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[dak/master] Add Metadata classes + tests.

+ some cleanup of dbconn.py

Signed-off-by: Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
 daklib/dbconn.py         |  113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 tests/dbtest_metadata.py |   43 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tests/dbtest_metadata.py

diff --git a/daklib/dbconn.py b/daklib/dbconn.py
index bf77b2a..038c014 100755
--- a/daklib/dbconn.py
+++ b/daklib/dbconn.py
@@ -2802,6 +2802,52 @@ __all__.append('UploadBlock')
+class MetadataKey(ORMObject):
+    def __init__(self, key = None):
+        self.key = key
+    def properties(self):
+        return ['key']
+    def not_null_constraints(self):
+        return ['key']
+class BinaryMetadata(ORMObject):
+    def __init__(self, binary = None, key = None, value = None):
+        self.binary = binary
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+    def properties(self):
+        return ['binary', 'key', 'value']
+    def not_null_constraints(self):
+        return ['value']
+class SourceMetadata(ORMObject):
+    def __init__(self, source = None, key = None, value = None):
+        self.source = source
+        self.key = key
+        self.value = value
+    def properties(self):
+        return ['source', 'key', 'value']
+    def not_null_constraints(self):
+        return ['value']
 class DBConn(object):
     database module init.
@@ -2817,11 +2863,13 @@ class DBConn(object):
     def __setuptables(self):
-        tables_with_primary = (
+        tables = (
+            'bin_contents',
+            'binaries_metadata',
@@ -2833,38 +2881,37 @@ class DBConn(object):
+            'changes_pending_files_map',
+            'changes_pending_source_files',
+            'changes_pool_files',
+            'extra_src_references',
+            'metadata_keys',
+            # TODO: the maintainer column in table override should be removed.
+            'override',
+            'source_metadata',
-            'uid',
-            'upload_blocks',
-        )
-        tables_no_primary = (
-            'changes_pending_files_map',
-            'changes_pending_source_files',
-            'changes_pool_files',
-            'extra_src_references',
-            # TODO: the maintainer column in table override should be removed.
-            'override',
-            'suite_src_formats',
+            'suite_src_formats',
+            'uid',
+            'upload_blocks',
         views = (
@@ -2891,28 +2938,11 @@ class DBConn(object):
-        # Sqlalchemy version 0.5 fails to reflect the SERIAL type
-        # correctly and that is why we have to use a workaround. It can
-        # be removed as soon as we switch to version 0.6.
-        for table_name in tables_with_primary:
+        for table_name in tables:
             table = Table(table_name, self.db_meta, \
-                Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True), \
                 autoload=True, useexisting=True)
             setattr(self, 'tbl_%s' % table_name, table)
-        for table_name in tables_no_primary:
-            table = Table(table_name, self.db_meta, autoload=True)
-            setattr(self, 'tbl_%s' % table_name, table)
-        # bin_contents needs special attention until the SERIAL type is
-        # correctly detected and the workaround has been removed; see comment
-        # above
-        self.tbl_bin_contents = Table('bin_contents', self.db_meta, \
-            Column('file', Text, primary_key = True),
-            Column('binary_id', Integer, ForeignKey('binaries.id'), \
-                primary_key = True),
-            autoload=True, useexisting=True)
         for view_name in views:
             view = Table(view_name, self.db_meta, autoload=True)
             setattr(self, 'view_%s' % view_name, view)
@@ -3173,6 +3203,27 @@ class DBConn(object):
                     backref=backref('contents', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all')),
                 file = self.tbl_bin_contents.c.file))
+        mapper(MetadataKey, self.tbl_metadata_keys,
+            properties = dict(
+                key_id = self.tbl_metadata_keys.c.key_id,
+                key = self.tbl_metadata_keys.c.key))
+        mapper(BinaryMetadata, self.tbl_binaries_metadata,
+            properties = dict(
+                binary_id = self.tbl_binaries_metadata.c.bin_id,
+                binary = relation(DBBinary),
+                key_id = self.tbl_binaries_metadata.c.key_id,
+                key = relation(MetadataKey),
+                value = self.tbl_binaries_metadata.c.value))
+        mapper(SourceMetadata, self.tbl_source_metadata,
+            properties = dict(
+                source_id = self.tbl_source_metadata.c.src_id,
+                source = relation(DBSource),
+                key_id = self.tbl_source_metadata.c.key_id,
+                key = relation(MetadataKey),
+                value = self.tbl_source_metadata.c.value))
     ## Connection functions
     def __createconn(self):
         from config import Config
diff --git a/tests/dbtest_metadata.py b/tests/dbtest_metadata.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1f3009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dbtest_metadata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from db_test import DBDakTestCase
+from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, MetadataKey, BinaryMetadata, SourceMetadata
+import unittest
+class MetadataTestCase(DBDakTestCase):
+    """
+    This TestCase checks the metadata handling.
+    """
+    def test_mappers(self):
+        '''
+        Tests the mapper configuration.
+        '''
+        self.setup_binaries()
+        # MetadataKey
+        depends = MetadataKey(key = 'Depends')
+        self.session.add(depends)
+        self.session.flush()
+        self.assertTrue(depends.key_id is not None)
+        # BinaryMetadata
+        hello_dep = BinaryMetadata(binary = self.binary['hello_2.2-1_i386'],
+            key = depends, value = 'foobar (>= 1.0)')
+        self.session.add(hello_dep)
+        self.session.flush()
+        self.assertEqual('hello', hello_dep.binary.package)
+        self.assertEqual('Depends', hello_dep.key.key)
+        self.assertEqual('foobar (>= 1.0)', hello_dep.value)
+        # SourceMetadata
+        build_dep = MetadataKey(key = 'Build-Depends')
+        hello_bd = SourceMetadata(source = self.binary['hello_2.2-1_i386'].source,
+            key = build_dep, value = 'foobar-dev')
+        self.session.add(hello_bd)
+        self.session.flush()
+        self.assertEqual('hello', hello_bd.source.source)
+        self.assertEqual('Build-Depends', hello_bd.key.key)
+        self.assertEqual('foobar-dev', hello_bd.value)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()

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