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[dak/master] convert contents.py to the new API

Signed-off-by: Mark Hymers <mhy@debian.org>
 dak/contents.py |  160 +++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dak/contents.py b/dak/contents.py
index b3929c1..bfb14a9 100755
--- a/dak/contents.py
+++ b/dak/contents.py
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ import apt_pkg
 from daklib import utils
 from daklib.binary import Binary
 from daklib.config import Config
-from daklib.dbconn import DBConn
+from daklib.dbconn import *
 def usage (exit_code=0):
@@ -87,28 +88,6 @@ log = logging.getLogger()
-# get all the arches delivered for a given suite
-# this should probably exist somehere common
-arches_q = """PREPARE arches_q(int) as
-              SELECT s.architecture, a.arch_string
-              FROM suite_architectures s
-              JOIN architecture a ON (s.architecture=a.id)
-                  WHERE suite = $1"""
-# find me the .deb for a given binary id
-debs_q = """PREPARE debs_q(int, int) as
-              SELECT b.id, f.filename FROM bin_assoc_by_arch baa
-              JOIN binaries b ON baa.bin=b.id
-              JOIN files f ON b.file=f.id
-              WHERE suite = $1
-                  AND arch = $2"""
-# ask if we already have contents associated with this binary
-olddeb_q = """PREPARE olddeb_q(int) as
-              SELECT 1 FROM content_associations
-              WHERE binary_pkg = $1
-              LIMIT 1"""
 # find me all of the contents for a given .deb
 contents_q = """PREPARE contents_q(int,int) as
                 SELECT (p.path||'/'||n.file) AS fn,
@@ -151,28 +130,6 @@ udeb_contents_q = """PREPARE udeb_contents_q(int,int,int) as
 #               GROUP BY fn
 #               ORDER BY fn;"""
-# clear out all of the temporarily stored content associations
-# this should be run only after p-a has run.  after a p-a
-# run we should have either accepted or rejected every package
-# so there should no longer be anything in the queue
-remove_pending_contents_cruft_q = """DELETE FROM pending_content_associations"""
-# delete any filenames we are storing which have no binary associated with them
-remove_filename_cruft_q = """DELETE FROM content_file_names
-                             WHERE id IN (SELECT cfn.id FROM content_file_names cfn
-                                          LEFT JOIN content_associations ca
-                                            ON ca.filename=cfn.id
-                                          WHERE ca.id IS NULL)"""
-# delete any paths we are storing which have no binary associated with them
-remove_filepath_cruft_q = """DELETE FROM content_file_paths
-                             WHERE id IN (SELECT cfn.id FROM content_file_paths cfn
-                                          LEFT JOIN content_associations ca
-                                             ON ca.filepath=cfn.id
-                                          WHERE ca.id IS NULL)"""
 class EndOfContents(object):
     A sentry object for the end of the filename stream
@@ -288,20 +245,34 @@ class Contents(object):
     def reject(self, message):
         log.error("E: %s" % message)
-    # goal column for section column
-    _goal_column = 54
     def cruft(self):
         remove files/paths from the DB which are no longer referenced
         by binaries and clean the temporary table
-        cursor = DBConn().cursor();
-        cursor.execute( "BEGIN WORK" )
-        cursor.execute( remove_pending_contents_cruft_q )
-        cursor.execute( remove_filename_cruft_q )
-        cursor.execute( remove_filepath_cruft_q )
-        cursor.execute( "COMMIT" )
+        s = DBConn().session()
+        # clear out all of the temporarily stored content associations
+        # this should be run only after p-a has run.  after a p-a
+        # run we should have either accepted or rejected every package
+        # so there should no longer be anything in the queue
+        s.query(PendingContentsAssociation).delete()
+        # delete any filenames we are storing which have no binary associated
+        # with them
+        cafq = s.query(ContentAssociation.filename_id).distinct()
+        cfq = s.query(ContentFilename)
