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[dak/master 2/2] bootstrap_bin working

 dak/contents.py       |   34 ++++++-
 dak/dakdb/update17.py |  264 ++-----------------------------------------------
 dak/update_db.py      |   14 ++--
 daklib/config.py      |    3 +-
 daklib/dbconn.py      |   70 +++----------
 5 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 320 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dak/contents.py b/dak/contents.py
index c435afc..834cbcc 100755
--- a/dak/contents.py
+++ b/dak/contents.py
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ COMMANDS
         generate Contents-$arch.gz files
-    bootstrap
-        scan the debs in the existing pool and load contents in the the database
+    bootstrap_bin
+        scan the debs in the existing pool and load contents into the bin_contents table
         remove files/paths which are no longer referenced by a binary
@@ -230,6 +230,34 @@ class Contents(object):
+    def bootstrap_bin(self):
+        """
+        scan the existing debs in the pool to populate the bin_contents table
+        """
+        pooldir = Config()[ 'Dir::Pool' ]
+        s = DBConn().session()
+        #        for binary in s.query(DBBinary).all() ):
+        binary = s.query(DBBinary).first()
+        if binary:
+            filename = binary.poolfile.filename
+             # Check for existing contents
+            existingq = s.execute( "select 1 from bin_contents where binary_id=:id", {'id':binary.binary_id} );
+            if existingq.fetchone():
+                log.debug( "already imported: %s" % (filename))
+            else:
+                # We don't have existing contents so import them
+                log.debug( "scanning: %s" % (filename) )
+                debfile = os.path.join(pooldir, filename)
+                if os.path.exists(debfile):
+                    Binary(debfile, self.reject).scan_package(binary.binary_id, True)
+                else:
+                    log.error("missing .deb: %s" % filename)
     def bootstrap(self):
         scan the existing debs in the pool to populate the contents database tables
@@ -320,7 +348,7 @@ def main():
     commands = {'generate' : Contents.generate,
-                'bootstrap' : Contents.bootstrap,
+                'bootstrap_bin' : Contents.bootstrap_bin,
                 'cruft' : Contents.cruft,
diff --git a/dak/dakdb/update17.py b/dak/dakdb/update17.py
index a3e134a..0d7efa9 100644
--- a/dak/dakdb/update17.py
+++ b/dak/dakdb/update17.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # coding=utf8
-Adding a trainee field to the process-new notes
+adding a bin_contents table to hold lists of files contained in .debs and .udebs
 @contact: Debian FTP Master <ftpmaster@debian.org>
 @copyright: 2009  Mike O'Connor <stew@debian.org>
@@ -34,277 +34,29 @@ from daklib.dak_exceptions import DBUpdateError
-def suites():
-    """
-    return a list of suites to operate on
-    """
-    if Config().has_key( "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")):
-        suites = utils.split_args(Config()[ "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")])
-    else:
-        suites = [ 'unstable', 'testing' ]
-#            suites = Config().SubTree("Suite").List()
-    return suites
-def arches(cursor, suite):
-    """
-    return a list of archs to operate on
-    """
-    arch_list = []
-    cursor.execute("EXECUTE arches_q(%d)" % (suite))
-    while True:
-        r = cursor.fetchone()
-        if not r:
-            break
-        if r[1] != "source" and r[1] != "all":
-            arch_list.append((r[0], r[1]))
-    return arch_list
 def do_update(self):
-    """
-    Adding contents table as first step to maybe, finally getting rid
-    of apt-ftparchive
-    """
-    print __doc__
+    print "adding a bin_contents table to hold lists of files contained in .debs and .udebs"
         c = self.db.cursor()
-        c.execute("""CREATE TABLE deb_contents (
+        c.execute("""CREATE TABLE bin_contents (
         file text,
-        section text,
-        package text,
         binary_id integer,
-        arch integer,
-        suite integer,
-        component integer)""" )
+        UNIQUE(file,binary_id))""" )
-        c.execute("""CREATE TABLE udeb_contents (
-        file text,
-        section text,
-        package text,
-        binary_id integer,
-        suite integer,
-        component integer )""" )
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_arch_fkey
-        FOREIGN KEY (arch) REFERENCES architecture(id)
-        ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_arch_fkey
-        FOREIGN KEY (arch) REFERENCES architecture(id)
-        ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_suite_fkey
-        FOREIGN KEY (suite) REFERENCES suite(id)
-        ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_suite_fkey
-        FOREIGN KEY (suite) REFERENCES suite(id)
-        ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY deb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT deb_contents_binary_fkey
+        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY bin_contents
+        ADD CONSTRAINT bin_contents_bin_fkey
         FOREIGN KEY (binary_id) REFERENCES binaries(id)
         ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""ALTER TABLE ONLY udeb_contents
-        ADD CONSTRAINT udeb_contents_binary_fkey
-        FOREIGN KEY (binary_id) REFERENCES binaries(id)
-        ON DELETE CASCADE;""")
-        c.execute("""CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_binary ON deb_contents(binary_id);""" )
-        arches_q = """PREPARE arches_q(int) as
-        SELECT s.architecture, a.arch_string
-        FROM suite_architectures s
-        JOIN architecture a ON (s.architecture=a.id)
-        WHERE suite = $1"""
-        suites = self.suites()
-        for suite in [i.lower() for i in suites]:
-            suite_id = DBConn().get_suite_id(suite)
-            arch_list = arches(c, suite_id)
-            arch_list = arches(c, suite_id)
-            for (arch_id,arch_str) in arch_list:
-                c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_%s_%s ON deb_contents (arch,suite) WHERE (arch=2 OR arch=%d) AND suite=$d"%(arch_str,suite,arch_id,suite_id) )
-            for section, sname in [("debian-installer","main"),
-                                  ("non-free/debian-installer", "nonfree")]:
-                c.execute( "CREATE INDEX ind_udeb_contents_%s_%s ON udeb_contents (section,suite) WHERE section=%s AND suite=$d"%(sname,suite,section,suite_id) )
