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[dak/master] dak/process_policy.py: update for multi-archive changes

 dak/process_policy.py |  375 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dak/process_policy.py b/dak/process_policy.py
index e401a3b..3945737 100755
--- a/dak/process_policy.py
+++ b/dak/process_policy.py
@@ -32,17 +32,19 @@
 import os
-import copy
+import datetime
 import sys
+import traceback
 import apt_pkg
 from daklib.dbconn import *
-from daklib.queue import *
 from daklib import daklog
 from daklib import utils
 from daklib.dak_exceptions import CantOpenError, AlreadyLockedError, CantGetLockError
 from daklib.config import Config
-from daklib.changesutils import *
+from daklib.archive import ArchiveTransaction
+from daklib.urgencylog import UrgencyLog
+from daklib.textutils import fix_maintainer
 # Globals
 Options = None
@@ -50,66 +52,312 @@ Logger = None
-def do_comments(dir, srcqueue, opref, npref, line, fn, session):
+def do_comments(dir, srcqueue, opref, npref, line, fn, transaction):
+    session = transaction.session
     for comm in [ x for x in os.listdir(dir) if x.startswith(opref) ]:
-        lines = open("%s/%s" % (dir, comm)).readlines()
+        lines = open(os.path.join(dir, comm)).readlines()
         if len(lines) == 0 or lines[0] != line + "\n": continue
-        changes_files = [ x for x in os.listdir(".") if x.startswith(comm[len(opref):]+"_")
-                                and x.endswith(".changes") ]
-        changes_files = sort_changes(changes_files, session)
-        for f in changes_files:
-            print "Processing changes file: %s" % f
-            f = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(f, 0)
-            if not f:
-                print "Couldn't validate changes file %s" % f
-                continue
-            fn(f, srcqueue, "".join(lines[1:]), session)
-        if opref != npref and not Options["No-Action"]:
+        # If the ACCEPT includes a _<arch> we only accept that .changes.
+        # Otherwise we accept all .changes that start with the given prefix
+        changes_prefix = comm[len(opref):]
+        if changes_prefix.count('_') < 2:
+            changes_prefix = changes_prefix + '_'
+        else:
+            changes_prefix = changes_prefix + '.changes'
+        uploads = session.query(PolicyQueueUpload).filter_by(policy_queue=srcqueue) \
+            .join(PolicyQueueUpload.changes).filter(DBChange.changesname.startswith(changes_prefix)) \
+            .order_by(PolicyQueueUpload.source_id)
+        for u in uploads:
+            print "Processing changes file: %s" % u.changes.changesname
+            fn(u, srcqueue, "".join(lines[1:]), transaction)
+        if opref != npref:
             newcomm = npref + comm[len(opref):]
-            os.rename("%s/%s" % (dir, comm), "%s/%s" % (dir, newcomm))
+            transaction.fs.move(os.path.join(dir, comm), os.path.join(dir, newcomm))
+def try_or_reject(function):
+    def wrapper(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction):
+        try:
+            function(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction)
+        except Exception as e:
+            comments = 'An exception was raised while processing the package:\n{0}\nOriginal comments:\n{1}'.format(traceback.format_exc(), comments)
+            try:
+                transaction.rollback()
+                real_comment_reject(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction)
+            except Exception as e:
+                comments = 'In addition an exception was raised while trying to reject the upload:\n{0}\nOriginal rejection:\n{1}'.format(traceback.format_exc(), comments)
+                transaction.rollback()
+                real_comment_reject(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction, notify=False)
+        if not Options['No-Action']:
+            transaction.commit()
+    return wrapper
-def comment_accept(changes_file, srcqueue, comments, session):
-    u = Upload()
-    u.pkg.changes_file = changes_file
-    u.load_changes(changes_file)
-    u.update_subst()
+def comment_accept(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction):
+    for byhand in upload.byhand:
+        path = os.path.join(srcqueue.path, byhand.filename)
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            raise Exception('E: cannot ACCEPT upload with unprocessed byhand file {0}'.format(byhand.filename))
+    cnf = Config()
