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[dak/master] more class / get/set routine work (in progress)

Signed-off-by: Mark Hymers <mhy@debian.org>
 daklib/dbconn.py |  861 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 401 insertions(+), 460 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daklib/dbconn.py b/daklib/dbconn.py
index 23fff4f..280a213 100755
--- a/daklib/dbconn.py
+++ b/daklib/dbconn.py
@@ -44,23 +44,6 @@ from singleton import Singleton
-class Cache(object):
-    def __init__(self, hashfunc=None):
-        if hashfunc:
-            self.hashfunc = hashfunc
-        else:
-            self.hashfunc = lambda x: str(x)
-        self.data = {}
-    def SetValue(self, keys, value):
-        self.data[self.hashfunc(keys)] = value
-    def GetValue(self, keys):
-        return self.data.get(self.hashfunc(keys))
 class Architecture(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -68,6 +51,28 @@ class Architecture(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Architecture %s>' % self.arch_string
+def get_architecture(architecture, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns database id for given C{architecture}.
+    @type architecture: string
+    @param architecture: The name of the architecture
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Architecture
+    @return: Architecture object for the given arch (None if not present)
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Architecture).filter_by(arch_string=architecture)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class Archive(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -75,6 +80,30 @@ class Archive(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Archive %s>' % self.name
+def get_archive(archive, session=None):
+    """
+    returns database id for given c{archive}.
+    @type archive: string
+    @param archive: the name of the arhive
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Archive
+    @return: Archive object for the given name (None if not present)
+    """
+    archive = archive.lower()
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=archive)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class BinAssociation(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -89,8 +118,26 @@ class Binary(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Binary %s (%s, %s)>' % (self.package, self.version, self.architecture)
-def binary_from_id(id):
-    return DBConn().session().query(Binary).filter_by(binary_id=id).one()
+def get_binary_from_id(id, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns Binary object for given C{id}
+    @type id: int
+    @param id: Id of the required binary
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Binary
+    @return: Binary object for the given binary (None if not present)
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Binary).filter_by(binary_id=id)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class Component(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -99,6 +146,25 @@ class Component(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Component %s>' % self.component_name
+def get_component(component, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns database id for given C{component}.
+    @type component: string
+    @param component: The name of the override type
+    @rtype: int
+    @return: the database id for the given component
+    """
+    component = component.lower()
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Component).filter_by(component_name=component)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class DBConfig(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -183,6 +249,28 @@ class OverrideType(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<OverrideType %s>' % self.overridetype
+def get_override_type(override_type, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns OverrideType object for given C{override type}.
+    @type override_type: string
+    @param override_type: The name of the override type
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: int
+    @return: the database id for the given override type
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Priority).filter_by(priority=priority)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class PendingContentAssociation(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -197,6 +285,28 @@ class Priority(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Priority %s (%s)>' % (self.priority, self.priority_id)
+def get_priority(priority, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns Priority object for given C{priority name}.
+    @type priority: string
+    @param priority: The name of the priority
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Priority
+    @return: Priority object for the given priority
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Priority).filter_by(priority=priority)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class Queue(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -218,6 +328,28 @@ class Section(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Section %s>' % self.section
+def get_section(section, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns Section object for given C{section name}.
+    @type section: string
+    @param section: The name of the section
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Section
+    @return: Section object for the given section name
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Section).filter_by(section=section)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class Source(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -225,6 +357,36 @@ class Source(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Source %s (%s)>' % (self.source, self.version)
+def get_source_in_suite(source, suite, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns list of Source objects for a combination of C{source} and C{suite}.
+      - B{source} - source package name, eg. I{mailfilter}, I{bbdb}, I{glibc}
+      - B{suite} - a suite name, eg. I{unstable}
+    @type source: string
+    @param source: source package name
+    @type suite: string
+    @param suite: the suite name
+    @rtype: string
+    @return: the version for I{source} in I{suite}
+    """
+    ######## TODO UP TO HERE
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Source).filter_by(source=source)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
+    return self.__get_id('source.version', s, {'suite': suite, 'source': source}, 'suite_version')
 class SrcAssociation(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -246,6 +408,28 @@ class Suite(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<Suite %s>' % self.suite_name
+def get_suite(suite, session=None):
+    """
+    Returns Suite object for given C{suite name}.
