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[dak/master] cleanup

remove 2 unused commands.

Signed-off-by: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
 dak/dak.py                     |    4 -
 dak/import_archive.py          |  607 ----------------------------------------
 dak/reject_proposed_updates.py |  229 ---------------
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 840 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 dak/import_archive.py
 delete mode 100755 dak/reject_proposed_updates.py

diff --git a/dak/dak.py b/dak/dak.py
index 6174949..9495644 100755
--- a/dak/dak.py
+++ b/dak/dak.py
@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ def init():
          "Show information useful for NEW processing"),
          "Check for users with no packages in the archive"),
-        ("import-archive",
-         "Populate SQL database based from an archive tree"),
          "Populate fingerprint/uid table based on a new/updated keyring"),
@@ -165,8 +163,6 @@ def init():
          "Generates override files"),
          "Move packages from dists/ to pool/"),
-        ("reject-proposed-updates",
-         "Manually reject from proposed-updates"),
          "New way to install a security upload into the archive"),
diff --git a/dak/import_archive.py b/dak/import_archive.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 028239b..0000000
--- a/dak/import_archive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" Populate the DB """
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006  James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-# 04:36|<aj> elmo: you're making me waste 5 seconds per architecture!!!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!
-# This code is a horrible mess for two reasons:
-#   (o) For Debian's usage, it's doing something like 160k INSERTs,
-#   even on auric, that makes the program unusable unless we get
-#   involed in sorts of silly optimization games (local dicts to avoid
-#   redundant SELECTS, using COPY FROM rather than INSERTS etc.)
-#   (o) It's very site specific, because I don't expect to use this
-#   script again in a hurry, and I don't want to spend any more time
-#   on it than absolutely necessary.
-import commands, os, pg, sys, time
-import apt_pkg
-from daklib import database
-from daklib import utils
-from daklib.dak_exceptions import *
-from daklib.regexes import re_arch_from_filename, re_taint_free, re_no_epoch, \
-                           re_extract_src_version
-Cnf = None
-projectB = None
-files_id_cache = {}
-source_cache = {}
-arch_all_cache = {}
-binary_cache = {}
-location_path_cache = {}
-files_id_serial = 0
-source_id_serial = 0
-src_associations_id_serial = 0
-dsc_files_id_serial = 0
-files_query_cache = None
-source_query_cache = None
-src_associations_query_cache = None
-dsc_files_query_cache = None
-orig_tar_gz_cache = {}
-binaries_id_serial = 0
-binaries_query_cache = None
-bin_associations_id_serial = 0
-bin_associations_query_cache = None
-source_cache_for_binaries = {}
-reject_message = ""
-def usage(exit_code=0):
-    print """Usage: dak import-archive
-Initializes a projectB database from an existing archive
-  -a, --action              actually perform the initalization
-  -h, --help                show this help and exit."""