+    fs = transaction.fs
+    session = transaction.session
+    changesname = upload.changes.changesname
+    allow_tainted = srcqueue.suite.archive.tainted
+    # We need overrides to get the target component
+    overridesuite = upload.target_suite
+    if overridesuite.overridesuite is not None:
+        overridesuite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=overridesuite.overridesuite).one()
+    def binary_component_func(db_binary):
+        override = session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=overridesuite, package=db_binary.package) \
+            .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == db_binary.binarytype) \
+            .join(Component).one()
+        return override.component
+    def source_component_func(db_source):
+        override = session.query(Override).filter_by(suite=overridesuite, package=db_source.source) \
+            .join(OverrideType).filter(OverrideType.overridetype == 'dsc') \
+            .join(Component).one()
+        return override.component
+    all_target_suites = [upload.target_suite]
+    all_target_suites.extend([q.suite for q in upload.target_suite.copy_queues])
+    for suite in all_target_suites:
+        if upload.source is not None:
+            transaction.copy_source(upload.source, suite, source_component_func(upload.source), allow_tainted=allow_tainted)
+        for db_binary in upload.binaries:
+            transaction.copy_binary(db_binary, suite, binary_component_func(db_binary), allow_tainted=allow_tainted, extra_archives=[upload.target_suite.archive])
+    # Copy .changes if needed
+    if upload.target_suite.copychanges:
+        src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, upload.changes.changesname)
+        dst = os.path.join(upload.target_suite.path, upload.changes.changesname)
+        fs.copy(src, dst, mode=upload.target_suite.archive.mode)
+    if upload.source is not None and not Options['No-Action']:
+        urgency = upload.changes.urgency
+        if urgency not in cnf.value_list('Urgency::Valid'):
+            urgency = cnf['Urgency::Default']
+        UrgencyLog().log(upload.source.source, upload.source.version, urgency)
+    print "  ACCEPT"
+    if not Options['No-Action']:
+        Logger.log(["Policy Queue ACCEPT", srcqueue.queue_name, changesname])
+    # Send announcement
+    subst = subst_for_upload(upload)
+    announce = ", ".join(upload.target_suite.announce or [])
+    tracking = cnf.get('Dinstall::TrackingServer')
+    if tracking and upload.source is not None:
+        announce = '{0}\nBcc: {1}@{2}'.format(announce, upload.changes.source, tracking)
+    subst['__ANNOUNCE_LIST_ADDRESS__'] = announce
+    message = utils.TemplateSubst(subst, os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Templates'], 'process-unchecked.announce'))
+    utils.send_mail(message)
+    # TODO: code duplication. Similar code is in process-upload.
+    if cnf.find_b('Dinstall::CloseBugs') and upload.changes.closes is not None and upload.source is not None:
+        for bugnum in upload.changes.closes:
+            subst['__BUG_NUMBER__'] = bugnum
+            message = utils.TemplateSubst(subst, os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Templates'], 'process-unchecked.bug-close'))
+            utils.send_mail(message)
+            del subst['__BUG_NUMBER__']
+    # TODO: code duplication. Similar code is in process-upload.
+    # Move .changes to done
+    src = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, upload.changes.changesname)
+    now = datetime.datetime.now()
+    donedir = os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Done'], now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d'))
+    dst = os.path.join(donedir, upload.changes.changesname)
+    dst = utils.find_next_free(dst)
+    fs.copy(src, dst, mode=0o644)
+    remove_upload(upload, transaction)
+def comment_reject(*args):
+    real_comment_reject(*args)
+def real_comment_reject(upload, srcqueue, comments, transaction, notify=True):
+    cnf = Config()
+    fs = transaction.fs
+    session = transaction.session
+    changesname = upload.changes.changesname
+    queuedir = upload.policy_queue.path
+    rejectdir = cnf['Dir::Reject']
+    ### Copy files to reject/
+    poolfiles = [b.poolfile for b in upload.binaries]
+    if upload.source is not None:
+        poolfiles.extend([df.poolfile for df in upload.source.srcfiles])
+    # Not beautiful...