+    @type suite: string
+    @param suite: The name of the suite
+    @type session: Session
+    @param session: Optional SQLA session object (a temporary one will be
+    generated if not supplied)
+    @rtype: Suite
+    @return: Suite object for the requested suite name (None if not presenT)
+    """
+    if session is None:
+        session = DBConn().session()
+    q = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite)
+    if q.count() == 0:
+        return None
+    return q.one()
 class SuiteArchitecture(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -271,7 +455,6 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
     def _startup(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.__init_caches()
     def __setuptables(self):
         self.tbl_architecture = Table('architecture', self.db_meta, autoload=True)
@@ -509,184 +692,11 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
     def session(self):
         return self.db_smaker()
-    ## Cache functions
-    def __init_caches(self):
-        self.caches = {'suite':         Cache(),
-                       'section':       Cache(),
-                       'priority':      Cache(),
-                       'override_type': Cache(),
-                       'architecture':  Cache(),
-                       'archive':       Cache(),
-                       'component':     Cache(),
-                       'content_path_names':     Cache(),
-                       'content_file_names':     Cache(),
-                       'location':      Cache(lambda x: '%s_%s_%s' % (x['location'], x['component'], x['location'])),
-                       'maintainer':    {}, # TODO
-                       'keyring':       {}, # TODO
-                       'source':        Cache(lambda x: '%s_%s_' % (x['source'], x['version'])),
-                       'files':         Cache(lambda x: '%s_%s_' % (x['filename'], x['location'])),
-                       'maintainer':    {}, # TODO
-                       'fingerprint':   {}, # TODO
-                       'queue':         {}, # TODO
-                       'uid':           {}, # TODO
-                       'suite_version': Cache(lambda x: '%s_%s' % (x['source'], x['suite'])),
-                      }
-        self.prepared_statements = {}
     def prepare(self,name,statement):
         if not self.prepared_statements.has_key(name):
             self.prepared_statements[name] = statement
-    def clear_caches(self):
-        self.__init_caches()
-    ## Get functions
-    def __get_id(self, retfield, selectobj, cachekey, cachename=None):
-        # This is a bit of a hack but it's an internal function only
-        if cachename is not None:
-            res = self.caches[cachename].GetValue(cachekey)
-            if res:
-                return res
-        c = selectobj.execute()
-        if c.rowcount != 1:
-            return None
-        res = c.fetchone()
-        if retfield not in res.keys():
-            return None
-        res = res[retfield]
-        if cachename is not None:
-            self.caches[cachename].SetValue(cachekey, res)
-        return res
-    def get_suite_id(self, suite):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given C{suite}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type suite: string
-        @param suite: The name of the suite
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given suite
-        """
-        return int(self.__get_id('id',
-                                 self.tbl_suite.select(self.tbl_suite.columns.suite_name == suite),
-                                 suite,
-                                 'suite'))
-    def get_section_id(self, section):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given C{section}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type section: string
-        @param section: The name of the section
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given section
-        """
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_section.select(self.tbl_section.columns.section == section),
-                             section,
-                             'section')
-    def get_priority_id(self, priority):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given C{priority}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type priority: string
-        @param priority: The name of the priority
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given priority
-        """
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_priority.select(self.tbl_priority.columns.priority == priority),
-                             priority,
-                             'priority')
-    def get_override_type_id(self, override_type):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given override C{type}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type override_type: string
-        @param override_type: The name of the override type
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given override type
-        """
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_override_type.select(self.tbl_override_type.columns.type == override_type),
-                             override_type,
-                             'override_type')
-    def get_architecture_id(self, architecture):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given C{architecture}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type architecture: string
-        @param architecture: The name of the override type
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given architecture
-        """
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_architecture.select(self.tbl_architecture.columns.arch_string == architecture),
-                             architecture,
-                             'architecture')
-    def get_archive_id(self, archive):
-        """
-        returns database id for given c{archive}.
