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[dak/master 1/8] Implement and test class ContentsWriter.

Signed-off-by: Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
 daklib/contents.py       |  179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/db_test.py         |    7 +-
 tests/dbtest_contents.py |   36 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 daklib/contents.py

diff --git a/daklib/contents.py b/daklib/contents.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7914c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daklib/contents.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Helper code for contents generation.
+@contact: Debian FTPMaster <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+@copyright: 2011 Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
+@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from daklib.dbconn import *
+from daklib.config import Config
+from sqlalchemy import desc, or_
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+class ContentsWriter(object):
+    '''
+    ContentsWriter writes the Contents-$arch.gz files.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, suite, architecture, overridetype, component = None):
+        '''
+        The constructor clones its arguments into a new session object to make
+        sure that the new ContentsWriter object can be executed in a different
+        thread.
+        '''
+        self.suite = suite.clone()
+        self.session = self.suite.session()
+        self.architecture = architecture.clone(self.session)
+        self.overridetype = overridetype.clone(self.session)
+        if component is not None:
+            self.component = component.clone(self.session)
+        else:
+            self.component = None
+    def query(self):
+        '''
+        Returns a query object that is doing most of the work.
+        '''
+        params = {
+            'suite':    self.suite.suite_id,
+            'arch_all': get_architecture('all', self.session).arch_id,
+            'arch':     self.architecture.arch_id,
+            'type_id':  self.overridetype.overridetype_id,
+            'type':     self.overridetype.overridetype,
+        }
+        if self.component is not None:
+            params['component'] = component.component_id
+            sql = '''
+create temp table newest_binaries (
+    id integer primary key,
+    package text);
+create index newest_binaries_by_package on newest_binaries (package);
+insert into newest_binaries (id, package)
+    select distinct on (package) id, package from binaries
+        where type = :type and
+            (architecture = :arch_all or architecture = :arch) and
+            id in (select bin from bin_associations where suite = :suite)
+        order by package, version desc;
+unique_override as
+    (select o.package, s.section
+        from override o, section s
+        where o.suite = :suite and o.type = :type_id and o.section = s.id and
+        o.component = :component)
+select bc.file, substring(o.section from position('/' in o.section) + 1) || '/' || b.package as package
+    from newest_binaries b, bin_contents bc, unique_override o
+    where b.id = bc.binary_id and o.package = b.package
+    order by bc.file, b.package'''
+        else:
+            sql = '''
+create temp table newest_binaries (
+    id integer primary key,
+    package text);
+create index newest_binaries_by_package on newest_binaries (package);
+insert into newest_binaries (id, package)
+    select distinct on (package) id, package from binaries
+        where type = :type and
+            (architecture = :arch_all or architecture = :arch) and
+            id in (select bin from bin_associations where suite = :suite)
+        order by package, version desc;
+unique_override as
+    (select distinct on (o.package, s.section) o.package, s.section
+        from override o, section s
+        where o.suite = :suite and o.type = :type_id and o.section = s.id
+        order by o.package, s.section, o.modified desc)
+select bc.file, substring(o.section from position('/' in o.section) + 1) || '/' || b.package as package
+    from newest_binaries b, bin_contents bc, unique_override o
+    where b.id = bc.binary_id and o.package = b.package
+    order by bc.file, b.package'''
+        return self.session.query("file", "package").from_statement(sql). \
+            params(params)
+    def formatline(self, filename, package_list):
+        '''
+        Returns a formatted string for the filename argument.
+        '''
+        package_list = ','.join(package_list)
+        return "%-60s%s\n" % (filename, package_list)
+    def fetch(self):
+        '''
+        Yields a new line of the Contents-$arch.gz file in filename order.
+        '''
+        last_filename = None
+        package_list = []
+        for filename, package in self.query().yield_per(100):
+            if filename != last_filename:
+                if last_filename is not None:
+                    yield self.formatline(last_filename, package_list)
+                last_filename = filename
+                package_list = []
+            package_list.append(package)
+        yield self.formatline(last_filename, package_list)
+        # end transaction to return connection to pool
+        self.session.rollback()
+    def get_list(self):
+        '''
+        Returns a list of lines for the Contents-$arch.gz file.
