_file_list(self.changes, True)
+        return self._files
+    @property
+    def bytes(self):
+        count = 0
+        for f in self.files.itervalues():
+            count += f.size
+        return count
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        """Compare two changes packages
+        We sort by source name and version first.  If these are identical,
+        we sort changes that include source before those without source (so
+        that sourceful uploads get processed first), and finally fall back
+        to the filename (this should really never happen).
+        Returns:
+           -1 if self < other, 0 if self == other, 1 if self > other
+        """
+        ret = cmp(self.changes.get('Source'), other.changes.get('Source'))
+        if ret == 0:
+            # compare version
+            ret = apt_pkg.version_compare(self.changes.get('Version', ''), other.changes.get('Version', ''))
+        if ret == 0:
+            # sort changes with source before changes without source
+            if 'source' in self.architectures and 'source' not in other.architectures:
+                ret = -1
+            elif 'source' not in self.architectures and 'source' in other.architectures:
+                ret = 1
+            else:
+                ret = 0
+        if ret == 0:
+            # fall back to filename
+            ret = cmp(self.filename, other.filename)
+        return ret
+class Binary(object):
+    """Representation of a binary package
+    Attributes:
+       component (str): component name
+       control (dict-like): dict to access fields in DEBIAN/control
+       hashed_file (HashedFile): HashedFile object for the .deb
+    """
+    def __init__(self, directory, hashed_file):
+        self.hashed_file = hashed_file
+        path = os.path.join(directory, hashed_file.filename)
+        data = apt_inst.DebFile(path).control.extractdata("control")
+        self.control = apt_pkg.TagSection(data)
+    @property
+    def source(self):
+        """Get source package name and version
+        Returns:
+           tuple containing source package name and version
+        """
+        source = self.control.get("Source", None)
+        if source is None:
+            return (self.control["Package"], self.control["Version"])
+        match = re_field_source.match(source)
+        if not match:
+            raise InvalidBinaryException('{0}: Invalid Source field.'.format(self.hashed_file.filename))
+        version = match.group('version')
+        if version is None:
+            version = self.control['Version']
+        return (match.group('package'), version)
+    @property
+    def type(self):
+        """Get package type
+        Returns:
+           String with the package type ('deb' or 'udeb')
+        """
+        match = re_file_binary.match(self.hashed_file.filename)
+        if not match:
+            raise InvalidBinaryException('{0}: Does not match re_file_binary'.format(self.hashed_file.filename))
+        return match.group('type')
+    @property
+    def component(self):
+        fields = self.control['Section'].split('/')
+        if len(fields) > 1:
+            return fields[0]
+        return "main"
+class Source(object):
+    """Representation of a source package
+    Attributes:
+       component (str): guessed component name. Might be wrong!
+       dsc (dict-like): dict to access fields in the .dsc file
+       hashed_files (list of daklib.upload.HashedFile): list of source files (including .dsc)
+       files (dict): dictonary mapping filenames to HashedFile objects for
+           additional source files (not including .dsc)
+       primary_fingerprint (str): fingerprint of the PGP key used for the signature
+       valid_signature (bool):  True if the dsc has a valid signature
+    """
+    def __init__(self, directory, hashed_files, keyrings, require_signature=True):
+        self.hashed_files = hashed_files
+        self._dsc_file = None
+        for f in hashed_files:
+            if re_file_dsc.match(f.filename):
+                if self._dsc_file is not None:
+                    raise InvalidSourceException("Multiple .dsc found ({0} and {1})".format(self._dsc_file.filename, f.filename))
+                else:
+                    self._dsc_file = f
+        dsc_file_path = os.path.join(directory, self._dsc_file.filename)
+        data = open(dsc_file_path, 'r').read()
+        self._signed_file = SignedFile(data, keyrings, require_signature)
+        self.dsc = apt_pkg.TagSection(self._signed_file.contents)
+        self._files = None
+    @property
+    def files(self):
+        if self._files is None:
+            self._files = parse_file_list(self.dsc, False)
+        return self._files
+    @property
+    def primary_fingerprint(self):
+        return self._signed_file.primary_fingerprint
+    @property
+    def valid_signature(self):
+        return self._signed_file.valid
+    @property
+    def component(self):
+        if 'Section' not in self.dsc:
+            return 'main'
+        fields = self.dsc['Section'].split('/')
+        if len(fields) > 1:
+            return fields[0]
+        return "main"

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