-    sys.exit(exit_code)
-def reject (str, prefix="Rejected: "):
-    global reject_message
-    if str:
-        reject_message += prefix + str + "\n"
-def check_signature (filename):
-    if not re_taint_free.match(os.path.basename(filename)):
-        reject("!!WARNING!! tainted filename: '%s'." % (filename))
-        return None
-    status_read, status_write = os.pipe()
-    cmd = "gpgv --status-fd %s %s %s" \
-          % (status_write, utils.gpg_keyring_args(), filename)
-    (output, status, exit_status) = utils.gpgv_get_status_output(cmd, status_read, status_write)
-    # Process the status-fd output
-    keywords = {}
-    bad = internal_error = ""
-    for line in status.split('\n'):
-        line = line.strip()
-        if line == "":
-            continue
-        split = line.split()
-        if len(split) < 2:
-            internal_error += "gpgv status line is malformed (< 2 atoms) ['%s'].\n" % (line)
-            continue
-        (gnupg, keyword) = split[:2]
-        if gnupg != "[GNUPG:]":
-            internal_error += "gpgv status line is malformed (incorrect prefix '%s').\n" % (gnupg)
-            continue
-        args = split[2:]
-        if keywords.has_key(keyword) and keyword != "NODATA" and keyword != "SIGEXPIRED":
-            internal_error += "found duplicate status token ('%s').\n" % (keyword)
-            continue
-        else:
-            keywords[keyword] = args
-    # If we failed to parse the status-fd output, let's just whine and bail now
-    if internal_error:
-        reject("internal error while performing signature check on %s." % (filename))
-        reject(internal_error, "")
-        reject("Please report the above errors to the Archive maintainers by replying to this mail.", "")
-        return None
-    # Now check for obviously bad things in the processed output
-    if keywords.has_key("SIGEXPIRED"):
-        utils.warn("%s: signing key has expired." % (filename))
-    if keywords.has_key("KEYREVOKED"):
-        reject("key used to sign %s has been revoked." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    if keywords.has_key("BADSIG"):
-        reject("bad signature on %s." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    if keywords.has_key("ERRSIG") and not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-        reject("failed to check signature on %s." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    if keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-        args = keywords["NO_PUBKEY"]
-        if len(args) < 1:
-            reject("internal error while checking signature on %s." % (filename))
-            bad = 1
-        else:
-            fingerprint = args[0]
-    if keywords.has_key("BADARMOR"):
-        reject("ascii armour of signature was corrupt in %s." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    if keywords.has_key("NODATA"):
-        utils.warn("no signature found for %s." % (filename))
-        return "NOSIG"
-        #reject("no signature found in %s." % (filename))
-        #bad = 1
-    if bad:
-        return None
-    # Next check gpgv exited with a zero return code
-    if exit_status and not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-        reject("gpgv failed while checking %s." % (filename))
-        if status.strip():
-            reject(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(status, " [GPG status-fd output:] "), "")
-        else:
-            reject(utils.prefix_multi_line_string(output, " [GPG output:] "), "")
-        return None
-    # Sanity check the good stuff we expect
-    if not keywords.has_key("VALIDSIG"):
-        if not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-            reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No VALIDSIG]." % (filename))
-            bad = 1
-    else:
-        args = keywords["VALIDSIG"]
-        if len(args) < 1:
-            reject("internal error while checking signature on %s." % (filename))
-            bad = 1
-        else:
-            fingerprint = args[0]
-    if not keywords.has_key("GOODSIG") and not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-        reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No GOODSIG]." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    if not keywords.has_key("SIG_ID") and not keywords.has_key("NO_PUBKEY"):
-        reject("signature on %s does not appear to be valid [No SIG_ID]." % (filename))
-        bad = 1
-    # Finally ensure there's not something we don't recognise
-    known_keywords = utils.Dict(VALIDSIG="",SIG_ID="",GOODSIG="",BADSIG="",ERRSIG="",
-                                SIGEXPIRED="",KEYREVOKED="",NO_PUBKEY="",BADARMOR="",
-                                NODATA="")
-    for keyword in keywords.keys():
-        if not known_keywords.has_key(keyword):
-            reject("found unknown status token '%s' from gpgv with args '%r' in %s." % (keyword, keywords[keyword], filename))
-            bad = 1
-    if bad:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return fingerprint
-# Prepares a filename or directory (s) to be file.filename by stripping any part of the location (sub) from it.
