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[dak/security] md5sum check, passive mode

Only check md5sums after transfering stuff to the target if we are
configured to do this. We can't do this via ftp, as the files on
ftp.upload.debian.org aren't readable for us (vsftpd runs as a user
not allowed to read them).

Also, no need to check them - if the files are really broken then the
next queued will detect that and mail the maintainer anyways. So it
wont get broken files near the archive.

Signed-off-by: Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
 tools/debianqueued-0.9/ChangeLog    |    2 +
 tools/debianqueued-0.9/debianqueued |  118 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/debianqueued-0.9/ChangeLog b/tools/debianqueued-0.9/ChangeLog
index ff440e6..0d9da28 100644
--- a/tools/debianqueued-0.9/ChangeLog
+++ b/tools/debianqueued-0.9/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 2008-09-21  Joerg Jaspert  <joerg@debian.org>
 	* debianqueued: Use perltidy
+	(copy_to_target): Only check md5sums if we want it, using a new
+	config value for it.
 	* Queue.README: Its ftp.upload.debian.org now, not
diff --git a/tools/debianqueued-0.9/debianqueued b/tools/debianqueued-0.9/debianqueued
index 72bd603..256561a 100755
--- a/tools/debianqueued-0.9/debianqueued
+++ b/tools/debianqueued-0.9/debianqueued
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ $junk = $conf::upload_delay_2;
 $junk = $conf::ar;
 $junk = $conf::gzip;
 $junk = $conf::cp;
+$junk = $conf::check_md5sum;
 #$junk = $conf::ls;
 $junk         = $conf::chmod;
@@ -1490,70 +1491,72 @@ sub copy_to_target(@) {
   # check md5sums or sizes on target against our own
   my $have_md5sums = 1;
-  if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) {
-    ( $msgs, $stat ) = ssh_cmd("md5sum @files");
-    goto err if $stat;
-    @md5sum = split( "\n", $msgs );
-  } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) {
-    my ( $rv, $err, $file );
-    foreach $file (@files) {
-      ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "quot", "site", "md5sum", $file );
-      if ($err) {
-        next if ftp_code() == 550;    # file not found
-        if ( ftp_code() == 500 ) {    # unimplemented
-          $have_md5sums = 0;
-          goto get_sizes_instead;
-        }
-        $msgs = $err;
-        goto err;
-      } ## end if ($err)
-      chomp( my $t = ftp_response() );
-      push( @md5sum, $t );
-    } ## end foreach $file (@files)
-    if ( !$have_md5sums ) {
-    get_sizes_instead:
+  if ($conf::check_md5sum) {
+    if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) {
+      ( $msgs, $stat ) = ssh_cmd("md5sum @files");
+      goto err if $stat;
+      @md5sum = split( "\n", $msgs );
+    } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) {
+      my ( $rv, $err, $file );
       foreach $file (@files) {
-        ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "size", $file );
+        ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "quot", "site", "md5sum", $file );
         if ($err) {
           next if ftp_code() == 550;    # file not found
+          if ( ftp_code() == 500 ) {    # unimplemented
+            $have_md5sums = 0;
+            goto get_sizes_instead;
+          }
           $msgs = $err;
           goto err;
-        }
-        push( @md5sum, "$rv $file" );
+        } ## end if ($err)
+        chomp( my $t = ftp_response() );
+        push( @md5sum, $t );
       } ## end foreach $file (@files)
-    } ## end if ( !$have_md5sums )
-  } else {
-    ( $msgs, $stat ) = local_cmd("$conf::md5sum @files");
-    goto err if $stat;
-    @md5sum = split( "\n", $msgs );
-  }
+      if ( !$have_md5sums ) {
+      get_sizes_instead:
+        foreach $file (@files) {
+          ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "size", $file );
+          if ($err) {
+            next if ftp_code() == 550;    # file not found
+            $msgs = $err;
+            goto err;
+          }
+          push( @md5sum, "$rv $file" );
+        } ## end foreach $file (@files)
+      } ## end if ( !$have_md5sums )
+    } else {
+      ( $msgs, $stat ) = local_cmd("$conf::md5sum @files");
+      goto err if $stat;
+      @md5sum = split( "\n", $msgs );
+    }
-  @expected_files = @files;
-  foreach (@md5sum) {
-    chomp;
-    ( $sum, $name ) = split;
-    next if !grep { $_ eq $name } @files;    # a file we didn't upload??
-    next if $sum eq "md5sum:";               # looks like an error message
-    if (    ( $have_md5sums && $sum ne md5sum($name) )
-         || ( !$have_md5sums && $sum != ( -s $name ) ) )
-    {
-      msg(
-           "log,mail",
-           "Upload of $name to $conf::target failed ",
-           "(" . ( $have_md5sums ? "md5sum" : "size" ) . " mismatch)\n"
-         );
+    @expected_files = @files;
+    foreach (@md5sum) {
+      chomp;
+      ( $sum, $name ) = split;
+      next if !grep { $_ eq $name } @files;    # a file we didn't upload??
+      next if $sum eq "md5sum:";               # looks like an error message
+      if (    ( $have_md5sums && $sum ne md5sum($name) )
+           || ( !$have_md5sums && $sum != ( -s $name ) ) )
+      {
+        msg(
+             "log,mail",
+             "Upload of $name to $conf::target failed ",
+             "(" . ( $have_md5sums ? "md5sum" : "size" ) . " mismatch)\n"
+           );
+        goto err;
+      } ## end if ( ( $have_md5sums &&...
+      # seen that file, remove it from expect list
+      @expected_files = map { $_ eq $name ? () : $_ } @expected_files;
+    } ## end foreach (@md5sum)
+    if (@expected_files) {
+      msg( "log,mail", "Failed to upload the files\n" );
+      msg( "log,mail", "  ", join( ", ", @expected_files ), "\n" );
+      msg( "log,mail", "(Not present on target after upload)\n" );
       goto err;
-    } ## end if ( ( $have_md5sums &&...
-    # seen that file, remove it from expect list
-    @expected_files = map { $_ eq $name ? () : $_ } @expected_files;
-  } ## end foreach (@md5sum)
-  if (@expected_files) {
-    msg( "log,mail", "Failed to upload the files\n" );
-    msg( "log,mail", "  ", join( ", ", @expected_files ), "\n" );
-    msg( "log,mail", "(Not present on target after upload)\n" );
-    goto err;
-  } ## end if (@expected_files)
+    } ## end if (@expected_files)
+  } ## end if ($conf::check_md5sum)
   if ($conf::chmod_on_target) {
@@ -1890,7 +1893,8 @@ sub ftp_open() {
                          Debug   => $conf::ftpdebug,
-                         Timeout => $conf::ftptimeout
+                         Timeout => $conf::ftptimeout,
+                         Passive => 1,

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