-   Column   |  Type   | Modifiers
-   ------------+---------+-----------
-    package    | text    | not null
-     suite      | integer | not null
-      component  | integer | not null
-       priority   | integer |
-        section    | integer | not null
-         type       | integer | not null
-          maintainer | text    |
-        c.execute("""CREATE TABLE deb_contents (
-        file text,
-        section text,
-        package text,
-        binary_id integer,
-        arch integer,
-        suite integer,
-        component integer)""" )
-CREATE FUNCTION update_contents_for_override() RETURNS trigger AS $update_contents_for_override$
-    UPDATE deb_contents  SET section=NEW.section, component=NEW.component
-    WHERE deb_contents.package=OLD.package
-NEW.last_date := current_timestamp;
-NEW.last_user := current_user;
-$update_contents_for_override$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+        c.execute("""CREATE INDEX ind_bin_contents_binary ON bin_contents(binary_id);""" )
     except psycopg2.ProgrammingError, msg:
-        raise DBUpdateError, "Unable to apply process-new update 14, rollback issued. Error message : %s" % (str(msg))
-         INSERT INTO deb_contents SELECT (p.path||'/'||n.file) AS file,
-                  s.section AS section,
-                  b.package AS package,
-                  b.id AS binary_id,
-                  b.architecture AS arch,
-                  o.suite AS suited,
-                  o.component AS componentd,
-                  o.type AS otype_id
-          FROM content_associations c 
-          JOIN content_file_paths p ON (c.filepath=p.id)
-          JOIN content_file_names n ON (c.filename=n.id)
-          JOIN binaries b ON (b.id=c.binary_pkg)
-          JOIN architecture a ON (b.architecture = a.id)
-          JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package)
-          JOIN bin_associations ba on ba.suite=o.suite and ba.bin=b.id
-          JOIN section s ON (s.id=o.section)
-          where b.type='deb';
-         INSERT INTO udeb_contents SELECT (p.path||'/'||n.file) AS file,
-                  s.section AS section,
-                  b.package AS package,
-                  b.id AS binary_id,
-                  b.architecture AS arch,
-                  o.suite AS suited,
-                  o.component AS componentd,
-                  o.type AS otype_id
-          FROM content_associations c 
-          JOIN content_file_paths p ON (c.filepath=p.id)
-          JOIN content_file_names n ON (c.filename=n.id)
-          JOIN binaries b ON (b.id=c.binary_pkg)
-          JOIN architecture a ON (b.architecture = a.id)
-          JOIN override o ON (o.package=b.package)
-          JOIN section s ON (s.id=o.section)
-          where b.type='udeb'
-CREATE INDEX ind_archid ON contents(arch);
-CREATE INDEX ind_archid_amd64 ON contents(arch) WHERE arch=16;
-CREATE INDEX ind_suite ON contents(suite);
-CREATE INDEX ind_suite_unstable ON contents(suite) WHERE suite=5;
-CREATE INDEX ind_overridetype ON contents(otype);
-CREATE INDEX ind_overridetype_deb ON contents(otype) WHERE otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_packagetype ON contents(packagetype);
-CREATE INDEX ind_packagetype_deb ON contents(packagetype) WHERE packagetype='deb';
-CREATE INDEX ind_package ON contents(package);
- CREATE INDEX ind_suite_otype ON contents(suite, otype) WHERE suite=5 AND otype=7;
- CREATE INDEX ind_suite_otype_arch ON contents(suite, otype, arch) WHERE suite=5 AND otype=7 AND arch=16;
- CREATE INDEX ind_suite_otype_package ON contents(suite, otype, packagetype) WHERE suite=5 AND otype=7 AND packagetype='deb';
- CREATE INDEX ind_suite_otype_package_notdeb ON contents(suite, otype, packagetype) WHERE suite=5 AND otype=7 AND packagetype!='deb';
-                                                                                                                                                                                          """
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_binary ON deb_contents(binary_id);
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_alpha_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=3) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hurd_i386_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=4) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hppa_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=5) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_arm_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=6) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_i386_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=7) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_m68k_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=8) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mips_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=9) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mipsel_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=10) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_powerpc_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=11) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sh_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=12) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sparc_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=13) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_s390_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=14) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_ia64_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=15) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_amd64_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=16) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_armel_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=17) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_i386_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=25) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_amd64_unstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=26) AND suite=5 AND otype=7;
+        raise DBUpdateError, "Unable to apply process-new update 17, rollback issued. Error message : %s" % (str(msg))