-def poolify (s, sub):
-    for i in xrange(len(sub)):
-        if sub[i:] == s[0:len(sub)-i]:
-            return s[len(sub)-i:]
-    return s
-def update_archives ():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM archive")
-    for archive in Cnf.SubTree("Archive").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Archive::%s" % (archive))
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO archive (name, origin_server, description) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')"
-                       % (archive, SubSec["OriginServer"], SubSec["Description"]))
-def update_components ():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM component")
-    for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Component::%s" % (component))
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO component (name, description, meets_dfsg) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')" %
-                       (component, SubSec["Description"], SubSec["MeetsDFSG"]))
-def update_locations ():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM location")
-    for location in Cnf.SubTree("Location").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Location::%s" % (location))
-        archive_id = database.get_archive_id(SubSec["archive"])
-        type = SubSec.Find("type")
-        for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
-            component_id = database.get_component_id(component)
-            projectB.query("INSERT INTO location (path, component, archive, type) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, '%s')" %
-                           (location, component_id, archive_id, SubSec["type"]))
-def update_architectures ():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM architecture")
-    for arch in Cnf.SubTree("Architectures").List():
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO architecture (arch_string, description) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (arch, Cnf["Architectures::%s" % (arch)]))
-def update_suites ():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM suite")
-    for suite in Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Suite::%s" %(suite))
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO suite (suite_name) VALUES ('%s')" % suite.lower())
-        for i in ("Version", "Origin", "Description"):
-            if SubSec.has_key(i):
-                projectB.query("UPDATE suite SET %s = '%s' WHERE suite_name = '%s'" % (i.lower(), SubSec[i], suite.lower()))
-        for architecture in database.get_suite_architectures(suite):
-            architecture_id = database.get_architecture_id (architecture)
-            projectB.query("INSERT INTO suite_architectures (suite, architecture) VALUES (currval('suite_id_seq'), %d)" % (architecture_id))
-def update_override_type():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM override_type")
-    for type in Cnf.ValueList("OverrideType"):
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO override_type (type) VALUES ('%s')" % (type))
-def update_priority():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM priority")
-    for priority in Cnf.SubTree("Priority").List():
-        projectB.query("INSERT INTO priority (priority, level) VALUES ('%s', %s)" % (priority, Cnf["Priority::%s" % (priority)]))
-def update_section():
-    projectB.query("DELETE FROM section")
-    for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
-        if Cnf["Control-Overrides::ComponentPosition"] == "prefix":
-            suffix = ""
-            if component != 'main':
-                prefix = component + '/'
-            else:
-                prefix = ""
-        else:
-            prefix = ""
-            if component != 'main':
-                suffix = '/' + component
-            else:
-                suffix = ""
-        for section in Cnf.ValueList("Section"):
-            projectB.query("INSERT INTO section (section) VALUES ('%s%s%s')" % (prefix, section, suffix))
-def get_location_path(directory):
-    global location_path_cache
-    if location_path_cache.has_key(directory):
-        return location_path_cache[directory]
-    q = projectB.query("SELECT DISTINCT path FROM location WHERE path ~ '%s'" % (directory))
-    try:
-        path = q.getresult()[0][0]
-    except:
-        utils.fubar("[import-archive] get_location_path(): Couldn't get path for %s" % (directory))
-    location_path_cache[directory] = path
-    return path
-def get_or_set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id):
-    global files_id_cache, files_id_serial, files_query_cache
-    cache_key = "_".join((filename, size, md5sum, repr(location_id)))
-    if not files_id_cache.has_key(cache_key):
-        files_id_serial += 1