-        results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type archive: string
-        @param archive: the name of the override type
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given archive
-        """
-        archive = archive.lower()
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_archive.select(self.tbl_archive.columns.name == archive),
-                             archive,
-                             'archive')
-    def get_component_id(self, component):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given C{component}.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type component: string
-        @param component: The name of the override type
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given component
-        """
-        component = component.lower()
-        return self.__get_id('id',
-                             self.tbl_component.select(self.tbl_component.columns.name == component),
-                             component.lower(),
-                             'component')
     def get_location_id(self, location, component, archive):
@@ -699,327 +709,258 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
         @type location: string
         @param location: the path of the location
-        @type component: string
-        @param component: the name of the component
+        @type component: int
+        @param component: the id of the component
-        @type archive: string
-        @param archive: the name of the archive
+        @type archive: int
+        @param archive: the id of the archive
         @rtype: int
         @return: the database id for the location
-        archive = archive.lower()
-        component = component.lower()
+        archive_id = self.get_archive_id(archive)
-        values = {'archive': archive, 'location': location, 'component': component}
-        s = self.tbl_location.join(self.tbl_archive).join(self.tbl_component)
-        s = s.select(self.tbl_location.columns.path == location)
-        s = s.where(self.tbl_archive.columns.name == archive)
-        s = s.where(self.tbl_component.columns.name == component)
-        return self.__get_id('location.id', s, values, 'location')
-    def get_source_id(self, source, version):
-        """
-        Returns database id for the combination of C{source} and C{version}
-          - B{source} - source package name, eg. I{mailfilter}, I{bbdb}, I{glibc}
-          - B{version}
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type source: string
-        @param source: source package name
-        @type version: string
-        @param version: the source version
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the source
-        """
-        s = self.tbl_source.select()
-        s = s.where(self.tbl_source.columns.source  == source)
-        s = s.where(self.tbl_source.columns.version == version)
-        return self.__get_id('id', s, {'source': source, 'version': version}, 'source')
-    def get_suite(self, suite):
-        if isinstance(suite, str):
-            suite_id = self.get_suite_id(suite.lower())
-        elif type(suite) == int:
-            suite_id = suite
-        s = self.tbl_suite.select(self.tbl_suite.columns.id == suite_id)
-        c = s.execute()
-        if c.rowcount < 1:
+        if not archive_id:
             return None
-        else:
-            return c.fetchone()
-    def get_suite_version(self, source, suite):
-        """
-        Returns database id for a combination of C{source} and C{suite}.
-          - B{source} - source package name, eg. I{mailfilter}, I{bbdb}, I{glibc}
-          - B{suite} - a suite name, eg. I{unstable}
+        res = None
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        @type source: string
-        @param source: source package name
-        @type suite: string
-        @param suite: the suite name
-        @rtype: string
-        @return: the version for I{source} in I{suite}
-        """
-        s = select([self.tbl_source.columns.source, self.tbl_source.columns.version])
-#        s = self.tbl_source.join(self.tbl_src_associations).join(self.tbl_suite)
+        if component:
+            component_id = self.get_component_id(component)
+            if component_id:
+                res = self.__get_single_id("SELECT id FROM location WHERE path=%(location)s AND component=%(component)s AND archive=%(archive)s",
+                        {'location': location,
+                         'archive': int(archive_id),
+                         'component': component_id}, cachename='location')
+        else:
+            res = self.__get_single_id("SELECT id FROM location WHERE path=%(location)s AND archive=%(archive)d",
+                    {'location': location, 'archive': archive_id, 'component': ''}, cachename='location')
-        s = s.select(self.tbl_suite.columns.suite_name == suite, use_labels=True)
-        s = s.select(self.tbl_source.columns.source == source)
+        return res
-        return self.__get_id('source.version', s, {'suite': suite, 'source': source}, 'suite_version')
-    def get_files_id (self, filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
-        """
-        Returns -1, -2 or the file_id for filename, if its C{size} and C{md5sum} match an
-        existing copy.