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_alpha_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=3) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hurd_i386_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=4) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hppa_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=5) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_arm_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=6) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_i386_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=7) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_m68k_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=8) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mips_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=9) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mipsel_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=10) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_powerpc_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=11) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sh_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=12) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sparc_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=13) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_s390_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=14) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_ia64_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=15) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_amd64_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=16) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_armel_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=17) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_i386_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=25) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_amd64_stable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=26) AND suite=2 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_alpha_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=3) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hurd_i386_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=4) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hppa_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=5) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_arm_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=6) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_i386_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=7) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_m68k_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=8) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mips_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=9) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mipsel_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=10) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_powerpc_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=11) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sh_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=12) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sparc_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=13) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_s390_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=14) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_ia64_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=15) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_amd64_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=16) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_armel_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=17) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_i386_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=25) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_amd64_testing ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=26) AND suite=4 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_alpha_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=3) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hurd_i386_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=4) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_hppa_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=5) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_arm_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=6) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_i386_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=7) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_m68k_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=8) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mips_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=9) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_mipsel_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=10) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_powerpc_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=11) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sh_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=12) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_sparc_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=13) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_s390_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=14) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_ia64_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=15) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_amd64_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=16) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_armel_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=17) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_i386_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=25) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
-CREATE INDEX ind_deb_contents_arch_kfreebsd_amd64_oldstable ON deb_contents(arch) where (arch=2 or arch=26) AND suite=14 AND otype=7;
diff --git a/dak/update_db.py b/dak/update_db.py
index f35521f..7d7fe9f 100755
--- a/dak/update_db.py
+++ b/dak/update_db.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ from daklib.dak_exceptions import DBUpdateError
 Cnf = None
-required_database_schema = 15
+required_database_schema = 17
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ Updates dak's database schema to the lastest version. You should disable crontab
-        try:
-            lock_fd = os.open(Cnf["Dinstall::LockFile"], os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
-            fcntl.lockf(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-        except IOError, e:
-            if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EACCES' or errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EAGAIN':
-                utils.fubar("Couldn't obtain lock; assuming another 'dak process-unchecked' is already running.")