-        files_query_cache.write("%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t\\N\n" % (files_id_serial, filename, size, md5sum, location_id))
-        files_id_cache[cache_key] = files_id_serial
-    return files_id_cache[cache_key]
-def process_sources (filename, suite, component, archive):
-    global source_cache, source_query_cache, src_associations_query_cache, dsc_files_query_cache, source_id_serial, src_associations_id_serial, dsc_files_id_serial, source_cache_for_binaries, orig_tar_gz_cache, reject_message
-    suite = suite.lower()
-    suite_id = database.get_suite_id(suite)
-    try:
-        file = utils.open_file (filename)
-    except CantOpenError:
-        utils.warn("can't open '%s'" % (filename))
-        return
-    Scanner = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(file)
-    while Scanner.Step() != 0:
-        package = Scanner.Section["package"]
-        version = Scanner.Section["version"]
-        directory = Scanner.Section["directory"]
-        dsc_file = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Root"], directory, "%s_%s.dsc" % (package, re_no_epoch.sub('', version)))
-        # Sometimes the Directory path is a lie; check in the pool
-        if not os.path.exists(dsc_file):
-            if directory.split('/')[0] == "dists":
-                directory = Cnf["Dir::PoolRoot"] + utils.poolify(package, component)
-                dsc_file = os.path.join(Cnf["Dir::Root"], directory, "%s_%s.dsc" % (package, re_no_epoch.sub('', version)))
-        if not os.path.exists(dsc_file):
-            utils.fubar("%s not found." % (dsc_file))
-        install_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(dsc_file)))
-        fingerprint = check_signature(dsc_file)
-        fingerprint_id = database.get_or_set_fingerprint_id(fingerprint)
-        if reject_message:
-            utils.fubar("%s: %s" % (dsc_file, reject_message))
-        maintainer = Scanner.Section["maintainer"]
-        maintainer = maintainer.replace("'", "\\'")
-        maintainer_id = database.get_or_set_maintainer_id(maintainer)
-        location = get_location_path(directory.split('/')[0])
-        location_id = database.get_location_id (location, component, archive)
-        if not directory.endswith("/"):
-            directory += '/'
-        directory = poolify (directory, location)
-        if directory != "" and not directory.endswith("/"):
-            directory += '/'
-        no_epoch_version = re_no_epoch.sub('', version)
-        # Add all files referenced by the .dsc to the files table
-        ids = []
-        for line in Scanner.Section["files"].split('\n'):
-            id = None
-            (md5sum, size, filename) = line.strip().split()
-            # Don't duplicate .orig.tar.gz's
-            if filename.endswith(".orig.tar.gz"):
-                cache_key = "%s_%s_%s" % (filename, size, md5sum)
-                if orig_tar_gz_cache.has_key(cache_key):
-                    id = orig_tar_gz_cache[cache_key]
-                else:
-                    id = get_or_set_files_id (directory + filename, size, md5sum, location_id)
-                    orig_tar_gz_cache[cache_key] = id
-            else:
-                id = get_or_set_files_id (directory + filename, size, md5sum, location_id)
-            ids.append(id)
-            # If this is the .dsc itself; save the ID for later.
-            if filename.endswith(".dsc"):
-                files_id = id
-        filename = directory + package + '_' + no_epoch_version + '.dsc'
-        cache_key = "%s_%s" % (package, version)
-        if not source_cache.has_key(cache_key):
-            nasty_key = "%s_%s" % (package, version)
-            source_id_serial += 1
-            if not source_cache_for_binaries.has_key(nasty_key):
-                source_cache_for_binaries[nasty_key] = source_id_serial
-            tmp_source_id = source_id_serial
-            source_cache[cache_key] = source_id_serial
-            source_query_cache.write("%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n" % (source_id_serial, package, version, maintainer_id, files_id, install_date, fingerprint_id))
-            for id in ids:
-                dsc_files_id_serial += 1
-                dsc_files_query_cache.write("%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (dsc_files_id_serial, tmp_source_id,id))
-        else:
-            tmp_source_id = source_cache[cache_key]
-        src_associations_id_serial += 1
-        src_associations_query_cache.write("%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (src_associations_id_serial, suite_id, tmp_source_id))
-    file.close()
-def process_packages (filename, suite, component, archive):
-    global arch_all_cache, binary_cache, binaries_id_serial, binaries_query_cache, bin_associations_id_serial, bin_associations_query_cache, reject_message
-    count_total = 0
-    count_bad = 0
