[dak/bpo] dinstall
commit an initial version of the new dinstall script. People: Please
The idea being that we end up with a dinstall that we can interrupt
and restart without (too much) trouble.
Signed-off-by: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
config/debian/dinstall | 743 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
config/debian/vars | 1 +
2 files changed, 744 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 config/debian/dinstall
diff --git a/config/debian/dinstall b/config/debian/dinstall
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6252098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/debian/dinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+# No way I try to deal with a crippled sh just for POSIX foo.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# exit on errors
+set -e
+# make sure to only use defined variables
+set -u
+# import the general variable set.
+export SCRIPTVARS=/srv/ftp.debian.org/dak/config/debian/vars
+# Functions #
+# Rotate logfiles
+function savelog() {
+ torotate="$1"
+ count=${2:-${LOGROTATE}}
+ while [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; do
+ prev=$(( count - 1 ))
+ if [ -e "${torotate}.${prev}" ]; then
+ mv "${torotate}.${prev}" "${torotate}.${count}"
+ fi
+ count=$prev
+ done
+ mv "${torotate}" "${torotate}.0"
+# log something (basically echo it together with a timestamp)
+# Set $PROGRAM to a string to have it added to the output.
+function log () {
+ if [ -z "${PROGRAM}" ]; then
+ echo "$(date +"%b %d %H:%M:%S") $(hostname -s) [$$] $@"
+ else
+ echo "$(date +"%b %d %H:%M:%S") $(hostname -s) ${PROGRAM}[$$]: $@"
+ fi
+# log the message using log() but then also send a mail
+# to the address configured in MAILTO (if non-empty)
+function error () {
+ log "$@"
+ if [ -z "${MAILTO}" ]; then
+ echo "$@" | mail -e -s "[$PROGRAM@$(hostname -s)] ERROR [$$]" ${MAILTO}
+ fi
+# debug log, only output when DEBUG=1
+function debug () {
+ if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then
+ log "$*"
+ fi
+# Timestamp. Used for dinstall stat graphs
+function ts() {
+ TS=$(($TS+1));
+ echo "Archive maintenance timestamp $TS ($1): $(date +%H:%M:%S)"
+# Cleanup actions
+function cleanup() {
+ savelog "$LOGFILE"
+# Setup the notice file to tell bad mirrors they used the wrong time
+function notice() {
+ rm -f "$NOTICE"
+ cat > "$NOTICE" <<EOF
+Packages are currently being installed and indices rebuilt.
+Maintenance is automatic, starting at 01|07|13|19:52 UTC,
+and ending about an hour later. This file is then removed.
+You should not mirror the archive during this period.
+# ushing merkels QA user, part one
+function merkel1() {
+ log "Telling merkels QA user that we start dinstall"
+ ssh -2 -i ~dak/.ssh/push_merkel_qa -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=90 -o ConnectTimeout=90 qa@merkel.debian.org sleep 1
+# Create the postgres dump files
+function pgdump_pre() {
+ log "Creating pre-daily-cron-job backup of projectb database..."
+ pg_dump projectb > $base/backup/dump_$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S)
+function pgdump_post() {
+ log "Creating post-daily-cron-job backup of projectb database..."
+ POSTDUMP=$base/backup/dump_$(date +%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S)
+ pg_dump projectb > $POSTDUMP
+ (cd $base/backup; ln -sf $POSTDUMP current)
+# Updating various files
+function updates() {
+ log "Updating Bugs docu, Mirror list and mailing-lists.txt"
+ cd $configdir
+ $scriptsdir/update-bugdoctxt
+ $scriptsdir/update-mirrorlists
+ $scriptsdir/update-mailingliststxt
+ $scriptsdir/update-pseudopackages.sh
+# Process (oldstable)-proposed-updates "NEW" queue
+function punew_do() {
+ cd "${queuedir}/${1}"
+ date -u -R >> REPORT
+ dak process-new -a -C COMMENTS >> REPORT || true
+ echo >> REPORT
+function punew() {
+ log "Doing automated p-u-new processing"
+ punew_do "$1"
+function opunew() {
+ log "Doing automated o-p-u-new processing"
+ punew_do "$1"
+# The first i18n one, syncing new descriptions
+function i18n1() {
+ log "Synchronizing i18n package descriptions"
+ # First sync their newest data
+ cd ${scriptdir}/i18nsync
+ rsync -aq --delete --delete-after ddtp-sync:/does/not/matter . || true
+ # Now check if we still know about the packages for which they created the files
+ # is the timestamp signed by us?