+        '''
+        return [item for item in self.fetch()]
+    def output_filename(self):
+        '''
+        Returns the name of the output file.
+        '''
+        values = {
+            'root': Config()['Dir::Root'],
+            'suite': self.suite.suite_name,
+            'architecture': self.architecture.arch_string
+        }
+        if self.component is None:
+            return "%(root)s%(suite)s/Contents-%(architecture)s.gz" % values
+        values['component'] = self.component.component_name
+        return "%(root)s%(suite)s/%(component)s/Contents-%(architecture)s.gz" % values
+    def write_file(self):
+        '''
+        Write the output file.
+        '''
+        command = ['gzip', '--rsyncable']
+        output_file = open(self.output_filename(), 'w')
+        pipe = Popen(command, stdin = PIPE, stdout = output_file).stdin
+        for item in self.fetch():
+            pipe.write(item)
+        pipe.close()
+        output_file.close()
diff --git a/tests/db_test.py b/tests/db_test.py
index 2ce786a..4f5e638 100644
--- a/tests/db_test.py
+++ b/tests/db_test.py
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ class DBDakTestCase(DakTestCase):
         if 'comp' in self.__dict__:
         self.comp = {}
-        self.comp['main'] = Component(component_name = 'main')
-        self.comp['contrib'] = Component(component_name = 'contrib')
+        for name in ('main', 'contrib', 'non-free'):
+            self.comp[name] = Component(component_name = name)
     def setup_locations(self):
@@ -322,7 +322,8 @@ class DBDakTestCase(DakTestCase):
     def tearDown(self):
         for class_ in self.classes_to_clean():
-            self.session.query(class_).delete()
+            for object_ in self.session.query(class_):
+                self.session.delete(object_)
         # usually there is no need to drop all tables here
diff --git a/tests/dbtest_contents.py b/tests/dbtest_contents.py
index f7be2f2..9b33c04 100755
--- a/tests/dbtest_contents.py
+++ b/tests/dbtest_contents.py
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 from db_test import DBDakTestCase
-from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, BinContents, OverrideType, get_override_type, \
-    Section, get_section, get_sections, Priority, get_priority, get_priorities, \
-    Override, get_override
+from daklib.dbconn import *
+from daklib.contents import ContentsWriter
 from sqlalchemy.exc import FlushError, IntegrityError
 import unittest
@@ -129,5 +128,36 @@ class ContentsTestCase(DBDakTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(self.override['hello_sid_main_udeb'], \
+    def test_contentswriter(self):
+        '''
+        Test the ContentsWriter class.
+        '''
+        self.setup_suites()
+        self.setup_architectures()
+        self.setup_overridetypes()
+        self.setup_binaries()
+        self.setup_overrides()
+        self.binary['hello_2.2-1_i386'].contents.append(BinContents(file = '/usr/bin/hello'))
+        self.session.commit()
+        cw = ContentsWriter(self.suite['squeeze'], self.arch['i386'], self.otype['deb'])
+        self.assertEqual(['/usr/bin/hello                                              python/hello\n'], \
+            cw.get_list())
+        # test formatline and sort order
+        self.assertEqual('/usr/bin/hello                                              python/hello\n', \
+            cw.formatline('/usr/bin/hello', ['python/hello']))
+        self.assertEqual('/usr/bin/hello                                              editors/emacs,python/hello,utils/sl\n', \
+            cw.formatline('/usr/bin/hello', ['editors/emacs', 'python/hello', 'utils/sl']))
+        # test output_filename
+        self.assertEqual('tests/fixtures/ftp/squeeze/Contents-i386.gz', \
+            cw.output_filename())
+        cw = ContentsWriter(self.suite['squeeze'], self.arch['i386'], \
+            self.otype['udeb'], self.comp['main'])
+        self.assertEqual('tests/fixtures/ftp/squeeze/main/Contents-i386.gz', \
+            cw.output_filename())
+    def classes_to_clean(self):
+        return [Override, Suite, BinContents, DBBinary, DBSource, Architecture, Section, \
+            OverrideType, Maintainer, Component, Priority, PoolFile]
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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