-    suite = suite.lower()
-    suite_id = database.get_suite_id(suite)
-    try:
-        file = utils.open_file (filename)
-    except CantOpenError:
-        utils.warn("can't open '%s'" % (filename))
-        return
-    Scanner = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(file)
-    while Scanner.Step() != 0:
-        package = Scanner.Section["package"]
-        version = Scanner.Section["version"]
-        maintainer = Scanner.Section["maintainer"]
-        maintainer = maintainer.replace("'", "\\'")
-        maintainer_id = database.get_or_set_maintainer_id(maintainer)
-        architecture = Scanner.Section["architecture"]
-        architecture_id = database.get_architecture_id (architecture)
-        fingerprint = "NOSIG"
-        fingerprint_id = database.get_or_set_fingerprint_id(fingerprint)
-        if not Scanner.Section.has_key("source"):
-            source = package
-        else:
-            source = Scanner.Section["source"]
-        source_version = ""
-        if source.find("(") != -1:
-            m = re_extract_src_version.match(source)
-            source = m.group(1)
-            source_version = m.group(2)
-        if not source_version:
-            source_version = version
-        filename = Scanner.Section["filename"]
-        if filename.endswith(".deb"):
-            type = "deb"
-        else:
-            type = "udeb"
-        location = get_location_path(filename.split('/')[0])
-        location_id = database.get_location_id (location, component.replace("/debian-installer", ""), archive)
-        filename = poolify (filename, location)
-        if architecture == "all":
-            filename = re_arch_from_filename.sub("binary-all", filename)
-        cache_key = "%s_%s" % (source, source_version)
-        source_id = source_cache_for_binaries.get(cache_key, None)
-        size = Scanner.Section["size"]
-        md5sum = Scanner.Section["md5sum"]
-        files_id = get_or_set_files_id (filename, size, md5sum, location_id)
-        cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%d_%d_%d_%d" % (package, version, repr(source_id), architecture_id, location_id, files_id, suite_id)
-        if not arch_all_cache.has_key(cache_key):
-            arch_all_cache[cache_key] = 1
-            cache_key = "%s_%s_%s_%d" % (package, version, repr(source_id), architecture_id)
-            if not binary_cache.has_key(cache_key):
-                if not source_id:
-                    source_id = "\N"
-                    count_bad += 1
-                else:
-                    source_id = repr(source_id)
-                binaries_id_serial += 1
-                binaries_query_cache.write("%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n" % (binaries_id_serial, package, version, maintainer_id, source_id, architecture_id, files_id, type, fingerprint_id))
-                binary_cache[cache_key] = binaries_id_serial
-                tmp_binaries_id = binaries_id_serial
-            else:
-                tmp_binaries_id = binary_cache[cache_key]
-            bin_associations_id_serial += 1
-            bin_associations_query_cache.write("%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (bin_associations_id_serial, suite_id, tmp_binaries_id))
-            count_total += 1
-    file.close()
-    if count_bad != 0:
-        print "%d binary packages processed; %d with no source match which is %.2f%%" % (count_total, count_bad, (float(count_bad)/count_total)*100)
-    else:
-        print "%d binary packages processed; 0 with no source match which is 0%%" % (count_total)
-def do_sources(sources, suite, component, server):
-    (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
-    (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("gunzip -c %s > %s" % (sources, temp_filename))
-    if (result != 0):
-        utils.fubar("Gunzip invocation failed!\n%s" % (output), result)
-    print 'Processing '+sources+'...'
-    process_sources (temp_filename, suite, component, server)
-    os.unlink(temp_filename)
-def do_da_do_da ():
-    global Cnf, projectB, query_cache, files_query_cache, source_query_cache, src_associations_query_cache, dsc_files_query_cache, bin_associations_query_cache, binaries_query_cache
-    Cnf = utils.get_conf()
-    Arguments = [('a', "action", "Import-Archive::Options::Action"),
-                 ('h', "help", "Import-Archive::Options::Help")]
-    for i in [ "action", "help" ]:
-        if not Cnf.has_key("Import-Archive::Options::%s" % (i)):
-            Cnf["Import-Archive::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
-    apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
-    Options = Cnf.SubTree("Import-Archive::Options")
-    if Options["Help"]:
-        usage()
-    if not Options["Action"]:
-        utils.warn("""no -a/--action given; not doing anything.