+ if $(gpgv --keyring /srv/ftp.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/pubring.gpg timestamp.gpg timestamp); then
+ # now read it. As its signed by us we are sure the content is what we expect, no need
+ # to do more here. And we only test -d a directory on it anyway.
+ TSTAMP=$(cat timestamp)
+ # do we have the dir still?
+ if [ -d ${scriptdir}/i18n/${TSTAMP} ]; then
+ # Lets check!
+ if ${scriptsdir}/ddtp-i18n-check.sh . ${scriptdir}/i18n/${TSTAMP}; then
+ # Yay, worked, lets copy around
+ for dir in squeeze sid; do
+ if [ -d dists/${dir}/ ]; then
+ cd dists/${dir}/main/i18n
+ rsync -aq --delete --delete-after . ${ftpdir}/dists/${dir}/main/i18n/.
+ fi
+ cd ${scriptdir}/i18nsync
+ done
+ else
+ echo "ARRRR, bad guys, wrong files, ARRR"
+ echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, bad guys, wrong files, arf, arf, arf" | mail -s "Don't you kids take anything. I'm watching you. I've got eye implants in the back of my head." debian-l10n-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "ARRRR, missing the timestamp ${TSTAMP} directory, not updating i18n, ARRR"
+ echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, missing the timestamp ${TSTAMP} directory, not updating i18n, arf, arf, arf" | mail -s "Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way." debian-l10n-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "ARRRRRRR, could not verify our timestamp signature, ARRR. Don't mess with our files, i18n guys, ARRRRR."
+ echo "Arf, Arf, Arf, could not verify our timestamp signature, arf. Don't mess with our files, i18n guys, arf, arf, arf" | mail -s "You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on." debian-l10n-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
+ fi
+# Process the accepted queue
+function accepted() {
+ log "Processing queue/accepted"
+ cd "$accepted"
+ rm -f REPORT
+ dak process-accepted -pa *.changes | tee REPORT | \
+ mail -s "Install for $(date +"%D - %R")" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
+ chgrp debadmin REPORT
+ chmod 664 REPORT
+function cruft() {
+ log "Checking for cruft in overrides"
+ dak check-overrides
+ log "Fixing symlinks in $ftpdir"
+ symlinks -d -r $ftpdir
+function msfl() {
+ log "Generating suite file lists for apt-ftparchive"
+ dak make-suite-file-list
+function fingerprints() {
+ log "Updating fingerprints"
+ dak import-keyring -L /srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg
+function overrides() {
+ log "Writing overrides into text files"
+ cd $overridedir
+ dak make-overrides
+ rm -f override.sid.all3
+ for i in main contrib non-free main.debian-installer; do cat override.sid.$i >> override.sid.all3; done
+function mpfm() {
+ log "Generating package / file mapping"
+ dak make-pkg-file-mapping | bzip2 -9 > $base/ftp/indices/package-file.map.bz2
+function packages() {
+ log "Generating Packages and Sources files"
+ cd $configdir
+ apt-ftparchive generate apt.conf
+function pdiff() {
+ log "Generating pdiff files"
+ dak generate-index-diffs
+function release() {
+ log "Generating Release files"
+ dak generate-releases
+function cleanup() {
+ log "Cleanup old packages/files"
+ dak clean-suites
+ dak clean-queues
+function buildd() {
+ # Needs to be rebuilt, as files have moved. Due to unaccepts, we need to
+ # update this before wanna-build is updated.
+ log "Regenerating wanna-build/buildd information"
+ psql projectb -A -t -q -c "SELECT filename FROM queue_build WHERE suite = 5 AND queue = 0 AND in_queue = true AND filename ~ 'd(sc|eb)$'" > $dbdir/dists/unstable_accepted.list
+ symlinks -d /srv/incoming.debian.org/buildd > /dev/null
+ apt-ftparchive generate apt.conf.buildd
+function scripts() {
+ log "Running various scripts from $scriptsdir"
+ cd $scriptsdir
+ ./mkmaintainers
+ ./copyoverrides
+ ./mklslar
+ ./mkfilesindices
+ ./mkchecksums
+function mirror() {
+ echo "Regenerating \"public\" mirror/ hardlink fun"
+ cd ${mirrordir}
+ rsync -aH --link-dest ${ftpdir} --delete --delete-after --ignore-errors ${ftpdir}/. .