+#STU        try:
+#STU            lock_fd = os.open(Cnf["Dinstall::LockFile"], os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
+#STU            fcntl.lockf(lock_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+#STU        except IOError, e:
+#STU            if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EACCES' or errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EAGAIN':
+#STU                utils.fubar("Couldn't obtain lock; assuming another 'dak process-unchecked' is already running.")
diff --git a/daklib/config.py b/daklib/config.py
index 09df17b..b98a6fc 100755
--- a/daklib/config.py
+++ b/daklib/config.py
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ from singleton import Singleton
-default_config = "/etc/dak/dak.conf"
+#default_config = "/etc/dak/dak.conf"
+default_config = "/home/stew/etc/dak/dak.conf"     #: default dak config, defines host properties
 def which_conf_file(Cnf):
     res = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())
diff --git a/daklib/dbconn.py b/daklib/dbconn.py
index 9421b28..3c0bc50 100755
--- a/daklib/dbconn.py
+++ b/daklib/dbconn.py
@@ -230,6 +230,17 @@ __all__.append('BinAssociation')
+class BinContents(object):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        pass
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<BinContents (%s, %s)>' % (self.binary, self.filename)
 class DBBinary(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -435,15 +446,6 @@ __all__.append('DBConfig')
-class ContentFilename(object):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        pass
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<ContentFilename %s>' % self.filename
 def get_or_set_contents_file_id(filename, session=None):
@@ -610,28 +612,14 @@ def insert_content_paths(binary_id, fullpaths, session=None):
         # Insert paths
         pathcache = {}
         for fullpath in fullpaths:
-            # Get the necessary IDs ...
-            (path, file) = os.path.split(fullpath)
+            if fullpath.startswith( './' ):
+                fullpath = fullpath[2:]
+            session.execute( "INSERT INTO bin_contents ( file, binary_id ) VALUES ( :filename, :id )", { 'filename': fullpath, 'id': binary_id}  )
-            filepath_id = get_or_set_contents_path_id(path, session)
-            filename_id = get_or_set_contents_file_id(file, session)
-            pathcache[fullpath] = (filepath_id, filename_id)
-        for fullpath, dat in pathcache.items():
-            ca = ContentAssociation()
-            ca.binary_id = binary_id
-            ca.filepath_id = dat[0]
-            ca.filename_id = dat[1]
-            session.add(ca)
-        # Only commit if we set up the session ourself
+        session.commit()
         if privatetrans:
-            session.commit()
-        else:
-            session.flush()
         return True
@@ -2129,6 +2117,7 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
                                  binary_id = self.tbl_bin_associations.c.bin,
                                  binary = relation(DBBinary)))
         mapper(DBBinary, self.tbl_binaries,
                properties = dict(binary_id = self.tbl_binaries.c.id,
                                  package = self.tbl_binaries.c.package,
@@ -2155,24 +2144,6 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
         mapper(DBConfig, self.tbl_config,
                properties = dict(config_id = self.tbl_config.c.id))
-        mapper(ContentAssociation, self.tbl_content_associations,
-               properties = dict(ca_id = self.tbl_content_associations.c.id,
-                                 filename_id = self.tbl_content_associations.c.filename,
-                                 filename    = relation(ContentFilename),
-                                 filepath_id = self.tbl_content_associations.c.filepath,
-                                 filepath    = relation(ContentFilepath),
-                                 binary_id   = self.tbl_content_associations.c.binary_pkg,
-                                 binary      = relation(DBBinary)))
-        mapper(ContentFilename, self.tbl_content_file_names,
-               properties = dict(cafilename_id = self.tbl_content_file_names.c.id,
-                                 filename = self.tbl_content_file_names.c.file))
-        mapper(ContentFilepath, self.tbl_content_file_paths,
-               properties = dict(cafilepath_id = self.tbl_content_file_paths.c.id,
-                                 filepath = self.tbl_content_file_paths.c.path))
         mapper(DSCFile, self.tbl_dsc_files,
                properties = dict(dscfile_id = self.tbl_dsc_files.c.id,
                                  source_id = self.tbl_dsc_files.c.source,
@@ -2227,13 +2198,6 @@ class DBConn(Singleton):
                properties = dict(overridetype = self.tbl_override_type.c.type,
                                  overridetype_id = self.tbl_override_type.c.id))
-        mapper(PendingContentAssociation, self.tbl_pending_content_associations,
-               properties = dict(pca_id = self.tbl_pending_content_associations.c.id,
-                                 filepath_id = self.tbl_pending_content_associations.c.filepath,
-                                 filepath = relation(ContentFilepath),
-                                 filename_id = self.tbl_pending_content_associations.c.filename,
-                                 filename = relation(ContentFilename)))
         mapper(Priority, self.tbl_priority,
                properties = dict(priority_id = self.tbl_priority.c.id))

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