-Please read the documentation before running this script.
-        usage(1)
-    print "Re-Creating DB..."
-    (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("psql -f init_pool.sql template1")
-    if (result != 0):
-        utils.fubar("psql invocation failed!\n", result)
-    print output
-    projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]))
-    database.init (Cnf, projectB)
-    print "Adding static tables from conf file..."
-    projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
-    update_architectures()
-    update_components()
-    update_archives()
-    update_locations()
-    update_suites()
-    update_override_type()
-    update_priority()
-    update_section()
-    projectB.query("COMMIT WORK")
-    files_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"files","w")
-    source_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"source","w")
-    src_associations_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"src_associations","w")
-    dsc_files_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"dsc_files","w")
-    binaries_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"binaries","w")
-    bin_associations_query_cache = utils.open_file(Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"bin_associations","w")
-    projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
-    # Process Sources files to popoulate `source' and friends
-    for location in Cnf.SubTree("Location").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Location::%s" % (location))
-        server = SubSec["Archive"]
-        type = Cnf.Find("Location::%s::Type" % (location))
-        if type == "pool":
-            for suite in Cnf.ValueList("Location::%s::Suites" % (location)):
-                for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List():
-                    sources = Cnf["Dir::Root"] + "dists/" + Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/source/' + 'Sources.gz'
-                    do_sources(sources, suite, component, server)
-        else:
-            utils.fubar("Unknown location type ('%s')." % (type))
-    # Process Packages files to populate `binaries' and friends
-    for location in Cnf.SubTree("Location").List():
-        SubSec = Cnf.SubTree("Location::%s" % (location))
-        server = SubSec["Archive"]
-        type = Cnf.Find("Location::%s::Type" % (location))
-        if type == "pool":
-            for suite in Cnf.ValueList("Location::%s::Suites" % (location)):
-                udeb_components = map(lambda x: x+"/debian-installer",
-                                      Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::UdebComponents" % suite))
-                for component in Cnf.SubTree("Component").List() + udeb_components:
-                    architectures = filter(utils.real_arch, database.get_suite_architectures(suite))
-                    for architecture in architectures:
-                        packages = Cnf["Dir::Root"] + "dists/" + Cnf["Suite::%s::CodeName" % (suite)] + '/' + component + '/binary-' + architecture + '/Packages'
-                        print 'Processing '+packages+'...'
-                        process_packages (packages, suite, component, server)
-    files_query_cache.close()
-    source_query_cache.close()
-    src_associations_query_cache.close()
-    dsc_files_query_cache.close()
-    binaries_query_cache.close()
-    bin_associations_query_cache.close()
-    print "Writing data to `files' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY files FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"files"))
-    print "Writing data to `source' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY source FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"source"))
-    print "Writing data to `src_associations' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY src_associations FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"src_associations"))
-    print "Writing data to `dsc_files' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY dsc_files FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"dsc_files"))
-    print "Writing data to `binaries' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY binaries FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"binaries"))
-    print "Writing data to `bin_associations' table..."
-    projectB.query("COPY bin_associations FROM '%s'" % (Cnf["Import-Archive::ExportDir"]+"bin_associations"))
-    print "Committing..."
-    projectB.query("COMMIT WORK")
-    # Add the constraints and otherwise generally clean up the database.
-    # See add_constraints.sql for more details...
-    print "Running add_constraints.sql..."