+def get_files_id (self, filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
+    """
+    Returns -1, -2 or the file_id for filename, if its C{size} and C{md5sum} match an
+    existing copy.
-        The database is queried using the C{filename} and C{location_id}. If a file does exist
-        at that location, the existing size and md5sum are checked against the provided
-        parameters. A size or checksum mismatch returns -2. If more than one entry is
-        found within the database, a -1 is returned, no result returns None, otherwise
-        the file id.
+    The database is queried using the C{filename} and C{location_id}. If a file does exist
+    at that location, the existing size and md5sum are checked against the provided
+    parameters. A size or checksum mismatch returns -2. If more than one entry is
+    found within the database, a -1 is returned, no result returns None, otherwise
+    the file id.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
+    @type filename: string
+    @param filename: the filename of the file to check against the DB
-        @type filename: string
-        @param filename: the filename of the file to check against the DB
+    @type size: int
+    @param size: the size of the file to check against the DB
-        @type size: int
-        @param size: the size of the file to check against the DB
+    @type md5sum: string
+    @param md5sum: the md5sum of the file to check against the DB
-        @type md5sum: string
-        @param md5sum: the md5sum of the file to check against the DB
+    @type location_id: int
+    @param location_id: the id of the location as returned by L{get_location_id}
-        @type location_id: int
-        @param location_id: the id of the location as returned by L{get_location_id}
+    @rtype: int / None
+    @return: Various return values are possible:
+               - -2: size/checksum error
+               - -1: more than one file found in database
+               - None: no file found in database
+               - int: file id
-        @rtype: int / None
-        @return: Various return values are possible:
-                   - -2: size/checksum error
-                   - -1: more than one file found in database
-                   - None: no file found in database
-                   - int: file id
+    """
+    values = {'filename' : filename,
+              'location' : location_id}
-        """
-        values = {'filename' : filename,
-                  'location' : location_id}
+    if not res:
+        query = """SELECT id, size, md5sum
+                   FROM files
+                   WHERE filename = %(filename)s AND location = %(location)s"""
-        res = self.caches['files'].GetValue( values )
+        cursor = self.db_con.cursor()
+        cursor.execute( query, values )
-        if not res:
-            query = """SELECT id, size, md5sum
-                       FROM files
-                       WHERE filename = %(filename)s AND location = %(location)s"""
+        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
+            res = None
-            cursor = self.db_con.cursor()
-            cursor.execute( query, values )
+        elif cursor.rowcount != 1:
+            res = -1
-            if cursor.rowcount == 0:
-                res = None
+        else:
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
-            elif cursor.rowcount != 1:
-                res = -1
+            if row[1] != int(size) or row[2] != md5sum:
+                res =  -2
-                row = cursor.fetchone()
-                if row[1] != int(size) or row[2] != md5sum:
-                    res =  -2
-                else:
-                    self.caches['files'].SetValue(values, row[0])
-                    res = row[0]
-        return res
+                res = row[0]
+    return res
-    def get_or_set_contents_file_id(self, filename):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given filename.
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        If no matching file is found, a row is inserted.
+def get_or_set_contents_file_id(self, filename):
+    """
+    Returns database id for given filename.
-        @type filename: string
-        @param filename: The filename
+    If no matching file is found, a row is inserted.
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given component
-        """
-        try:
-            values={'value': filename}
-            query = "SELECT id FROM content_file_names WHERE file = %(value)s"
-            id = self.__get_single_id(query, values, cachename='content_file_names')
-            if not id:
-                c = self.db_con.cursor()
-                c.execute( "INSERT INTO content_file_names VALUES (DEFAULT, %(value)s) RETURNING id",
-                           values )
-                id = c.fetchone()[0]
-                self.caches['content_file_names'].SetValue(values, id)
-            return id
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            raise
-    def get_or_set_contents_path_id(self, path):
-        """
-        Returns database id for given path.