+    files = [ af.path for af in session.query(ArchiveFile) \
+                  .filter_by(archive=upload.policy_queue.suite.archive) \
+                  .join(ArchiveFile.file) \
+                  .filter(PoolFile.file_id.in_([ f.file_id for f in poolfiles ])) ]
+    for byhand in upload.byhand:
+        path = os.path.join(queuedir, byhand.filename)
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            files.append(path)
+    files.append(os.path.join(queuedir, changesname))
+    for fn in files:
+        dst = utils.find_next_free(os.path.join(rejectdir, os.path.basename(fn)))
+        fs.copy(fn, dst, link=True)
+    ### Write reason
+    dst = utils.find_next_free(os.path.join(rejectdir, '{0}.reason'.format(changesname)))
+    fh = fs.create(dst)
+    fh.write(comments)
+    fh.close()
+    ### Send mail notification
+    if notify:
+        subst = subst_for_upload(upload)
+        subst['__MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__'] = ''
+        subst['__REJECT_MESSAGE__'] = comments
+        message = utils.TemplateSubst(subst, os.path.join(cnf['Dir::Templates'], 'queue.rejected'))
+        utils.send_mail(message)
+    print "  REJECT"
     if not Options["No-Action"]:
-        destqueue = get_policy_queue('newstage', session)
-        if changes_to_queue(u, srcqueue, destqueue, session):
-            print "  ACCEPT"
-            Logger.log(["Policy Queue ACCEPT: %s:  %s" % (srcqueue.queue_name, u.pkg.changes_file)])
-        else:
-            print "E: Failed to migrate %s" % u.pkg.changes_file
+        Logger.log(["Policy Queue REJECT", srcqueue.queue_name, upload.changes.changesname])
+    remove_upload(upload, transaction)
-def comment_reject(changes_file, srcqueue, comments, session):
-    u = Upload()
-    u.pkg.changes_file = changes_file
-    u.load_changes(changes_file)
-    u.update_subst()
+def remove_upload(upload, transaction):
+    fs = transaction.fs
+    session = transaction.session
+    changes = upload.changes
+    # Remove byhand and changes files. Binary and source packages will be
+    # removed from {bin,src}_associations and eventually removed by clean-suites automatically.
+    queuedir = upload.policy_queue.path
+    for byhand in upload.byhand:
+        path = os.path.join(queuedir, byhand.filename)
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            fs.unlink(path)
+        session.delete(byhand)
+    fs.unlink(os.path.join(queuedir, upload.changes.changesname))
+    session.delete(upload)
+    session.delete(changes)
+    session.flush()
-    u.rejects.append(comments)
+def subst_for_upload(upload):
+    # TODO: similar code in process-upload
     cnf = Config()
-    bcc = "X-DAK: dak process-policy"
-    if cnf.has_key("Dinstall::Bcc"):
-        u.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc + "\nBcc: %s" % (cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"])
-    else:
-        u.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc
-    if not Options["No-Action"]:
-        u.do_reject(manual=0, reject_message='\n'.join(u.rejects))
-        u.pkg.remove_known_changes(session=session)
-        session.commit()
+    maintainer_field = upload.changes.changedby or upload.changes.maintainer
+    addresses = utils.mail_addresses_for_upload(upload.changes.maintainer, maintainer_field, upload.changes.fingerprint)
+    changes_path = os.path.join(upload.policy_queue.path, upload.changes.changesname)
+    changes_contents = open(changes_path, 'r').read()
+    bcc = 'X-DAK: dak process-policy'
+    if 'Dinstall::Bcc' in cnf:
+        bcc = '{0}\nBcc: {1}'.format(bcc, cnf['Dinstall::Bcc'])
-        print "  REJECT"
-        Logger.log(["Policy Queue REJECT: %s:  %s" % (srcqueue.queue_name, u.pkg.changes_file)])
+    subst = {
+        '__DISTRO__': cnf['Dinstall::MyDistribution'],
+        '__ADMIN_ADDRESS__': cnf['Dinstall::MyAdminAddress'],
+        '__CHANGES_FILENAME__': upload.changes.changesname,
+        '__SOURCE__': upload.changes.source,
+        '__VERSION__': upload.changes.version,
+        '__ARCHITECTURE__': upload.changes.architecture,
+        '__MAINTAINER__': maintainer_field,
+        '__MAINTAINER_FROM__': fix_maintainer(maintainer_field)[1],
+        '__MAINTAINER_TO__': ", ".join(addresses),
+        '__CC__': 'X-DAK-Rejection: manual or automatic',
+        '__REJECTOR_ADDRESS__': cnf['Dinstall::MyEmailAddress'],
+        '__BCC__': bcc,
+        '__BUG_SERVER__': cnf.get('Dinstall::BugServer'),
+        '__FILE_CONTENTS__': changes_contents,
+    }
+    override_maintainer = cnf.get('Dinstall::OverrideMaintainer')
+    if override_maintainer:
+        subst['__MAINTAINER_TO__'] = override_maintainer