-    (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("psql %s < add_constraints.sql" % (Cnf["DB::Name"]))
-    print output
-    if (result != 0):
-        utils.fubar("psql invocation failed!\n%s" % (output), result)
-    return
-def main():
-    utils.try_with_debug(do_da_do_da)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/dak/reject_proposed_updates.py b/dak/reject_proposed_updates.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7770f66..0000000
--- a/dak/reject_proposed_updates.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" Manually reject packages for proprosed-updates """
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006  James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-import os, pg, sys
-import apt_pkg
-from daklib import database
-from daklib import logging
-from daklib import queue
-from daklib import utils
-from daklib.regexes import re_default_answer
-# Globals
-Cnf = None
-Options = None
-projectB = None
-Upload = None
-Logger = None
-def usage(exit_code=0):
-    print """Usage: dak reject-proposed-updates .CHANGES[...]
-Manually reject the .CHANGES file(s).
-  -h, --help                show this help and exit.
-  -m, --message=MSG         use this message for the rejection.
-  -s, --no-mail             don't send any mail."""
-    sys.exit(exit_code)
-def main():
-    global Cnf, Logger, Options, projectB, Upload
-    Cnf = utils.get_conf()
-    Arguments = [('h',"help","Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options::Help"),
-                 ('m',"manual-reject","Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options::Manual-Reject", "HasArg"),
-                 ('s',"no-mail", "Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options::No-Mail")]
-    for i in [ "help", "manual-reject", "no-mail" ]:
-        if not Cnf.has_key("Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)):
-            Cnf["Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
-    arguments = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
-    Options = Cnf.SubTree("Reject-Proposed-Updates::Options")
-    if Options["Help"]:
-        usage()
-    if not arguments:
-        utils.fubar("need at least one .changes filename as an argument.")
-    projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]))
-    database.init(Cnf, projectB)
-    Upload = queue.Upload(Cnf)
-    Logger = Upload.Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "reject-proposed-updates")
-    bcc = "X-DAK: dak rejected-proposed-updates\nX-Katie: lauren $Revision: 1.4 $"
-    if Cnf.has_key("Dinstall::Bcc"):
-        Upload.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc + "\nBcc: %s" % (Cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"])
-    else:
-        Upload.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc
-    for arg in arguments:
-        arg = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(arg)
-        Upload.pkg.changes_file = arg
-        Upload.init_vars()
-        cwd = os.getcwd()
-        os.chdir(Cnf["Suite::Proposed-Updates::CopyDotDak"])
-        Upload.update_vars()
-        os.chdir(cwd)
-        Upload.update_subst()
-        print arg
-        done = 0
-        prompt = "Manual reject, [S]kip, Quit ?"
-        while not done:
-            answer = "XXX"
-            while prompt.find(answer) == -1:
-                answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt)
-                m = re_default_answer.search(prompt)
-                if answer == "":
-                    answer = m.group(1)
-                answer = answer[:1].upper()
-            if answer == 'M':
-                aborted = reject(Options["Manual-Reject"])
-                if not aborted:
-                    done = 1
-            elif answer == 'S':
-                done = 1
-            elif answer == 'Q':
-                sys.exit(0)
-    Logger.close()
-def reject (reject_message = ""):
-    files = Upload.pkg.files
-    dsc = Upload.pkg.dsc
-    changes_file = Upload.pkg.changes_file
-    # If we weren't given a manual rejection message, spawn an editor
-    # so the user can add one in...
-    if not reject_message:
-        (fd, temp_filename) = utils.temp_filename()
-        editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi")
-        answer = 'E'
-        while answer == 'E':
-            os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
-            f = os.fdopen(fd)
-            reject_message = "".join(f.readlines())
-            f.close()
-            print "Reject message:"
-            print utils.prefix_multi_line_string(reject_message,"  ", include_blank_lines=1)
-            prompt = "[R]eject, Edit, Abandon, Quit ?"