+    @type filename: string
+    @param filename: The filename
-        Results are kept in a cache during runtime to minimize database queries.
-        If no matching file is found, a row is inserted.
+    @rtype: int
+    @return: the database id for the given component
+    """
+    try:
+        values={'value': filename}
+        query = "SELECT id FROM content_file_names WHERE file = %(value)s"
+        if not id:
+            c = self.db_con.cursor()
+            c.execute( "INSERT INTO content_file_names VALUES (DEFAULT, %(value)s) RETURNING id",
+                       values )
+            id = c.fetchone()[0]
+        return id
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        raise
+def get_or_set_contents_path_id(self, path):
+    """
+    Returns database id for given path.
-        @type path: string
-        @param path: The filename
+    If no matching file is found, a row is inserted.
-        @rtype: int
-        @return: the database id for the given component
-        """
-        try:
-            values={'value': path}
-            query = "SELECT id FROM content_file_paths WHERE path = %(value)s"
-            id = self.__get_single_id(query, values, cachename='content_path_names')
-            if not id:
-                c = self.db_con.cursor()
-                c.execute( "INSERT INTO content_file_paths VALUES (DEFAULT, %(value)s) RETURNING id",
-                           values )
-                id = c.fetchone()[0]
-                self.caches['content_path_names'].SetValue(values, id)
-            return id
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            raise
-    def get_suite_architectures(self, suite):
-        """
-        Returns list of architectures for C{suite}.
+    @type path: string
+    @param path: The filename
-        @type suite: string, int
-        @param suite: the suite name or the suite_id
+    @rtype: int
+    @return: the database id for the given component
+    """
+    try:
+        values={'value': path}
+        query = "SELECT id FROM content_file_paths WHERE path = %(value)s"
+        if not id:
+            c = self.db_con.cursor()
+            c.execute( "INSERT INTO content_file_paths VALUES (DEFAULT, %(value)s) RETURNING id",
+                       values )
+            id = c.fetchone()[0]
+        return id
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        raise
+def get_suite_architectures(self, suite):
+    """
+    Returns list of architectures for C{suite}.
-        @rtype: list
-        @return: the list of architectures for I{suite}
-        """
+    @type suite: string, int
+    @param suite: the suite name or the suite_id
-        suite_id = None
-        if type(suite) == str:
-            suite_id = self.get_suite_id(suite)
-        elif type(suite) == int:
-            suite_id = suite
-        else:
-            return None
+    @rtype: list
+    @return: the list of architectures for I{suite}
+    """
-        c = self.db_con.cursor()
-        c.execute( """SELECT a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures sa
-                      JOIN architecture a ON (a.id = sa.architecture)
-                      WHERE suite='%s'""" % suite_id )
+    suite_id = None
+    if type(suite) == str:
+        suite_id = self.get_suite_id(suite)
+    elif type(suite) == int:
+        suite_id = suite
+    else:
+        return None
-        return map(lambda x: x[0], c.fetchall())
+    c = self.db_con.cursor()
+    c.execute( """SELECT a.arch_string FROM suite_architectures sa
+                  JOIN architecture a ON (a.id = sa.architecture)
+                  WHERE suite='%s'""" % suite_id )
-    def insert_content_paths(self, bin_id, fullpaths):
-        """
-        Make sure given path is associated with given binary id
+    return map(lambda x: x[0], c.fetchall())
-        @type bin_id: int
-        @param bin_id: the id of the binary
-        @type fullpaths: list
-        @param fullpaths: the list of paths of the file being associated with the binary
+def insert_content_paths(self, bin_id, fullpaths):
+    """
+    Make sure given path is associated with given binary id
-        @return: True upon success
-        """
+    @type bin_id: int
+    @param bin_id: the id of the binary
+    @type fullpaths: list
+    @param fullpaths: the list of paths of the file being associated with the binary
-        c = self.db_con.cursor()
+    @return: True upon success
+    """
-        c.execute("BEGIN WORK")
-        try:
+    c = self.db_con.cursor()
-            for fullpath in fullpaths:
-                (path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
+    c.execute("BEGIN WORK")
+    try:
-                if path.startswith( "./" ):
-                    path = path[2:]
-                # Get the necessary IDs ...