+    return subst
+def remove_unreferenced_binaries(policy_queue, transaction):
+    """Remove binaries that are no longer referenced by an upload
+    @type  policy_queue: L{daklib.dbconn.PolicyQueue}
+    @type  transaction: L{daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction}
+    """
+    session = transaction.session
+    suite = policy_queue.suite
+    query = """
+       SELECT b.*
+         FROM binaries b
+         JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
+        WHERE ba.suite = :suite_id
+          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM policy_queue_upload_binaries_map pqubm
+                                   JOIN policy_queue_upload pqu ON pqubm.policy_queue_upload_id = pqu.id
+                                  WHERE pqu.policy_queue_id = :policy_queue_id
+                                    AND pqubm.binary_id = b.id)"""
+    binaries = session.query(DBBinary).from_statement(query) \
+        .params({'suite_id': policy_queue.suite_id, 'policy_queue_id': policy_queue.policy_queue_id})
+    for binary in binaries:
+        Logger.log(["removed binary from policy queue", policy_queue.queue_name, binary.package, binary.version])
+        transaction.remove_binary(binary, suite)
+def remove_unreferenced_sources(policy_queue, transaction):
+    """Remove sources that are no longer referenced by an upload or a binary
+    @type  policy_queue: L{daklib.dbconn.PolicyQueue}
+    @type  transaction: L{daklib.archive.ArchiveTransaction}
+    """
+    session = transaction.session
+    suite = policy_queue.suite
+    query = """
+       SELECT s.*
+         FROM source s
+         JOIN src_associations sa ON s.id = sa.source
+        WHERE sa.suite = :suite_id
+          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM policy_queue_upload pqu
+                                  WHERE pqu.policy_queue_id = :policy_queue_id
+                                    AND pqu.source_id = s.id)
+          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM binaries b
+                                   JOIN bin_associations ba ON b.id = ba.bin
+                                  WHERE b.source = s.id
+                                    AND ba.suite = :suite_id)"""
+    sources = session.query(DBSource).from_statement(query) \
+        .params({'suite_id': policy_queue.suite_id, 'policy_queue_id': policy_queue.policy_queue_id})
+    for source in sources:
+        Logger.log(["removed source from policy queue", policy_queue.queue_name, source.source, source.version])
+        transaction.remove_source(source, suite)
@@ -139,28 +387,31 @@ def main():
     if Options["Help"]:
+    Logger = daklog.Logger("process-policy")
     if not Options["No-Action"]:
+        urgencylog = UrgencyLog()
+    with ArchiveTransaction() as transaction:
+        session = transaction.session
-            Logger = daklog.Logger("process-policy")
-        except CantOpenError as e:
-            Logger = None
+            pq = session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name=queue_name).one()
+        except NoResultFound:
+            print "E: Cannot find policy queue %s" % queue_name
+            sys.exit(1)
-    # Find policy queue
-    session.query(PolicyQueue)
+        commentsdir = os.path.join(pq.path, 'COMMENTS')
+        # The comments stuff relies on being in the right directory
+        os.chdir(pq.path)
-    try:
-        pq = session.query(PolicyQueue).filter_by(queue_name=queue_name).one()
-    except NoResultFound:
-        print "E: Cannot find policy queue %s" % queue_name
-        sys.exit(1)
+        do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "ACCEPT.", "ACCEPTED.", "OK", comment_accept, transaction)
+        do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "ACCEPTED.", "ACCEPTED.", "OK", comment_accept, transaction)
+        do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "REJECT.", "REJECTED.", "NOTOK", comment_reject, transaction)
-    commentsdir = os.path.join(pq.path, 'COMMENTS')
-    # The comments stuff relies on being in the right directory
-    os.chdir(pq.path)
-    do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "ACCEPT.", "ACCEPTED.", "OK", comment_accept, session)
-    do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "ACCEPTED.", "ACCEPTED.", "OK", comment_accept, session)
-    do_comments(commentsdir, pq, "REJECT.", "REJECTED.", "NOTOK", comment_reject, session)
+        remove_unreferenced_binaries(pq, transaction)
+        remove_unreferenced_sources(pq, transaction)
+    if not Options['No-Action']:
+        urgencylog.close()

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