-            answer = "XXX"
-            while prompt.find(answer) == -1:
-                answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt)
-                m = re_default_answer.search(prompt)
-                if answer == "":
-                    answer = m.group(1)
-                answer = answer[:1].upper()
-        os.unlink(temp_filename)
-        if answer == 'A':
-            return 1
-        elif answer == 'Q':
-            sys.exit(0)
-    print "Rejecting.\n"
-    # Reject the .changes file
-    Upload.force_reject([changes_file])
-    # Setup the .reason file
-    reason_filename = changes_file[:-8] + ".reason"
-    reject_filename = Cnf["Dir::Queue::Reject"] + '/' + reason_filename
-    # If we fail here someone is probably trying to exploit the race
-    # so let's just raise an exception ...
-    if os.path.exists(reject_filename):
-        os.unlink(reject_filename)
-    reject_fd = os.open(reject_filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0644)
-    # Build up the rejection email
-    user_email_address = utils.whoami() + " <%s>" % (Cnf["Dinstall::MyAdminAddress"])
-    Upload.Subst["__REJECTOR_ADDRESS__"] = user_email_address
-    Upload.Subst["__MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__"] = reject_message
-    Upload.Subst["__STABLE_REJECTOR__"] = Cnf["Reject-Proposed-Updates::StableRejector"]
-    Upload.Subst["__STABLE_MAIL__"] = Cnf["Reject-Proposed-Updates::StableMail"]
-    Upload.Subst["__MORE_INFO_URL__"] = Cnf["Reject-Proposed-Updates::MoreInfoURL"]
-    Upload.Subst["__CC__"] = "Cc: " + Cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"]
-    reject_mail_message = utils.TemplateSubst(Upload.Subst,Cnf["Dir::Templates"]+"/reject-proposed-updates.rejected")
-    # Write the rejection email out as the <foo>.reason file
-    os.write(reject_fd, reject_mail_message)
-    os.close(reject_fd)
-    # Remove the packages from proposed-updates
-    suite_id = database.get_suite_id('proposed-updates')
-    projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
-    # Remove files from proposed-updates suite
-    for f in files.keys():
-        if files[f]["type"] == "dsc":
-            package = dsc["source"]
-            version = dsc["version"];  # NB: not files[f]["version"], that has no epoch
-            q = projectB.query("SELECT id FROM source WHERE source = '%s' AND version = '%s'" % (package, version))
-            ql = q.getresult()
-            if not ql:
-                utils.fubar("reject: Couldn't find %s_%s in source table." % (package, version))
-            source_id = ql[0][0]
-            projectB.query("DELETE FROM src_associations WHERE suite = '%s' AND source = '%s'" % (suite_id, source_id))
-        elif files[f]["type"] == "deb":
-            package = files[f]["package"]
-            version = files[f]["version"]
-            architecture = files[f]["architecture"]
-            q = projectB.query("SELECT b.id FROM binaries b, architecture a WHERE b.package = '%s' AND b.version = '%s' AND (a.arch_string = '%s' OR a.arch_string = 'all') AND b.architecture = a.id" % (package, version, architecture))
-            ql = q.getresult()
-            # Horrible hack to work around partial replacement of
-            # packages with newer versions (from different source
-            # packages).  This, obviously, should instead check for a
-            # newer version of the package and only do the
-            # warn&continue thing if it finds one.
-            if not ql:
-                utils.warn("reject: Couldn't find %s_%s_%s in binaries table." % (package, version, architecture))
-            else:
-                binary_id = ql[0][0]
-                projectB.query("DELETE FROM bin_associations WHERE suite = '%s' AND bin = '%s'" % (suite_id, binary_id))
-    projectB.query("COMMIT WORK")
-    # Send the rejection mail if appropriate
-    if not Options["No-Mail"]:
-        utils.send_mail(reject_mail_message)
-    # Finally remove the .dak file
-    dot_dak_file = os.path.join(Cnf["Suite::Proposed-Updates::CopyDotDak"], os.path.basename(changes_file[:-8]+".dak"))
-    os.unlink(dot_dak_file)
-    Logger.log(["rejected", changes_file])
-    return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

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