+        cfq = cfq.filter(~ContentFilename.cafilename_id.in_(cafq))
+        cfq.delete()
+        # delete any paths we are storing which have no binary associated with
+        # them
+        capq = s.query(ContentAssociation.filepath_id).distinct()
+        cpq = s.query(ContentFilepath)
+        cpq = cpq.filter(~ContentFilepath.cafilepath_id.in_(capq))
+        cpq.delete()
+        s.commit()
     def bootstrap(self):
@@ -310,38 +281,28 @@ class Contents(object):
         pooldir = Config()[ 'Dir::Pool' ]
-        cursor = DBConn().cursor();
-        DBConn().prepare("debs_q",debs_q)
-        DBConn().prepare("olddeb_q",olddeb_q)
-        DBConn().prepare("arches_q",arches_q)
-        suites = self._suites()
-        for suite in [i.lower() for i in suites]:
-            suite_id = DBConn().get_suite_id(suite)
-            arch_list = self._arches(cursor, suite_id)
-            arch_all_id = DBConn().get_architecture_id("all")
-            for arch_id in arch_list:
-                cursor.execute( "EXECUTE debs_q(%d, %d)" % ( suite_id, arch_id[0] ) )
-                count = 0
-                while True:
-                    deb = cursor.fetchone()
-                    if not deb:
-                        break
-                    count += 1
-                    cursor1 = DBConn().cursor();
-                    cursor1.execute( "EXECUTE olddeb_q(%d)" % (deb[0] ) )
-                    old = cursor1.fetchone()
-                    if old:
-                        log.debug( "already imported: %s" % (deb[1]) )
+        s = DBConn().session()
+        for suite in s.query(Suite).all():
+            for arch in get_suite_architectures(suite.suite_name, skipsrc=True, skipall=True, session=s):
+                q = s.query(BinAssociation).join(Suite)
+                q = q.join(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite.suite_name)
+                q = q.join(DBBinary).join(Architecture).filter_by(arch.arch_string)
+                for ba in q:
+                    filename = ba.binary.poolfile.filename
+                    # Check for existing contents
+                    existingq = s.query(ContentAssociations).filter_by(binary_pkg=ba.binary_id).limit(1)
+                    if existingq.count() > 0:
+                        log.debug( "already imported: %s" % (filename))
-                        log.debug( "scanning: %s" % (deb[1]) )
-                        debfile = os.path.join( pooldir, deb[1] )
-                        if os.path.exists( debfile ):
-                            Binary(debfile, self.reject).scan_package(deb[0],True)
+                        # We don't have existing contents so import them
+                        log.debug( "scanning: %s" % (filename) )
+                        debfile = os.path.join(pooldir, filename)
+                        if os.path.exists(debfile):
+                            Binary(debfile, self.reject).scan_package(ba.binary_id, True)
-                            log.error("missing .deb: %s" % deb[1])
+                            log.error("missing .deb: %s" % filename)
     def generate(self):
@@ -349,7 +310,6 @@ class Contents(object):
         cursor = DBConn().cursor()
-        DBConn().prepare("arches_q", arches_q)
         DBConn().prepare("contents_q", contents_q)
         DBConn().prepare("udeb_contents_q", udeb_contents_q)
@@ -444,36 +404,6 @@ class Contents(object):
-    def _suites(self):
-        """
-        return a list of suites to operate on
-        """
-        if Config().has_key( "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")):
-            suites = utils.split_args(Config()[ "%s::%s" %(options_prefix,"Suite")])
-        else:
-            suites = Config().SubTree("Suite").List()
-        return suites
-    def _arches(self, cursor, suite):
-        """
-        return a list of archs to operate on
-        """
-        arch_list = []
-        cursor.execute("EXECUTE arches_q(%d)" % (suite))
-        while True:
-            r = cursor.fetchone()
-            if not r:
-                break
-            if r[1] != "source" and r[1] != "all":
-                arch_list.append((r[0], r[1]))
-        return arch_list
 def main():
     cnf = Config()

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