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[dak/master 4/6] add license and reindent file

 dak/generate_filelist.py |  204 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dak/generate_filelist.py b/dak/generate_filelist.py
index 9188f8a..02f5f18 100755
--- a/dak/generate_filelist.py
+++ b/dak/generate_filelist.py
@@ -1,121 +1,143 @@
+Generate file lists for apt-ftparchive.
+@contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
+@copyright: 2009  Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
+@license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 from daklib.dbconn import *
 from daklib.config import Config
 from daklib import utils
 import apt_pkg, os, sys
 def fetch(query, args, session):
-  return [path + filename for (path, filename) in \
-    session.execute(query, args).fetchall()]
+    return [path + filename for (path, filename) in \
+        session.execute(query, args).fetchall()]
 def getSources(suite, component, session):
-  query = """
-    SELECT path, filename
-      FROM srcfiles_suite_component
-      WHERE suite = :suite AND component = :component
-  """
-  args = { 'suite': suite.suite_id,
-           'component': component.component_id }
-  return fetch(query, args, session)
+    query = """
+        SELECT path, filename
+            FROM srcfiles_suite_component
+            WHERE suite = :suite AND component = :component
+    """
+    args = { 'suite': suite.suite_id,
+             'component': component.component_id }
+    return fetch(query, args, session)
 def getBinaries(suite, component, architecture, type, session):
-  query = """
-    SELECT path, filename
-      FROM binfiles_suite_component_arch
-      WHERE suite = :suite AND component = :component AND type = :type AND
-            (architecture = :architecture OR architecture = 2)
-  """
-  args = { 'suite': suite.suite_id,
-           'component': component.component_id,
-           'architecture': architecture.arch_id,
-           'type': type }
-  return fetch(query, args, session)
+    query = """
+        SELECT path, filename
+            FROM binfiles_suite_component_arch
+            WHERE suite = :suite AND component = :component AND type = :type AND
+                  (architecture = :architecture OR architecture = 2)
+    """
+    args = { 'suite': suite.suite_id,
+             'component': component.component_id,
+             'architecture': architecture.arch_id,
+             'type': type }
+    return fetch(query, args, session)
 def listPath(suite, component, architecture = None, type = None):
-  """returns full path to the list file"""
-  suffixMap = { 'deb': "binary-",
-                'udeb': "debian-installer_binary-" }
-  if architecture:
-    suffix = suffixMap[type] + architecture.arch_string
-  else:
-    suffix = "source"
-  filename = "%s_%s_%s.list" % \
-    (suite.suite_name, component.component_name, suffix)
-  pathname = os.path.join(Config()["Dir::Lists"], filename)
-  return utils.open_file(pathname, "w")
+    """returns full path to the list file"""
+    suffixMap = { 'deb': "binary-",
+                  'udeb': "debian-installer_binary-" }
+    if architecture:
+        suffix = suffixMap[type] + architecture.arch_string
+    else:
+        suffix = "source"
+    filename = "%s_%s_%s.list" % \
+        (suite.suite_name, component.component_name, suffix)
+    pathname = os.path.join(Config()["Dir::Lists"], filename)
+    return utils.open_file(pathname, "w")
 def writeSourceList(suite, component, session):
-  file = listPath(suite, component)
-  for filename in getSources(suite, component, session):
-    file.write(filename + '\n')
-  file.close()
+    file = listPath(suite, component)
+    for filename in getSources(suite, component, session):
+        file.write(filename + '\n')
+    file.close()
 def writeBinaryList(suite, component, architecture, type, session):
-  file = listPath(suite, component, architecture, type)
-  for filename in getBinaries(suite, component, architecture, type, session):
-    file.write(filename + '\n')
-  file.close()
+    file = listPath(suite, component, architecture, type)
+    for filename in getBinaries(suite, component, architecture, type, session):
+        file.write(filename + '\n')
+    file.close()
 def usage():
-  print """Usage: dak generate_filelist [OPTIONS]
+    print """Usage: dak generate_filelist [OPTIONS]
 Create filename lists for apt-ftparchive.
-  -s, --suite=SUITE          act on this suite
-  -c, --component=COMPONENT  act on this component
-  -a, --architecture=ARCH    act on this architecture
-  -h, --help                 show this help and exit
+  -s, --suite=SUITE                    act on this suite
+  -c, --component=COMPONENT    act on this component
+  -a, --architecture=ARCH        act on this architecture
+  -h, --help                                 show this help and exit
 ARCH, COMPONENT and SUITE can be comma (or space) separated list, e.g.