+function wb() {
+ log "Trigger daily wanna-build run"
+ ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=90 -o ConnectTimeout=90 wbadm@buildd /org/wanna-build/trigger.daily || echo "W-B trigger.daily failed" | mail -s "W-B Daily trigger failed" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
+function expire() {
+ log "Expiring old database dumps..."
+ (cd $base/backup; $scriptsdir/expire_dumps -d . -p -f "dump_*")
+function reports() {
+ # Send a report on NEW/BYHAND packages
+ log "Nagging ftpteam about NEW/BYHAND packages"
+ dak queue-report | mail -e -s "NEW and BYHAND on $(date +%D)" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
+ # and one on crufty packages
+ log "Sending information about crufty packages"
+ dak cruft-report > $webdir/cruft-report-daily.txt
+ dak cruft-report -s experimental >> $webdir/cruft-report-daily.txt
+ cat $webdir/cruft-report-daily.txt | mail -e -s "Debian archive cruft report for $(date +%D)" ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org
+function dm() {
+ log "Updating DM html page"
+ $scriptsdir/dm-monitor >$webdir/dm-uploaders.html
+function bts() {
+ log "Categorizing uncategorized bugs filed against ftp.debian.org"
+ dak bts-categorize
+function merkel2() {
+ # Push katie@merkel so it syncs the projectb there. Returns immediately, the sync runs detached
+ log "Trigger merkels projectb sync"
+ ssh -2 -o BatchMode=yes -o SetupTimeOut=30 -o ConnectTimeout=30 -i ~/.ssh/push_merkel_projectb katie@merkel.debian.org sleep 1
+function runparts() {
+ log "Using run-parts to run scripts in $base/scripts/distmnt"
+ run-parts --report $base/scripts/distmnt
+function i18n2() {
+ log "Exporting package data foo for i18n project"
+ STAMP=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M")
+ mkdir -p ${scriptdir}/i18n/${STAMP}
+ cd ${scriptdir}/i18n/${STAMP}
+ dak control-suite -l stable > lenny
+ dak control-suite -l testing > squeeze
+ dak control-suite -l unstable > sid
+ echo "${STAMP}" > timestamp
+ gpg --secret-keyring /srv/ftp.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/secring.gpg --keyring /srv/ftp.debian.org/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/pubring.gpg --no-options --batch --no-tty --armour --default-key 6070D3A1 --detach-sign -o timestamp.gpg timestamp
+ rm -f md5sum
+ md5sum * > md5sum
+ cd ${webdir}/
+ ln -sfT ${scriptdir}/i18n/${STAMP} i18n
+ cd ${scriptdir}
+ find ./i18n -mtime +2 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name "${STAMP}" -type d -print0 | xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 rm -rf
+function stats() {
+ log "Updating stats data"
+ cd $configdir
+ $scriptsdir/update-ftpstats $base/log/* > $base/misc/ftpstats.data
+ R --slave --vanilla < $base/misc/ftpstats.R
+function aptftpcleanup() {
+ log "Clean up apt-ftparchive's databases"
+ cd $configdir
+ apt-ftparchive -q clean apt.conf
+function compress() {
+ log "Compress old psql backups"
+ (cd $base/backup/
+ find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -name 'dump_*' \! -name '*.bz2' \! -name '*.gz' -mtime +1 |
+ while read dumpname; do
+ echo "Compressing $dumpname"
+ bzip2 -9v "$dumpname"
+ done
+ )
+function logstats() {
+ $masterdir/tools/logs.py "$LOGFILE"
+# Function to save which stage we are in, so we can restart an interrupted
+# dinstall. Or even run actions in parallel, if we dare to, by simply
+# backgrounding the call to this function. But that should only really be
+# done for things we dont care much about.
+# This should be called with the first argument being an array, with the
+# members
+# - FUNC - the function name to call
+# - ARGS - Possible arguments to hand to the function. Can be the empty string
+# - TS - The timestamp name. Can be the empty string
+# - ERR - if this is the string false, then the call will be surrounded by
+# set +e ... set -e calls, so errors in the function do not exit
+# dinstall. Can be the empty string, meaning true.