-                file_id = self.get_or_set_contents_file_id(file)
-                path_id = self.get_or_set_contents_path_id(path)
+        for fullpath in fullpaths:
+            (path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
-                c.execute("""INSERT INTO content_associations
-                               (binary_pkg, filepath, filename)
-                           VALUES ( '%d', '%d', '%d')""" % (bin_id, path_id, file_id) )
+            # Get the necessary IDs ...
+            file_id = self.get_or_set_contents_file_id(file)
+            path_id = self.get_or_set_contents_path_id(path)
-            c.execute("COMMIT")
-            return True
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            c.execute("ROLLBACK")
-            return False
+            c.execute("""INSERT INTO content_associations
+                           (binary_pkg, filepath, filename)
+                       VALUES ( '%d', '%d', '%d')""" % (bin_id, path_id, file_id) )
-    def insert_pending_content_paths(self, package, fullpaths):
-        """
-        Make sure given paths are temporarily associated with given
-        package
+        c.execute("COMMIT")
+        return True
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        c.execute("ROLLBACK")
+        return False
-        @type package: dict
-        @param package: the package to associate with should have been read in from the binary control file
-        @type fullpaths: list
-        @param fullpaths: the list of paths of the file being associated with the binary
+def insert_pending_content_paths(self, package, fullpaths):
+    """
+    Make sure given paths are temporarily associated with given
+    package
-        @return: True upon success
-        """
+    @type package: dict
+    @param package: the package to associate with should have been read in from the binary control file
+    @type fullpaths: list
+    @param fullpaths: the list of paths of the file being associated with the binary
-        c = self.db_con.cursor()
-        c.execute("BEGIN WORK")
-        try:
-            arch_id = self.get_architecture_id(package['Architecture'])
-            # Remove any already existing recorded files for this package
-            c.execute("""DELETE FROM pending_content_associations
-                         WHERE package=%(Package)s
-                         AND version=%(Version)s
-                         AND architecture=%(ArchID)s""", {'Package': package['Package'],
-                                                          'Version': package['Version'],
-                                                          'ArchID':  arch_id})
-            for fullpath in fullpaths:
-                (path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
-                if path.startswith( "./" ):
-                    path = path[2:]
-                # Get the necessary IDs ...
-                file_id = self.get_or_set_contents_file_id(file)
-                path_id = self.get_or_set_contents_path_id(path)
-                c.execute("""INSERT INTO pending_content_associations
-                               (package, version, architecture, filepath, filename)
-                            VALUES (%%(Package)s, %%(Version)s, '%d', '%d', '%d')"""
-                    % (arch_id, path_id, file_id), package )
-            c.execute("COMMIT")
-            return True
-        except:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            c.execute("ROLLBACK")
-            return False
+    @return: True upon success
+    """
+    c = self.db_con.cursor()
+    c.execute("BEGIN WORK")
+    try:
+        arch_id = self.get_architecture_id(package['Architecture'])
+        # Remove any already existing recorded files for this package
+        c.execute("""DELETE FROM pending_content_associations
+                     WHERE package=%(Package)s
+                     AND version=%(Version)s
+                     AND architecture=%(ArchID)s""", {'Package': package['Package'],
+                                                      'Version': package['Version'],
+                                                      'ArchID':  arch_id})
+        for fullpath in fullpaths:
+            (path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
+            if path.startswith( "./" ):
+                path = path[2:]
+            # Get the necessary IDs ...
+            file_id = self.get_or_set_contents_file_id(file)
+            path_id = self.get_or_set_contents_path_id(path)
+            c.execute("""INSERT INTO pending_content_associations
+                           (package, version, architecture, filepath, filename)
+                        VALUES (%%(Package)s, %%(Version)s, '%d', '%d', '%d')"""
+                % (arch_id, path_id, file_id), package )
+        c.execute("COMMIT")
+        return True
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        c.execute("ROLLBACK")
+        return False

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