-  sys.exit()
+    sys.exit()
 def main():
-  cnf = Config()
-  Arguments = [('h', "help",         "Filelist::Options::Help"),
-               ('s', "suite",        "Filelist::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
-               ('c', "component",    "Filelist::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
-               ('a', "architecture", "Filelist::Options::Architecture", "HasArg")]
-  query_suites = DBConn().session().query(Suite)
-  suites = [suite.suite_name for suite in query_suites.all()]
-  if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Suite'):
-    cnf['Filelist::Options::Suite'] = ','.join(suites)
-  # we can ask the database for components if 'mixed' is gone
-  if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Component'):
-    cnf['Filelist::Options::Component'] = 'main,contrib,non-free'
-  query_architectures = DBConn().session().query(Architecture)
-  architectures = \
-    [architecture.arch_string for architecture in query_architectures.all()]
-  if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Architecture'):
-    cnf['Filelist::Options::Architecture'] = ','.join(architectures)
-  cnf['Filelist::Options::Help'] = ''
-  apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
-  Options = cnf.SubTree("Filelist::Options")
-  if Options['Help']:
-    usage()
-  session = DBConn().session()
-  suite_arch = session.query(SuiteArchitecture)
-  for suite_name in utils.split_args(Options['Suite']):
-    suite = query_suites.filter_by(suite_name = suite_name).one()
-    join = suite_arch.filter_by(suite_id = suite.suite_id)
-    for component_name in utils.split_args(Options['Component']):
-      component = session.query(Component).\
-        filter_by(component_name = component_name).one()
-      for architecture_name in utils.split_args(Options['Architecture']):
-        architecture = query_architectures.\
-          filter_by(arch_string = architecture_name).one()
-        try:
-          join.filter_by(arch_id = architecture.arch_id).one()
-          if architecture_name == 'source':
-            writeSourceList(suite, component, session)
-          elif architecture_name != 'all':
-            writeBinaryList(suite, component, architecture, 'deb', session)
-            writeBinaryList(suite, component, architecture, 'udeb', session)
-        except:
-          pass
-  # this script doesn't change the database
-  session.rollback()
+    cnf = Config()
+    Arguments = [('h', "help",         "Filelist::Options::Help"),
+                 ('s', "suite",        "Filelist::Options::Suite", "HasArg"),
+                 ('c', "component",    "Filelist::Options::Component", "HasArg"),
+                 ('a', "architecture", "Filelist::Options::Architecture", "HasArg")]
+    query_suites = DBConn().session().query(Suite)
+    suites = [suite.suite_name for suite in query_suites.all()]
+    if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Suite'):
+        cnf['Filelist::Options::Suite'] = ','.join(suites)
+    # we can ask the database for components if 'mixed' is gone
+    if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Component'):
+        cnf['Filelist::Options::Component'] = 'main,contrib,non-free'
+    query_architectures = DBConn().session().query(Architecture)
+    architectures = \
+        [architecture.arch_string for architecture in query_architectures.all()]
+    if not cnf.has_key('Filelist::Options::Architecture'):
+        cnf['Filelist::Options::Architecture'] = ','.join(architectures)
+    cnf['Filelist::Options::Help'] = ''
+    apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(cnf.Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
+    Options = cnf.SubTree("Filelist::Options")
+    if Options['Help']:
+        usage()
+    session = DBConn().session()
+    suite_arch = session.query(SuiteArchitecture)
+    for suite_name in utils.split_args(Options['Suite']):
+        suite = query_suites.filter_by(suite_name = suite_name).one()
+        join = suite_arch.filter_by(suite_id = suite.suite_id)
+        for component_name in utils.split_args(Options['Component']):
+            component = session.query(Component).\
+                filter_by(component_name = component_name).one()
+            for architecture_name in utils.split_args(Options['Architecture']):
+                architecture = query_architectures.\
+                    filter_by(arch_string = architecture_name).one()
+                try:
+                    join.filter_by(arch_id = architecture.arch_id).one()
+                    if architecture_name == 'source':
+                        writeSourceList(suite, component, session)
+                    elif architecture_name != 'all':
+                        writeBinaryList(suite, component, architecture, 'deb', session)
+                        writeBinaryList(suite, component, architecture, 'udeb', session)
+                except:
+                    pass
+    # this script doesn't change the database
+    session.rollback()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
+    main()

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