+function stage() {
+ ARGS='GO[@]'
+ local "${!ARGS}"
+ if [ -f "${stagedir}/${FUNC}" ]; then
+ stamptime=$(/usr/bin/stat -c %Z "${stagedir}/${FUNC}")
+ unixtime=$(date +%s)
+ difference=$(( $unixtime - $stamptime ))
+ if [ ${difference} -ge 14400 ]; then
+ error "Did already run ${FUNC}, stagefile exists, but that was ${difference} seconds ago. Please check."
+ else
+ log "Did already run ${FUNC}, not calling again..."
+ fi
+ return
+ fi
+ debug "Now calling function ${FUNC}. Arguments: ${ARGS}. Timestamp: ${TS}"
+ if [ "${ERR}" = "false"]; then
+ set +e
+ fi
+ ${FUNC} ${ARGS}
+ # No matter what happened in the function, we make sure we have set -e default state back
+ set -e
+ touch "${stagedir}/${FUNC}"
+ if [ -n "${TIME}" ]; then
+ ts "${TIME}"
+ fi
+# We need logs.
+exec > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1
+# usually we are not using debug logs. Set to 1 if you want them.
+# our name
+# where do we want mails to go? For example log entries made with error()
+if [ "x$(hostname -s)x" != "xriesx" ]; then
+ # Not our ftpmaster host
+ MAILTO=${MAILTO:-"root"}
+ # Yay, ftpmaster
+ MAILTO=${MAILTO:-"ftpmaster@debian.org"}
+# How many logfiles to keep
+# Timestamps start at -1. so first gets 0
+ts "startup"
+# Tell everyone we are doing some work
+# lock cron.unchecked (it immediately exits when this exists)
+# Lock process-new and cron.unchecked from doing work
+# This file is simply used to indicate to britney whether or not
+# the Packages file updates completed sucessfully. It's not a lock
+# from our point of view
+lockfile -l 3600 "${LOCK_DAILY}"
+touch "${LOCK_BRITNEY}"
+ FUNC="notice"
+ TIME=""
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="merkel1"
+ TIME="init"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="pgdump_pre"
+ TIME="pg_dump1"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="updates"
+ TIME="External Updates"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="punew"
+ TIME="p-u-new"
+ ARGS="p-u-new"
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="opunew"
+ TIME="o-p-u-new"
+ ARGS="o-p-u-new"
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="i18n1"
+ TIME="i18n 1"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+lockfile "$LOCK_ACCEPTED"
+ FUNC="accepted"
+ TIME="accepted"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="cruft"
+ TIME="cruft"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+rm -f $LOCKAC
+ FUNC="msfl"
+ TIME="make-suite-file-list"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="fingerprints"
+ TIME="import-keyring"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="overrides"
+ TIME="overrides"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="mpfm"
+ TIME="pkg-file-mapping"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="packages"
+ TIME="apt-ftparchive"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="pdiff"
+ TIME="pdiff"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="release"
+ TIME="release files"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="cleanup"
+ TIME="cleanup"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="buildd"
+ TIME="buildd"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="scripts"
+ TIME="scripts"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="mirror"
+ TIME="mirror hardlinks"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="wb"
+ TIME="w-b"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+rm -f "${NOTICE}"
+rm -f "${LOCK_DAILY}"
+ts "locked part finished"
+ FUNC="pgdump_post"
+ TIME="pg_dump2"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="expire"
+ TIME="expire_dumps"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="reports"
+ TIME="reports"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="dm"
+ TIME=""
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="bts"
+ TIME=""
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="merkel2"
+ TIME="merkel projectb push"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ulimit -m 90000 -d 90000 -s 10000 -v 200000
+ FUNC="runparts"
+ TIME="run-parts"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="i18n2"
+ TIME="i18n 2"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="stats"
+ TIME="stats"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR="false"
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="aptftpcleanup"
+ TIME="apt-ftparchive cleanup"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+ FUNC="compress"
+ TIME="compress"
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+log "Daily cron scripts successful, all done"
+exec > /dev/null 2>&1
+ FUNC="logstats"
+ TIME=""
+ ARGS=""
+ ERR=""
+stage $GO
+cat "$LOGFILE" | mail -s "Log for dinstall run of ${NOW}" cron@ftp-master.debian.org
+# Now, at the very (successful) end of dinstall, make sure we remove
+# our stage files, so the next dinstall run will do it all again.
+rm -f "${stagedir}/*"
diff --git a/config/debian/vars b/config/debian/vars
index d37df0e..352a8fc 100644
--- a/config/debian/vars
+++ b/config/debian/vars
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ configdir=$base/dak/config/debian/
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